Author | Thread |
05/02/2005 02:57:17 PM |
Congratulations on your 11th finish. A great ad-like image executed with great attention to lighting and composition. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
05/01/2005 11:48:02 PM |
Arnit, your model is truly gorgeous and it is a lovely photograph. However for this particular challenge I think that we need to see the jewelry a little bit more clearly. I also find the left eye a tiny bit disconcerting as it is split by the nose. Your technique is unquestionably excellent, it is just the interpretation that I question a little this time. |
05/01/2005 11:33:10 PM |
What can I say that hasnt been said, since Im late on voting..
Its perfect, Not my favorite, but I cant deny beauty,, 10 |
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05/01/2005 10:51:17 PM |
back to comment, already gave this a well deserved 10 for an outstanding professional job that exudes class. beautiful! |
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05/01/2005 07:06:37 PM |
The lighting on your model is too bright. Could use some softening. I'm not sure her hair pinned up in that back would pass for a glamour shot. I wonder if a tight crop from her lips to her elbows might have worked...??? |
05/01/2005 05:23:22 PM |
Excellent lighting, lovely use of model and jewelry...understated, yet elegant. |
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05/01/2005 03:17:06 PM |
Concept is ok, but I think it would work better if you focused on one piece of jewelry. There's a little too much going on here. |
04/30/2005 07:42:10 PM |
Excellent image - I'm not very fond of the shadows - I'd prefer a flash/bounce flash under her arms/body a little more than here. Great idea tho! |
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04/30/2005 01:56:47 PM |
too much model not enough focus on the jewelry, the subject of the challenge. Too bad because these look like interesting pieces |
04/30/2005 03:13:05 AM |
Beautifully lit. I'd have toned down the white of the type to something more in balance with the overall tone, and used a little less negative sapce, both type and subject seem a bit lost in all that black. Of course, if there were more copy being applied, the black sapce might integrate better... |
04/30/2005 02:55:07 AM |
good Idea but the pose seems forced 5 |
04/29/2005 11:32:05 PM |
hi, arnit. *wink*
great job matching the font used in cartier's logo. though the placement looks rather arbitrary to me. |
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04/29/2005 10:41:27 PM |
Excellent color and shadowless background. Like the simplicity. |
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04/29/2005 07:55:34 PM |
This is great, got to be a ribbon! |
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04/29/2005 05:38:35 PM |
great picture,perfectly executed.You were helped by a gorgeous model though ;-)
I really love this ,excellent job 10 |
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04/29/2005 04:00:43 PM |
Beautiful picture. Beautiful model. |
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04/29/2005 03:59:48 PM |
Great lighting and clarity on the subject(s). I might have lowered the text just a bit to allign with the top of the models head, just a thought. |
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04/29/2005 02:30:34 PM |
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04/29/2005 01:43:16 PM |
Lovely trio of jewelry on this beautiful model. The warmth of skin tones against the dark background works very well, especially since the model is in the gesture of "warming up" (or is she simple "covering up"?). Great work Arnit. All the best to you. |
04/29/2005 01:38:54 PM |
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04/29/2005 09:13:16 AM |
Nice concept, but maybe a closer crop to put the jewelry in more prominence in the shot would improve the ad. |
04/29/2005 05:13:28 AM |
very familiar model :)
great pic, expect to do very well |
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04/29/2005 03:55:28 AM |
Nice skin tones, good light and crisp iamge, the only one improvement I can suggest here is that your models hand is a little on the rigid side and looks uncomfortable. Picky I know but the photography is brilliant. This should do very well. |
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04/29/2005 03:24:33 AM |
I like the pose and the use of negative space, well done |
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04/29/2005 03:05:10 AM |
This is an elegant picture and a well thought out composition. My only suggestion for improvement on this is to relax her left hand and allow it to fall in a more natural position. 9 |
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04/29/2005 01:09:30 AM |
Arnit? A ribbon winner for sure. I love the colours in here. Classy but discreet. |
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04/28/2005 10:42:41 PM |
Very well lit and clean composition, but the pose somehow doesn't seem totally natural |
04/28/2005 05:31:35 PM |
Very much in their style so well done although I think that perhaps they would have cropped considerably tighter on the jewellery |
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04/28/2005 05:26:16 PM |
Very nice...Though there is a model, I know it's about the jewels...seems pretty obvious to me....I bet you've had comments saying otherwise.... The text enhances the image and gently guides the viewer...and thank you for using a proper font... Beautiful light, lovely skin tone, perfect color.
Part 2: Moving on up to a 10, looks like something you might see in nicer fashion magazine, simply elegant. |
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04/28/2005 02:13:53 PM |
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04/28/2005 08:26:14 AM |
I like the lighting, black background and simple text. Nice model. I also like the fact that your model only wears the jewelry, even though the jewelry are small, they attract a lot of attention. |
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04/28/2005 01:12:03 AM |
Pretty girl. Nice jewelry. Great technically. I can really imagine this in a high end magazine. It would fit perfectly in Conde Nast Traveler, for example. Congratualations on a superb image! |
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04/27/2005 09:24:49 PM |
very nice lighting. I am envious. |
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04/27/2005 05:53:24 PM |
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04/27/2005 05:13:48 PM |
closer up would have given it a more abstract feel with skin and jewelry which would have looked really cool imo. But nevertheless this is a well taken shot. |
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04/27/2005 02:07:27 PM |
A very nice visual, yet a more gentle curling of the fingers in the right hand would have increased the power of this image The other way to add more power would have been to adjust the camera angle to eliminate the top of the lid as it peeks in black over the ridge. Please, take this with a grain of salt, these are touches that are not going to take credit away from your wonderful effort. We are only talking small degrees. Bumping up. |
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04/27/2005 12:05:25 PM |
Yes, sex sells and you grabbed my attention with the well exposed lady (pun on words intentional). Very good lighting and details. The jewelry pieces look interesting but can't see enough of them to appreciate... |
04/27/2005 11:30:50 AM |
Great composition. I gave this photo a 10. |
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04/27/2005 08:56:02 AM |
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04/27/2005 12:46:43 AM |
Wow what great 1st image to vote on. Perfect lighting and skin tones and beautiful model.10 |
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04/26/2005 02:33:08 PM |
This is such a great photo and I believe that I recognize arnit's model.(whose skill I greatly admire) However, I don't get the sense that its an ad for jewelery. Maybe for skin lotion. Technically its perfect. but I don't believe it would sell the bling/bling. |
04/26/2005 01:51:24 PM |
Hmmm. I've seen this lady before. ;-) You are making the best of a very lovely lady. I like the tack sharp focus and your placement of her in your images. Also the color and lighting are perfect. You may win another ribbon with this one. |
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04/26/2005 10:54:30 AM |
I'm sorry if I'm a bit harsh, but I feel you've botched this shot by using too much jewelry and/or using too flashy jewelry!
If you had used just the ring or just the necklace this would have been quite nice photo but as it is the photo is too tacky - the bracelet, in particular, should not have been in the photo. A less pronounced color could also have helped here.
The lightning is quite nice and so is the model, of course!
I don't like the shadow falling off the necklace - quite distracting.
I also feel there is too much space above the 'Carties' text.
Nice photograph overall but I feel it could have been much better! |
04/26/2005 02:16:25 AM |
very professional clean crisp image well done 9 |
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04/25/2005 09:38:36 PM |
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04/25/2005 09:02:02 PM |
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04/25/2005 08:57:01 PM |
She looks a little different without all the tacks on her face this time. LOL
(Sorry if that isn't Audur Sigbergsdottir - sure looks like her)
Nice job on the lighting and detail! Not sure if the composition works all that well for me, but still a great image regardless. Well done! |
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04/25/2005 05:27:39 PM |
Another Arnit ribbon. Great pose, great light, great background that's not distracting. 10 |
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04/25/2005 03:53:05 PM |
Excellent lighting, but perhaps you could have cropped closer to the jewelry while maintaining her figure in the frame to accentuate the jewelry better. |
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04/25/2005 02:50:43 PM |
Are those real? Great shot, and lighting. |
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04/25/2005 01:38:20 PM |
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04/25/2005 01:26:33 PM |
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04/25/2005 12:52:41 PM |
Beautifully captured image - great lighting, great idea. Tiny little nitpick - relax the fingers on her right hand. 9 |
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04/25/2005 11:10:11 AM |
Very well controlled, beautiful lighting. Bit unsure about the balance of the presentation, but it's not like I have brilliant ideas :) Well done. |
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04/25/2005 10:09:11 AM |
Not sure I really could believe the whole naked girl selling jewerly thing. However, the photo is techincally well done. 8 |
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04/25/2005 08:38:34 AM |
model looks very familiar ;) - you got the font just right, really like the black background, very eye-catching composition, would like to see the jewelry better (closer) ... as presented one of my favorites |
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04/25/2005 07:46:53 AM |
great photo...i think i would've put a darker stone on the model to "highlight" the jewelry better( just my opinion tho)...great photo |
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04/25/2005 02:28:48 AM |
Very nice, the Jewelry needs to be more the focus in the shot. Hard to see what it looks like. |
04/25/2005 02:25:59 AM |
Cartier? I thought it was "Gawdy" ;-) Sorry - it just looks huge and overpowering on a naked woman. Not even sure what she would be wearing with that huge of jewelry. Obviously your portrait is very good though. Good luck. |
04/25/2005 02:23:22 AM |
Here's a good example of a shot with great potential that needs just a touch of tweeking to make it really work. Cropping very close to the model might help in this case; there's just too much negative space to support this beautiful pose. Also, the lettering of "cartier" is way too big and distracting. I'd also revise the color for the font and possibly go with a very light gold that would reflect her hair. Lighting could use a bit more contrast for more dramatic effect in this shot. The model's right hand could have used a slight relaxation in her fingers, just to give a more natural feel to her pose. And finally, when a model looks up like this, I always suggest that she opens slightly her lips: it always seems more relaxed and very sexy. Sorry, don't mean to down you dude. I think you did great as it is and I see you have great potential; I wish you well and good luck with improving your skills. |
04/25/2005 02:05:40 AM |
Perfect lighting and truly stunning model. Very sensually done, but so that the emphasis is, correctly, still on the jewelry. The colour in the gems has also come out well. 10 |
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04/25/2005 12:26:51 AM |
the tack model?she's lovely and your very talented..nice shot...but it doesn't make me want to purchase the 7 |
04/25/2005 12:16:00 AM |
left hand is too stiff ..would like to see her hair fixed better |