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Dali's Earrings
Dali's Earrings

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Jewelry Advertisement (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: bedroom
Date: Apr 24, 2005
Aperture: 32
ISO: 200
Shutter: fast
Galleries: Black and White, Macro
Date Uploaded: Apr 24, 2005

They rest on a piece of glass, which rests on velvet. Used a SB-600 and a SB-800, surrounded by a dome made of many white carboard pieces. I used a polarizer to control the reflection. Initially was going to remove them completely, but liked the effect the double reflection made.
Lens: Sigma Macro 105mm

Place: 20 out of 159
Avg (all users): 6.3822
Avg (commenters): 7.0682
Avg (participants): 6.1869
Avg (non-participants): 6.5197
Views since voting: 1634
Views during voting: 414
Votes: 259
Comments: 50
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/05/2005 10:33:57 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club...

Hi Labuda...

The composition, lighting, and exposure here are all excellent. The dark reflective surface does work nicely and it was a good choice for this image. I can't really suggest much for improvement. I do enjoy nice black and white images, but this image may have a higher level of impact in color. If these earrings are gold or silver, a dark colored (even black would work) surface behind them could raise the interest level significantly...

Excellent work...
05/02/2005 03:04:18 PM
An impressive image. Congratulations on your top 20 finish.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/01/2005 11:10:08 PM
Best use of shadows and lighting of all the entries...and border works great here.
05/01/2005 05:54:46 PM
Great work!
05/01/2005 11:27:27 AM
I like the composition, but most of all I like the reflections in the glass that add even greater depth to the shot.
05/01/2005 11:19:59 AM
I like your use of the background, the only problem is the double shadow is distracting.
05/01/2005 10:42:36 AM
Simply beautiful. Great sense for how to compose and crop. Photo gets a 9 from me. Wish you had added some "ad copy."
05/01/2005 12:35:34 AM
Reminds me more of Brancusi than Dali, but anyway, a nice clean job of lighting. The double shadows are bit bit distracting.
04/30/2005 07:50:57 PM
Interesting ans suits the challenge 7
04/30/2005 04:35:29 PM
Very artistic shot. The reflections add interest here.
04/30/2005 03:20:36 PM
Very clear and very well lit. There may be a slight problem with the varying shadows but the composition is very strong. Bumping up.
04/30/2005 01:58:46 PM
Nice and simple ... clear. Good lighting, and the shadows complement. Good job.
04/30/2005 01:23:17 PM
Interesting photo of earings from a shape perspective, but doesn't really display them in a "jewelry" sense.
04/30/2005 12:40:13 PM
My feeling is that this would work better without the shadows. Nice composition though. 6
04/30/2005 12:07:05 PM
Beautiful composition. I like the double shadow. If I had to nit pic, I'd like to see it sharper 8
04/30/2005 03:07:33 AM
This is a sweetly composed shot. In many ways it's very pleasing. I have a couple very specific nits, though.

1. The tonal range seems "off" somehow. I can't but my finger on it, but it's "dull". It may just be the mottled, flat gray BG, not sure. Certainly, there seems to be true black and true white, but overall the luminosity of the image isn't what I'd expect of the setup.

2. The way your lighting is set, the shadow lines exactly parallel the leftmost ear post, and this produces a strange effect in the lower left corner.

Still, a nice, subdued, detailed image and a strong score from me.
04/29/2005 06:42:11 PM
interesting use of shadows. nice contrast.
04/29/2005 04:05:09 PM
I love the shadow effect!
04/29/2005 02:06:29 AM
Ooooh, it looks a bit like handcuffs to me. :-) I don't know, it looks a little too dull for me.
04/29/2005 12:25:11 AM
love the layout, background would look better if it was much lighter (i think)
04/28/2005 12:43:13 PM
Great composition and lighting. Too much shadows however. I suspect you placed the earrings on a glass; that's why the double shadow. I don't know if it was intended that way, but I think it detract from the main subject.
04/28/2005 09:54:29 AM
Nice use of lighting, like the double shadow effect. Black and white was also a great choice.
04/27/2005 09:45:48 PM
I can see this as an add. Well done. I really like the way you layed out the two ear rings.
04/27/2005 05:09:58 PM
they look like futuristic handcuffs :-)... well captured though.
04/27/2005 03:23:27 PM
Simple and well done. 8
04/27/2005 02:58:20 PM
Very elagant!
04/27/2005 08:53:24 AM
love the shadows ... 10
04/26/2005 05:46:23 PM
This photo has so much potential. the shapes and shadows would allow me incredible creativity in wording my ad. A little more contrast to show the earrings color would be my suggestion. But in all, outstanding.
04/26/2005 01:57:10 PM
Photographically speaking, this is a nice shot. Advertizement wise, however, there's something unappealing about the posts and earring backs.
04/26/2005 07:05:10 AM
Shadows/reflections are brilliant, really add depth to the photo. A great advert, one of my favourites so far.
04/26/2005 05:35:39 AM
Nice texture...good close-up.
04/25/2005 09:59:11 PM
Wow, very professional! I like the double shadows, they work so well without being too distracting. I'm not sure about the borders... I think one simple white border would be sufficent. I would've liked to see some more highlights, but that's just me. The plain background helps make the whole composition very effective. Kudos on a great set-up!
04/25/2005 08:43:08 PM
Simple, ..but it really gets the job done. Bravo.
04/25/2005 07:12:41 PM
I like this shot..simple, b&w with nice positioning and shadowing of earrings..
04/25/2005 05:42:09 PM
Simple and very effective. Love the curves and the composition. I don't know yet how to react to the double shadows... I guess that's good! ;-) good job!
04/25/2005 04:03:33 PM
The high contrast B&W look works well here.
Composition & double shadows add a nice touch.
04/25/2005 01:59:03 PM
Very beautiful. lighting is very nice.
04/25/2005 01:09:48 PM
A blend of perfect ELEGANCE and COMPOSITION. There is nothing lacking in this picture. Though I feel that the colored version would have looked better (just my idea). Cant vote (not a member) but 8/10 from my side. Keep up the excellent work
04/25/2005 11:16:35 AM
Neat. At first I didn't like the double reflections but considering the maker of the earrings, I think they are an added interest. Good job.
04/25/2005 10:56:31 AM
Very elegant and classic. Simple designs but very well pulled off. I gave it a 9 and not sure if I like the hard shadows.
04/25/2005 10:49:32 AM
Nice clear and well done photo.
04/25/2005 10:14:42 AM
ooo...Very ncie
04/25/2005 02:27:34 AM
Not all shadows are bad - I would like to notice that this one stands out - double shadow precisely placed (the light sources were placed I know) to achieve the very nice total image. 8.
04/25/2005 02:22:16 AM
Beautiful composition.
04/25/2005 01:54:36 AM
think we should have added slogan/fonts...our shots look empty compared to others...7
04/25/2005 01:49:43 AM
So far, the only black & white jewelry shot I like. Nice work.
04/25/2005 01:31:37 AM
Nice image sharp and good idea but it looks a bit cold if you know what I mean
Still a good image
04/25/2005 01:19:46 AM
outstanding focus and clarity, eye catching
04/25/2005 12:59:38 AM
I like your DOF here, many of the photos have used too shallow a DOF, well done
04/25/2005 12:31:39 AM
very cool earrings. I like their shape and your arrangement and lighting of them. While the shadows are sharp edged and somewhat interesting, I still find them distracting.

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