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2 pair
2 pair

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Games (Classic Editing)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart C618
Location: poker table
Date: May 16, 2002
Aperture: 1:4.0
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1/4s
Date Uploaded: May 17, 2002


Place: 16 out of 94
Avg (all users): 6.0728
Avg (commenters): 6.8276
Avg (participants): 6.0494
Avg (non-participants): 6.0880
Views since voting: 1508
Votes: 206
Comments: 30
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2002 11:11:00 PM
Nicely setup, a little more DOF could help clear up the money. I don't think there's any need for it to be out of focus.
05/26/2002 12:20:00 AM
This image really gives me a feeling of being there. B&W works for me.
05/25/2002 08:11:00 AM
Good composition. I think I might have liked to see this in color.
05/25/2002 02:25:00 AM
You had some nice colors to work with here (whiskey, cards, greenbacks). I wonder what made you decide on B/W (this from a B/W fan). Some oversharpening shows on the cards and glass, and a little more DOF to include the logo on the glass in the field of focus would have helped since it's near a hotspot.
05/24/2002 10:17:00 PM
Very clear shot. Like the reflection in the glass.
05/24/2002 02:45:00 PM
Good setup. If I was to suggest changes, I would use a plain glass and not make the picture b&w. The colors of the cards and the money would've looked good here, I think
05/24/2002 12:11:00 PM
nice DOF, good use of B&W and great depiction of "poker night!"
05/24/2002 06:47:00 AM
I think this might have been a stronger photo in color (just my opinion) Good detail and very sharp focus in the right places.
05/23/2002 06:50:00 PM
Nice use of b & w. Great clarity and dof.
05/23/2002 02:19:00 PM
VERY COOL!!! I took a photo with cards(scattered "Poker") it didn't really come out the way i wanted it too, but yous is good
05/23/2002 06:10:00 AM
A little cliche, but very well executed!
05/23/2002 05:17:00 AM
I would prefer more depth of field and contrast the cards would be better in colour I feel
05/22/2002 10:03:00 PM
Would like to know what this would have looked like in color!
05/22/2002 07:18:00 PM
clean shot
05/22/2002 06:02:00 PM
Are dueces wild? Great job! No suggestions. Photo 10 Creativity 9 Games 9 Total 9
05/21/2002 11:34:00 PM
go wings!!!!!
05/21/2002 02:26:00 PM
Ack Red Wings fan. :) Don't worry I won't hold it against you. This is a really nice photo. I like the focus on the cards and blurred out in the background.
05/21/2002 10:28:00 AM
Vey stylish! Love the depth of field on this with the cards very sharp and the dollars blurred.
05/20/2002 04:23:00 PM
This is a very nicely executed layout for this challenge... I can't make up my mind if I like the redwings logo on teh glass... mainly because I can't sort out in my mind if I want this photo to look antique or modern... For a modern look, I would like to have seen the photo in color. For the antique look, I like the black and white, or possibly a sepia tone even moreso. "Deuces Wild" would have been an exciting title for this photo too! Good job! = 9
05/20/2002 04:02:00 PM
This would have been really good pix if the depth of field included the money.
05/20/2002 03:46:00 PM
This was not here when I voted you may want to inform the moderators. I gave it a 5 sight unseen so you would get this message.
05/20/2002 02:49:00 PM
Perfectly perfect to my eye. Great job, super lens. Nice light, nice comp, DOF, focus,......love it all.
05/20/2002 01:58:00 PM
Nice clarity on the cards and dof. I like the mood created by this image.
05/20/2002 01:56:00 PM
Good use of Zone Technique.
05/20/2002 01:19:00 PM
you might not win that hand but the wings are going to win. from one wings fan to another, good job.
05/20/2002 12:10:00 PM
Too bad your not playing dueces wild. Nice shot. In my top five.
05/20/2002 11:27:00 AM
Great clarity - GREAT choice in hockey teams!! but I find my attention drawn away to the emblem on the glass. Perhaps poker chips instead of a glass? good job though!!
05/20/2002 10:37:00 AM
Good overall shot. Clean crisp cards, gritty money, and a drink.
05/20/2002 02:42:00 AM
Jacks or better? Nice hand, nice shot, depth is good, too bad the dollar is blurred.
05/20/2002 12:51:00 AM
Let's go wings! my favorite of the poker shots, very nice focus, good use of black and white. smart too, don't bet too much on that hand!

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