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Hall of Horror
Hall of Horror

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Abandoned Buildings (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Sony DSC-V1
Location: Staten Island, NY
Date: Apr 12, 2005
Aperture: 8.0
Shutter: 1/2 second
Galleries: Interior, Urban
Date Uploaded: Apr 12, 2005

This is a photo of a building that used to be a Sanitarium for mentally ill people. I took a lot of photos of these buildings and this is far from my best, but It is the only one that isnt flawed I think and I guess Im just playing it safe. I hope people like the color and texture of the walls.

Place: 57 out of 500
Avg (all users): 5.8203
Avg (commenters): 7.0952
Avg (participants): 5.7592
Avg (non-participants): 5.9217
Views since voting: 1886
Views during voting: 457
Votes: 306
Comments: 31
Favorites: 3 (view)

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12/03/2007 09:05:46 PM
I was going through your abandoned building portfolio knowing that one had to be your entry already reading your comments on the "Illuminate" entry. When I got to this I thought "this would have been a good choice" I scroll down and then saw it was the one you chose. :) I think yo umade the right choice.
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09/09/2005 12:48:17 PM
The colors and textures are amazing. I really like the perspective too. Nice offset composition - good job.
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09/09/2005 09:01:59 AM
As creepy as this is, I love it. The light is wonderful and illuminates the many colors so well. Good job.
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09/09/2005 07:08:18 AM
Great image. I'd tone down the blues a stop or so, and move the pov about a foot to the right, but that's just nitpicking.
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08/26/2005 04:46:59 AM
Love the colors, the texture and the great perspective of the hallway. The blown-out highlights are a little distracting, and I wonder if a more off-center, slightly angled composition/view would be a bit more dynamic.

Don't get me wrong- I'm not saying I don't like this image - it's great! Just looking at it with an eye to it having the potential to be even more powerful than it already is.
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06/01/2005 01:10:21 AM
Very cool! how did you find this one????:)
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04/30/2005 11:12:33 PM
You have a great eye Tony. I love this image. I'm glad I finally found it. Nice colors and "feel". Well done!
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04/20/2005 01:37:46 PM
This was great. A 7 from me - only real detractor was that hot spot at the top-middle. As far as my idea of "meets the challenge" a 10++++ :)
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04/20/2005 01:26:58 AM
WOW! Did you go in this place going against any no tresspassing signs?
This is a awesome perspective and I say that you did right by entering it.. Would love to see more from this place..
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04/20/2005 01:24:35 AM
Not bad. Not bad at all.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/19/2005 03:54:59 PM
Great find...
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04/18/2005 02:49:22 PM
Great concept for drawing the eye, except that the flare at the top takes you right to it.
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04/18/2005 01:59:27 PM
too much clutter in this shot, for my taste
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04/18/2005 03:14:43 AM
Nice artistic interpretation on this challenge.
There is beauty in what society calls an eyesore.
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04/16/2005 05:12:04 PM
This seems like it was a difficult picture to get considering the lighting. Good job. Don't think I will be going there anytime soon..10 ;)
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04/16/2005 03:52:57 AM
There is quite a few hotspots in the center of the frame that I find to be very distracting. I assume its where the roof is off near the top center of the photo is the worst one of all. I also find that the photo could have been rotated about 1 or 2 degrees ccw to level out the photo properly. I think the image has some good color but lacks clarity due to image resizing. A different crop of this photo ould have made a greater impact on this photo. Good luck with this challenge.
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04/15/2005 10:03:05 PM
Unless intended, I think the white-balance could be a bit warmer. Nice textures.
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04/15/2005 03:40:39 PM
Good shot. Color seems a bit off (purple haze on the floor--with my monitor). Good perspective. The blow out at the top is distracting.
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04/15/2005 11:52:15 AM
Cool colors, cool perspective.
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04/15/2005 06:43:59 AM
a slight rotation to the left would have helped, otherwise pretty cool... watch for distracting highlights in the frame too like the sun at top.
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04/14/2005 01:10:43 PM
certainly this meets the challenge subject wise, a good find, the light from some spots looks overexposed and some detail seems to be lost but the graffiti adds alot of interest all in all a pretty cool shot
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04/14/2005 12:30:38 PM
Excellent title for a really bad scene
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04/14/2005 10:09:01 AM
I think it would look alot better in B&W
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04/14/2005 09:53:57 AM
Very nice... I love the sunlight coming in.
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04/13/2005 10:49:32 PM
wow what a find 7
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04/13/2005 08:23:44 PM
Unique shot..it's the angles, the corridor and the light...it has a luminescence and a frightening quality..good composition..8
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04/13/2005 05:58:04 PM
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04/13/2005 04:59:46 PM
This looks like the hallway of Saw... and other horror movies!! lol really good work !! 10
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04/13/2005 04:35:40 PM
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04/13/2005 05:55:38 AM
This is one of my favorites in this challenge. I love the colors, the textures, the composition, and evern the blast of light which illuminates it all. I find myself trying to read the 'writings on the wall'. <9>
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04/13/2005 01:57:28 AM
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