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Cops and Robbers Anyone?
Cops and Robbers Anyone?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Games (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-S70
Location: Gaithersburg, md
Date: May 13, 2002
Aperture: 1:2.0
Shutter: 1/90
Date Uploaded: May 13, 2002


Place: 81 out of 94
Avg (all users): 4.4098
Avg (commenters): 4.7143
Avg (participants): 4.1463
Avg (non-participants): 4.5854
Views since voting: 1257
Votes: 205
Comments: 36
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2002 07:18:00 AM
why did you cut off her head and shoe?
05/26/2002 12:51:00 AM
This is really good. However, I think I would not have cropped out the tip of the shoe and there may be a little too much space on the bottom.
05/25/2002 01:30:00 PM
i think i would have gone all the way here and moved the camera angle to cut more off the bottom and put her whole face in the frame!
otherwise i like it.
05/25/2002 10:22:00 AM
Cant make my mind up if cutting her head off works or not. Maybe if you would have found a black party mask, black hankercheif with holes cut in it ala Zorro you could have gotten here head in while maintaining mystery.

I just think the combo of cutting her head off and too much blue foreground throws me off a bit. But I think this is well photographed and a good idea.
05/25/2002 08:01:00 AM
I understand you probably wanted to hide your model's identity. However, headless photos of people are not the best, unless they are close-ups, where you can emphasise on specifica characteristics of the face.
Still, if your model insister that you did not post her face on the web, you could have cropped out the lower third of the photo. It adds nothing to the photo. Just emptiness.
Also, (just minor details though), the tip of her right shoe is trimmed and your reflection can be seen on that shoe. Cloned out maybe?
Lighting is very even and therefore photo lacks contrast.
05/23/2002 06:57:00 PM
Cutting off the top of her head lends an air of mystery to this shot. A different color for the background, I think, would've been more characteristic. (Say yellow or orange, maybe read instead of a cool blue?)
05/23/2002 06:48:00 PM
If you hadn't cropped off the top of the head I would have given this photo a 10. Unfortunately that spoiled. Still a very good photo and a great play on the "games" theme.
05/23/2002 04:49:00 PM
What the... ???
05/23/2002 11:23:00 AM
My mother-in-law puts the point of interest in the center of the frame also.
05/22/2002 07:12:00 PM
it's an interesting shot, but I think it would have been better in b&w or perhaps a darker back drop. I think the aqua clashes with the skin tone a bit.
05/22/2002 06:04:00 PM
Nasty! Photo 10 Creativity 9 Games 8 total 9 (I like it, but you're gonna lose)
05/22/2002 07:56:00 AM
Very sleazy. There isn't much more than cheap titillation in this photo, so as a woman it doesn't appeal to me. And those shoes are horrible.
05/22/2002 02:47:00 AM
the blue background isn't really the most pleasing, and the large amount of it at the bottom probably isn't needed. Tip of the shoe has been cropped, and her facial expression isn't enough to grab my interest. Seeing as you were going for the 'sex sells' concept, what might have worked is if you had a guy dressed as a burglar lying face down, arms behind his back ... and the girl over him about to put the cuffs on.
05/21/2002 08:01:00 PM
crsip, and creative
05/21/2002 06:21:00 PM
Clever idea for a game. Unfortunately I did not find your model, or perhaps the position she was in very attractive. For a picture that is trying to represent a more risque lifestyle and subject the lightblue sort of kills it. You should have gone with black or a deep red.
05/21/2002 05:46:00 PM
Good shot and good subject as well. Very original.
05/21/2002 04:17:00 PM
05/21/2002 10:13:00 AM
Well lit, and sexy. What more do I want? Well... it looks like privacy/anonymity issues with the model hurt the composition - much better to show us the rest of her face or, if that wasn't possible, to square crop in order to lose the empty blue space. Given her apparent reluctance and the site rules, though, all I can fault you with is chopping off the end of her shoe. Getting really picky, it would be nice if she were sitting up a little straighter, and this pose gives a less-than-wonderful calf droop on her near leg. I wanna play, anyway.
05/20/2002 06:21:00 PM
I am sure it was for the sake of art........but I prefer my pictures without the heads cut off....
05/20/2002 05:07:00 PM
This seems like a ploy for points by trying to appeal to our prurient interests. The title makes it about a game, but other than that, I don't see the connection, unless you mean some sort of mind game. In that case, you could take a picture of her brains stem and not her crotch.
05/20/2002 04:39:00 PM
A different backdrop would have fit better. Maybe a white or black. One of the shoes is cut off. It seems there was some room on the other side to crop it. I like this...it's a very hott idea.
05/20/2002 03:12:00 PM
You will probably get high marks for this from the guys, but being a woman, it does nothing for me. I would like it better if I could see her eyes
05/20/2002 01:44:00 PM
The light blue background seems at odds with your suggestive theme.
05/20/2002 01:30:00 PM
05/20/2002 01:19:00 PM
Love the pout, love the shoes, and the make up. Fun shot, fun idea!
05/20/2002 12:58:00 PM
Sorry, this is not the most flattering of poses for this girl. that blue just washes her out.
05/20/2002 12:41:00 PM
The baby blue background doesn't work well with your mischevious subject -- perhaps a bright red background would've fit better.
05/20/2002 11:26:00 AM
05/20/2002 10:36:00 AM
Without the title, "games" wouldn't exactly have come to mind when viewing the picture. Also don't like the cropped head and tip of the shoe.
05/20/2002 10:29:00 AM
uh nice crop
05/20/2002 09:29:00 AM
Looks like an interesting game!
05/20/2002 08:19:00 AM
05/20/2002 07:00:00 AM
good idea. nice photo - very sexy. her anonymity adds a lot to the picture.
05/20/2002 04:51:00 AM
Was this photo framed to intentionally slice off the subject's face? I don't particularly like the crop and I think this is a weak, but not non-existant, relationship to the 'games' theme.
05/20/2002 01:21:00 AM
05/20/2002 01:08:00 AM
hell yes

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