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Double Word Score
Double Word Score

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Games (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon Digital IXUS v2
Location: Home
Date: May 18, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter: 1/20
Date Uploaded: May 18, 2002


Place: 40 out of 94
Avg (all users): 5.5073
Avg (commenters): 6.4737
Avg (participants): 5.3735
Avg (non-participants): 5.5984
Views since voting: 1159
Votes: 205
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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05/27/2002 08:20:00 AM
40th? The Gods must be crazy. Your shot deserved <10.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2002 12:19:00 AM
I agree with whoever said, in the forums, that the triple word in the forum contradicting the title, throws me off.
05/25/2002 08:08:00 AM
i would have liked more DOF
05/24/2002 01:17:00 PM
Nice angle, framing, DOF. Great work.
05/24/2002 12:46:00 PM
Cool idea! This photo has great potential! I already love the angle, but to me, the red triple word score stands out the most. I might have pulled the
lighting towards the front to accentuate the red square, then focused on it and let the rest fade into the shadow. Um, I guess this really isn't
helpful criticism, since it is just my opinion! Still, high marks for you!
05/24/2002 06:41:00 AM
Good play of "Depth of field". good clarity, Good Job
05/23/2002 03:06:00 PM
Nice technical photo even though there is no game play in progress.
05/22/2002 10:10:00 PM
the picture is on a triple score, but it is titled double score?
05/22/2002 07:06:00 PM
nice view but shadows on bottom of pic
05/22/2002 07:58:00 AM
I really like this one. There were some comments in the forums about the DOF and the near corner being out of focus, but that actually works for me... I think it helps draw the viewer in to the board.
05/22/2002 06:21:00 AM
Was this macro. I really like your angle, but wouldn't have kept alot of the bottom. Other than that its very nice.
05/22/2002 02:35:00 AM
I like the angle you've found here, but would prefer the Triple word score to be in focus. That corner is where all the lines in your picture lead, but the focus and therefore subject of the photo is on the double word score above it.
05/21/2002 06:20:00 PM
If only we had time to play endlessly...
05/21/2002 04:53:00 PM
This is really good. Had I done this, this would have been the angle I would try to do. I wish there was less shadow in the triple word score area but I like it. good job.
05/21/2002 01:57:00 PM
I know its just a preference, but I personally dont like out of focus things in the front. Otherwise well done.
05/20/2002 02:04:00 PM
Great angle. I would've liked to see the triple word score and corner in focus and the fields in the background going blurry. Still, pretty good shot.
05/20/2002 01:49:00 PM
The repeating pattern in this is great. I would have prefered if you brought that point down till it was almost touching the bottom frame and then you made the "Triple Word Score" square in focus and then let the rest behind drown out.
05/20/2002 01:20:00 PM
Good DOF, clear, clean shot.
05/20/2002 12:54:00 PM
Excellent framing and use of DOF. Your focal point is flawless, very well done.
05/20/2002 04:27:00 AM
I like the perspective, lines, and symmetry in this photo. I generally do not like sections of the 'foreground' of a photo being out of focus (personal preference). Phototgraphs taken as a macro at a low angle are quite difficult to bring into focus throughout the entire frame. Sometimes, it's purely impossible. In this photo, since the 'triple word score' is red and stands out from the others, I would have preferred it being in sharper focus.
05/20/2002 01:27:00 AM
Nice view!

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