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Riverside Laundry
Riverside Laundry

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Minimalism (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Fujifilm A310
Location: Amazonas
Date: Apr 22, 2005
Galleries: Snapshot, Rural
Date Uploaded: Apr 26, 2005

A woman doing laundry on the riverbank beneath a massive tree.

Cropped, adjusted saturation, specifically red to help her stand out.

Place: 351 out of 492
Avg (all users): 4.7913
Avg (commenters): 5.3571
Avg (participants): 4.6333
Avg (non-participants): 4.9636
Views since voting: 1001
Views during voting: 438
Votes: 345
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/30/2005 11:09:04 PM
Doesn't quite meet the challenge in that your subject though very minimal isn't really the 'strong point of the image'...
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04/30/2005 05:16:23 AM
Normally I do not look at titles, but with the title I assume that the woman is the focus of the shot. The problem is that great beautiful tree that my eyes keep drifting to. 5
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04/29/2005 07:20:20 PM
The big tree is kind of disturbing this and making this picture not reaching the idea of minimalism. to have just the green and the brown of the water contrasting the colorful clothing of the washers would have made this much better.
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04/29/2005 05:35:12 PM
Can you just imagine washing your clothes in that dirty water? Such as things we take for granted. This photo tells a story, and that is the best kind of photo. Thanks for sharing this.....
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04/29/2005 04:00:19 PM
unfortunetly I dont feel as if the person here is the subject, I think the tree (in this image) is the subject. I'd crop everything from the bottom of the tree up, and you would still have been on topic.
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04/29/2005 02:22:07 PM
Lovely natural candid with a story to tell. Great work.
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04/29/2005 12:53:39 PM
This is a neat picture but I think that the main thing that holds my attention is the tree. I do like the use of color to make the lady stand out. The way you have this picture framed really makes that tree look gigantic!
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04/29/2005 12:41:40 AM
not minimalism
04/28/2005 03:46:59 PM
The tree is definately the strong point of the image and the only thing that leads you to the lady is the title. May struggle with score because of this. I would have zoomed in a bit, removing the tree and just concentrating on the bush and the lady. Good Luck.
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04/28/2005 01:33:04 PM
Not sure your subject (the woman?) is the strong point of the image. My eye is drawn to the tree
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04/28/2005 01:17:36 PM
it's a small subject all right, but it is not a strong point of the composition by any means. I wouldn't even notice her if not for the title
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04/28/2005 11:55:44 AM
The image is too busy and the people doing laundry are not prominant enough to draw the viewers attention to them.
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04/27/2005 07:08:45 PM
the tree want to be the main subject.
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04/27/2005 05:03:12 PM
Lose the border. I guess the intention subject is obviously the people doing laundry, which, if you hadn't told me so, I wouldn't have a clue. It's a good thing that the women is wearing a bright colour, otherwise, the tree would dominate the photo, which it is also almost doing right now, and then this wouldn't be minimalism. I don't think I like this one. I like the idea, but a flat horizon, or a single-sbject that is stronger in the frame than the one here, would suit the idea better, i think. 4
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04/27/2005 10:52:32 AM
Something about the color of the person down below does it for me. 10
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04/27/2005 08:47:17 AM
Lacks the simplicity and elegance I associate with minimalism, but nice all the same
04/27/2005 03:30:07 AM
Without the title, I would have ignored the actual subject as just a distraction to a very beautiful, non-minimalist tree. Something more needs to draw the eye to the subject.
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