*Critique Club*
And we meet again. (I think it's cause I'm the only one working on this crit club list lol)
Anyway, I think this is a cute building. I'm not really sure that you captured the feeling of abandoned though. When I think abandoned, I think of peeling paint, broken windows, things falling off, older. While you can see that this isn't the most well loved house on the planet, it does look livable.
Setting that aside and on to the photo, I personally like the angle and framing/cropping that you chose. I like how the house is off to the left side and you have placed it out of the photo enough where you have also shown us some of the surroundings.
There is some interesting lighting, but careful, cause it does get too bright in a couple of places. See the 2 poles closest to the left frame of the photo? They are a little hot.
Focus seems a slight bit soft, but not too soft that it is hard to look at. I think that a crisper focus would help us to see the detail in the roof and flowers surrounding the house.
The address sign looks very new compared to the house, maybe that's what gives it kind of a 'non abandoned' look.
There is a white thing in the background that is a bit of a distraction. It doesn't seem to have a purpose in the photo since we can't really tell what it is anyway, and therefor doesn't seem to add anything to the overall visual appeal of the photo, so I don't think that it would take anything away if it were to be removed from the photo. In fact, I think that it might help draw more attention towards the house and forground since I wouldn't have to sit here and try to figure out what it is.
Overall I find this a pleasing, relaxing image to look at. ~Heather~ |