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the sailboat
the sailboat

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Minimalism (Basic Editing III)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 935
Location: Strandvejen, Aarhus, Denmark
Date: Apr 24, 2005
Galleries: Sky, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Apr 26, 2005


Place: 259 out of 492
Avg (all users): 5.1397
Avg (commenters): 5.8286
Avg (participants): 4.8964
Avg (non-participants): 5.4242
Views since voting: 918
Views during voting: 484
Votes: 358
Comments: 39
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/31/2005 06:34:48 AM

thx a lot


Message edited by author 2005-05-31 06:35:45.
05/10/2005 12:15:43 AM
*Critique Club*

Wow. Seems like everyone commented on your title. If you would have titled it 'the bench' no one would have even cared about the title. lol
Who cares what you call the pic anyway, you could have titled it 'bird on a barn roof' for all I care and it would still be a good image. On that note though, if you DID mean for the boat to be the main focus, I think you failed. The bench IS the main focus here and the boat adds to it in my opinion.
Focus and clarity are really good. I like how we can see all the little branches in the trees.
Lighting is also good. I like how the trees and the bench are silhouetted. That looks really nice against the blue background.
You did a wonderful job of getting your horizon horizontal. i like the combination of the horizontal water line and the diagonal shore line.
The only thing I think I would like to have seen differently, is that I wish there were some clouds in the sky, but for a challenge like minimalism, it's probably good that there are no clouds...but outside the challenge, I think it would look nice with clouds.
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05/04/2005 02:02:15 AM
thank you for every comments

 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/03/2005 06:04:50 PM
I like how you kept your subject a minimum without eliminating all other details of the photo.
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05/03/2005 12:23:13 AM
great colors and framing
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05/02/2005 08:58:45 PM
I like the bench better
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05/02/2005 03:58:34 PM
The sail boat just does not stand out as the subject in the picture. I would have used "the bench" as the subject, it provides more interest to my eye than the sailboat does. I think the picture of the tree and bench is quite good! So I'll just rate the photo on what your strongest point of interest is because I like it better anyway and it still fits the challenge! 7
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05/02/2005 03:52:54 PM
the sailboat is not the main focus, the bench is.
nice enough photo though.
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05/02/2005 04:39:47 AM
I think that the bench is the focalpoint of this picture. The boat is incidental. I would crop the second tree on the right to open out the space.
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05/01/2005 05:27:17 PM
Nice scene. I feel that the bench is the actual focal point though.
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05/01/2005 02:21:08 PM
love the setting
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04/30/2005 10:33:35 PM
Those tree branches are great!
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04/30/2005 10:43:37 AM
IMO, for this challenge, I think this would work better with just the bench. To me, that is the strong point of the pic.
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04/30/2005 05:22:00 AM
The sailboat is definitely small, but the bench and trees pull my eye away from the subject. 5
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04/30/2005 03:53:10 AM
What is the subject? Boat or bench?
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04/29/2005 09:44:01 PM
I can't see how anything but the bench could be the subject here..the tree even brings your eye to it by framing it. A nice shot nonetheless.
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04/29/2005 05:23:32 PM
Pretty good photo, but the bench and trees seem more of the subject than the boat.
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04/29/2005 04:49:16 PM
The bench is what catches my attention in this shot. Nice picture
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04/29/2005 02:21:00 PM
If the sailboat is our main subject, I think it is overshadowd by the park benc and the tree.
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04/29/2005 12:32:23 PM
To me the bench is more the subject of this photo than the sailboat because it is the main thing that grabs my attention. I didn’t even notice the sailboat at first until I had read the title and started looking for it.
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04/29/2005 07:46:27 AM
very nice photo
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04/29/2005 01:12:51 AM
crop out the bench and tree and would be much "more" minimal , hehehe
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04/28/2005 07:29:27 PM
I'm not buying the boat as the subject. Bench, yes. Boat, no. Sorry. I do like the image, though.
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04/28/2005 07:19:05 PM
This is what I would expect from the assignment.
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04/28/2005 06:57:49 PM
waw. i love this shot very much. con for this amazing shot
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04/28/2005 01:37:44 PM
I like this. Sail boat huh...
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04/28/2005 11:52:58 AM
I don't know if I am just think of the challenge differently than others but the bench seems to be a stronger subject than the sail boat. Aside from the challenge it is a great photo!!
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04/27/2005 11:38:16 PM
shift the camer a bit left and i'd like it better (lose the one tree at least, perhaps both and the distant land mass.
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04/27/2005 10:54:31 PM
You know, many will debate the fact that you have one too many subjects in this image and while that is true they will ignore the fact that trees and bench are in the shadows. Well, I like this image because to me the boat is a dynamic subject because it is moving while everything else, except the water is still. A very good exposure and lovely colors to boot. Bumping up.
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04/27/2005 10:23:05 PM
think I would have prefered it without the chair. nice colours.
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04/27/2005 03:02:58 PM
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04/27/2005 01:12:18 PM
I like this image, but would find it more pleasing to the eye if the sailboat was a bit larger and more to the left fo the image.
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04/27/2005 12:40:12 PM
well i like the photo but the bench seems more of the subject
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04/27/2005 11:27:19 AM
Love the photo however I do not believe this meets the challenge. Is it the seat or the trees?
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04/27/2005 08:49:30 AM
Lacks the simplicity and elegance I associate with minimalism, but nice all the same
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04/27/2005 02:58:32 AM
lovely colors and tranquil feeling...gl 8
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04/27/2005 01:21:22 AM
the bench stands out to me more than the boat. still meets the challenge.
beatiful job.
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04/27/2005 12:55:53 AM
too cluttered for this category, the bench and the trees seem to draw more attention.
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04/27/2005 12:52:46 AM
Beautiful shot, especially with how you used the lighting to make the trees and bench dark and the sailboat lit. Only thing I would have tried differently is to take the shot without the bench as the bench seems to be competing with the sailboat to be the strong point in the image.
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