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Cool and Refreshing....
Cool and Refreshing....

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Minimalism (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 3200
Location: Farmington, New Mexico
Date: Apr 24, 2005
ISO: 50
Galleries: Still Life, Studio
Date Uploaded: Apr 26, 2005

I took this photo on Sunday. I got the coke bottle in Mexico last summer. I used 2 50 watt lights and a white backdrop.

I cropped the image and did a one step photo fix which lightened the image nicely. I then used the color balance and made the image a negative.

The image photographed well so no other post processing was needed.

Place: 132 out of 492
Avg (all users): 5.6308
Avg (commenters): 6.7600
Avg (participants): 5.4811
Avg (non-participants): 5.8050
Views since voting: 1193
Views during voting: 465
Votes: 344
Comments: 27
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/03/2005 09:59:07 PM
Awesome image! It's so smooth, it's almost unreal. Great lighting and composition, it's nice and simple and fits the challenge well. Minimal in color and complexity of texture, this is a winner in my mind.
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05/03/2005 06:49:42 PM
A very interesting take on this challenge, I like how the bottle has changed color and shape to play upon our expectations of what a coke bottle should look like.
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05/03/2005 09:24:13 AM
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05/02/2005 03:40:21 AM
I would have preferred this without the bizarre colors. Nice composition.
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05/01/2005 06:26:19 PM
Wow, who has a bottle like this, great flow in this picture.
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05/01/2005 04:27:12 PM
I'm not sure what is happening at the top of the bottle, but I like the image.
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05/01/2005 02:51:22 PM
ok thats just wierd... did you melt and shape the coke bottle? it looks cool.
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04/30/2005 07:37:28 PM
Did you use the Liqufy effect? If so then good work.
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04/30/2005 07:10:30 PM
this is very intriguing, almos tlooks like a negative of the coke bottle, though im not sure whats going on with the bottle neck. Cool lighting, I think it works well here. 7
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04/30/2005 03:39:03 PM
Interesting effect. I'll be interested in hearing all about it.
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04/30/2005 08:58:48 AM
Well positioned and tonal effect
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04/30/2005 02:55:44 AM
Is it made of ice? Very nice!
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04/30/2005 12:52:23 AM
Idon't know why i like this. its not the nuetral gray dead space with the banding in the gradient caused by the drop off from the light or the tricked out coke bottle.. it must be bothe and all together a good presentation.
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04/29/2005 11:01:56 PM
Don't know WHERE you found this bottle, but I love it! What a great subject! Good gradient in the background and I think you chose a background color that really compliments the subject. The lighting seems a little extreme on the label of the bottle, but other than that, great!
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04/29/2005 10:26:24 AM
nice pix, interesting color,interesting use of theme, love the gradience in the bg, b&w's good
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04/29/2005 06:17:45 AM
Coke and a smile....love this. Top ten!
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04/29/2005 12:55:02 AM
I'm struggling to see how this falls into basic editing? unless you're photographing an already manipulated image of a coke bottle? Or of course I could just be missing the point completely :)
04/28/2005 11:59:50 PM
great work
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04/28/2005 09:49:24 PM
Cool looking bottle. Must be hard to drink from.
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04/28/2005 08:42:57 PM
interesting photo
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04/28/2005 04:39:50 PM
Interesting image. Not sure what the significance of the negative space is though.
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04/27/2005 12:50:35 PM
Composition is good, but IMHO it would have been even better if you would have left a little bit more space to the left of the bottle so that all of the side of the bottle is in the frame. Also I don´t really care for inverted shots, it hurts your image more than helps it at least for me personally.
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04/27/2005 11:20:31 AM
How was this done...did you actually manipulate a bottle? Very interesting.
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04/27/2005 08:40:40 AM
Woah - how you done that then ?
I like it
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04/27/2005 06:54:24 AM
Very arty stuff. Interesting done.
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04/27/2005 01:00:00 AM
Inverted and solarized? Wonderful technique to camoflauge the bottle and achieve this fluid effect. Nice, sharp image with lots of detail and processing which didn't introduce any distracting artifacts. Very abstract...I like abstract.

There's a lot of negative space, but I feel it doesn't quite come across as minimalistic (you could merely crop the right two-thirds of the frame and still have basically the same photo). I'm sure a lot of creativity and thought went into this photo and I won't deduct on this basis. Overall a solid 7.
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