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morning sickness @ 7 weeks
morning sickness @ 7 weeks

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Moods (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Home
Date: Apr 29, 2005
Aperture: f/8.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/250 sec
Galleries: Abstract, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Apr 29, 2005

This is a stylized version of a B&W I originally intended to submit. Doubt it will do well with the DPC crowd, but I like it.

- RAW conversion to JPG
- Resize and Crop
- Burn out left side
- Clone out some sharp shadows across cheeks and behind ear
- Heal a few spots
- Burn hair a bit
- Channel mixer (-33/66/66)
- Hue/Saturation->Colorize
- Photo Filter->Warming
- Filter->Solarize
- Levels
- Hue->Master hue -180
- Hue->Yellow channel hue -100, saturation -50
- Invert
- Photo Filter->Warming
- Lens blur/fade blur x 3 for soft focus look
- Equalize/fade equalize 20%
- Border
- Save for web

Place: 126 out of 183
Avg (all users): 5.1899
Avg (commenters): 6.1200
Avg (participants): 5.0805
Avg (non-participants): 5.2533
Views since voting: 1206
Views during voting: 463
Votes: 237
Comments: 27
Favorites: 3 (view)

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05/09/2005 02:21:14 AM
Thanks Shawn! I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes ok.
05/09/2005 12:18:57 AM
Congratulations Eugene!!!! Wishing you luck for the next 33 weeks and beyond!!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/08/2005 11:11:24 PM
The negative approach is ok but I bet it is alot better picture as the origanal. I would like to see it. Good luck.
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05/08/2005 02:47:29 PM
The wife says "this photo says it all about morning sickness!" I think she's right, good photo with the effect added.
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05/06/2005 12:46:10 PM
great infrared capture.. must be a sony camera :) 7
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05/06/2005 11:50:06 AM
very strange treatment, I like it. unfortunately for the whole "meeting the challenge thing," i find that any emotive/emotional content in this is drowned out by the post-processing.
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05/05/2005 11:07:46 PM
Wow, very cool effect and it has great impact to your mood
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05/05/2005 03:38:47 PM
well i can't say i like the inverted effect. It seems like it is a nice image otherwise. I would like to see the original
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05/05/2005 11:49:08 AM
Great rendition of an event. It is very clean and the detail is sharp. 10.
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05/05/2005 02:29:21 AM
Even though I'm a man, I wretching and the nausea you have portrayed by inverting this shot. Brave editing but you should be rewarded. Good luck!
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05/04/2005 08:59:11 PM
I don't know if morning sickness is actually a mood, but the inversion certainly helps convey the feeling. I'm not sure if the color version would indicate the feeling in the better.
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05/04/2005 06:05:07 PM
Oh man. . . . you did a GREAT job of depiciting that awful feeling!! I almost felt it again just looking at this -- and it's been a hundred years since I felt it. :) Good job.
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05/04/2005 10:31:40 AM
Just looks gimmicky and unnecessary here, as if somebody has just discovered Photoshop.
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05/04/2005 06:20:50 AM
I don't like the title, and I usually don't like gaudy special effects, but for some reason I find this quite appealing... great pose.7
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05/04/2005 05:28:50 AM
I didn't catch this one, sorry.
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05/03/2005 05:23:43 PM
I normally don't like negative images and I don't like the title, but this photo is exceptionally engaging. You can literally see the emotion & feeling of the model and I commend you on choosing a negative image for this (as I imagine the positive image is much less exceptional). You've used the tools available & lighting to make a stunningly beautiful statement. Very nice work. (10) (Only the 4th time I've ever given a 10.)
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05/03/2005 01:32:43 PM
It's nice to see someone with the guts to use an effect like this. I like it & think it suits the photo & challenge well.
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05/03/2005 10:18:08 AM
Quite evokative. Interesting processing - works well with this mood.
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05/03/2005 04:39:54 AM
Maybe this could have been a great image, but I can't say because of these effects which are not for my taste. Sorry!
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05/02/2005 12:18:20 PM
It seems like a great photo, but I really don't like the inversion ....
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05/02/2005 05:01:29 AM
Very powerful image, you have done an awesome job of this
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05/02/2005 03:03:05 AM
Not sure if this is a legal effect, but i think this was a very good use of this effect...
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05/02/2005 02:23:29 AM
creative one of a few 10
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05/02/2005 02:06:21 AM
Interesting shot
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05/02/2005 12:37:54 AM
This is great and the inverse is even better.
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05/02/2005 12:37:52 AM
very interesting...don't know if I like it seems a bit much
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05/02/2005 12:11:06 AM
Looks like it would have been a nice image in positive. Dosen't really provoke a "mood" imho.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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