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Challenge: Late Night (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: Draper, UT
Date: Apr 29, 2005
Aperture: F/20
ISO: 200
Shutter: 20
Galleries: Urban, Travel
Date Uploaded: Apr 30, 2005

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I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks while this is up for vote, I hope it does well.

The setup:
I used 3 old magnetic ski racks I had laying around to mount my tripod to the rear deck lid of my TR6 (sold the next day by the way) and drove around town. I had the remote for my D70 and the SB800 flash mounted to the camera. I set the aperture to f/20 and let the camera do the rest. I realize the flash is to harsh but I sold the car so I had to work with what I had. Thanks for all the great comments and the top 20 finish.


Place: 17 out of 334
Avg (all users): 6.5737
Avg (commenters): 7.3793
Avg (participants): 6.6599
Avg (non-participants): 6.5193
Views since voting: 2659
Views during voting: 684
Votes: 380
Comments: 66
Favorites: 3 (view)

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06/22/2005 09:28:45 AM
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05/17/2005 02:27:40 PM
How did you do that??? Looks like I see the flash in the right rear view mirror! But what settings were on your camera??? TELL ME HOW!!!!


Message edited by author 2005-05-17 14:29:28.
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05/12/2005 04:06:19 PM
I am still on vacation but will post the setup when I get home, thanks for all the comments.


Message edited by author 2005-05-18 18:25:13.
05/12/2005 12:07:19 AM
Congratulations on your top 20 finish with this great color joy ride.
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05/11/2005 12:32:27 AM
Can't wait to see you post the details of the setup! This was very well done. Congrats on a personal best!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/10/2005 07:51:46 PM
Nicely done, a mix of long exposure and flash?
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05/10/2005 07:50:41 PM
I have this down as the winner. Good luck. It is very original and the only possible (slight) improvement I could see would be to have the driver's eyes in the mirror.
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05/10/2005 07:38:49 PM
This you've done very well!
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05/10/2005 05:41:13 PM
An interesting image great detail and it looks as if you are taking a trip into the unknown Nicely done 9
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05/10/2005 12:06:20 PM
cool. it almost looks fake.
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05/10/2005 08:50:52 AM
Makes me nostalgic for my convertible! (7)
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05/10/2005 07:42:20 AM
Not a bad idea but I think you could have done better with it. A less harsh flash lighting would have nailed IMHO since I really dislike strong flash shadowss and also it makes the whole shot more of a composite, like the couple of the car are one shot and the street lights another shot and you composed them together. I know that is not the case, I am just saying that the flash lighting makes it seem so.

Anyway, to be clear I really like this shot and it´s a great idea, if you had pulled it off the way I described I would probably have given it a 10 but I gave this shot an 8 and I don´t give out many of those. Good job.
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05/10/2005 01:54:33 AM
Damn, that's a stunnign shot, wildly original. At least to my eyes. I wonder how the others will vote it, I really do, but it gets a top-tier score from me, parking at 6 right now while I evaluate entire challenge. It will go up, I am sure, at least to an 8. Nice job!
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05/09/2005 07:43:17 PM
Isn't it dangerous firing a flash on the freeway? Didja get a ticket?
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05/09/2005 08:12:55 AM
Not sure how you did this but the effect is excellent.
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05/08/2005 08:29:25 PM
Wow, just WOW ! What a cool shot, awesome little car too.
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05/08/2005 02:45:09 PM
Great shot.
I may be wrong but it looks like a Triumph TR6.
Had a Spitfire myself and a lot of the parts were the same.
But my Spitty did not go as fast as yours seems to be.
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05/08/2005 12:09:33 AM
You just hope that's not what the driver's seeing : )
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05/07/2005 10:07:14 PM
Very cool shot! Love the reflections in the side mirrors. The right mirror captures the fill flash as well. The shadow of the woman is only slightly distracting however. Overall an excellent study in creativity.
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05/07/2005 02:17:29 PM
Mr. Zule, who said anything about warp factor 10? Beautiful
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05/06/2005 10:19:20 PM
Flash seems a little harsh specially on the ladie's hair.. the light effects are cool
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05/06/2005 10:07:07 PM
Very Nice!
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05/06/2005 09:10:49 PM
just plain cool!
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05/06/2005 02:54:48 PM
Very well done. Great focus (while moving I presume!) and beautiful colors.
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05/06/2005 12:58:44 PM
I always hate the shots that show nothing but squiggly lights, but with the rest of the car in context, that bumps this straight from a 1 to a 10 in my book! Very creatively captured!

Message edited by author 2005-05-12 22:20:32.
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05/06/2005 12:38:19 PM
Too cool! I gave it a 10.
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05/06/2005 10:15:44 AM
awesome awesome awesome
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05/05/2005 11:34:11 PM
Oh wow this is wild
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05/05/2005 11:33:42 PM
Cool, but a little distracting. Kindof hurt my eyes ;)
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05/05/2005 11:14:15 PM
I just found my other 10. Awesome.
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05/05/2005 09:09:02 PM
well done
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05/05/2005 02:11:11 PM
wow how did u do it? they are so sharp and the lights blurd.
good job
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05/05/2005 01:45:03 PM
this would have made an amazing photograph without the flash....anyways thats just a personal choice.
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05/05/2005 03:25:20 AM
Love this photograph. Like the sharp focus on the people in the car, with a blurring of the lights in the background. (Well, in front of them.) Has a surreal feeling to it. Even the title bends my mind. This photograph certainly jolts me out of how my mind expects a photograph to be laid out. 10!
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05/04/2005 11:37:27 PM
I like it. It's REALLY different.
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05/04/2005 09:59:31 PM
Is there a backseat? Where is the photographer? Great shot!
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05/04/2005 09:35:54 PM
Like the perspective and the motion blur on the lights. Too heavy on the flash fill, and should use a diffuser to reduce stark shadows.
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05/04/2005 07:44:22 PM
Fun image
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05/04/2005 06:58:54 PM
Great Concept...
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05/04/2005 06:50:26 PM
Great Job Very Interesting and different.
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05/04/2005 05:18:07 PM
Yes, nice composition, a lot going on in this image, well done!
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05/04/2005 04:48:14 PM
spectacular!!!! I dont know much more to say than that...i really love this shot...in my top 3
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05/04/2005 03:09:13 PM
This is a really cool shot. I lilke the skew of the wide angle and crisp contrast. Is it reflection of the flash in the right mirror? I´ts really cool how the interior is sharp but the lights from the road up and down. Has a Huphrey Bogart fealing to it, 7 I dont like the shadows from the flash
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05/04/2005 03:00:27 PM
This picture is so cool.! Something about it just draws you to keep looking at it, and the more you look at it, the more you like it!! God job at how sharp and focused your subjects are, and how vivid the colors are. I really like this one.
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05/04/2005 02:51:01 PM
Wow, nicely done! Not sure about the crop, I'd really have liked to seen this with 35mm dimensions. Shame the flash which is to the right of the camera has cast a large shadow in front of the passenger and caused some glare on the seat. A slave flash on the left would have really made this a killer shot. Beautiful car.
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05/04/2005 01:59:44 PM
This is a fun shot. The light is s little too harsh for me but very original.
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05/04/2005 01:30:07 PM
Interesting take on the same old theme of tail lights being solid lines. 8
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05/04/2005 12:44:56 PM
Excellent idea.
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05/04/2005 12:09:14 PM
Excellent shot, but I don't feel you respected the basic editing rules ... Seems like a blur has been applied on just one part of the photo.
05/04/2005 12:00:20 PM
One of the more creative shots for this category.
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05/04/2005 11:29:32 AM
Cool effect, but the direct flash kills this, if just doesn't look like you fit into the picture from a lighting perspective. Looks more like an obvious composite shot. I'll still give you a 7 though!
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05/04/2005 11:25:23 AM
Great idea, and execution.
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05/04/2005 10:42:21 AM
good job, It keeps me looking at it. the lights are mesmorizing.
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05/04/2005 09:43:09 AM
nice job. the jiggle factor with the lights here is about perfect for my tastes. I'm guessing the camera was on a tripod attached to the trunk and you are triggering it with a handheld remote? The one thing that bothers me is how the hotshoe flash is to the side of the shot, creating a huge shadow on the left of the subjects. I shouldn't complain since you apparently were willing to risk your equipment on the back of your car, but if there was some way to make the lighting more even from side to side (even just getting the flash above or below the lens instead of to the side) would probably make the picture even better. 9 from me
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05/04/2005 07:30:57 AM
From what I have seen in this challenge this shot tops them all, both meeting the spirit of the challenge and in it's excecution. 9 (you know why).
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05/04/2005 07:22:05 AM
Awesome Photo ... shame the camera movement
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05/04/2005 07:04:51 AM
I never too keen on the flash but that lighting effect ahead of the car is cool.
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05/04/2005 06:30:04 AM
Quite different. Would have been a great shot if you hadn't used the flash. That destroyed it.
05/04/2005 05:38:57 AM
God Capture.... 7 ......
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05/04/2005 05:38:04 AM
Nice photo evocative of speed, freedom, etc. The foreground lighting, imho, is too much and the harsh shadow on the dashboard in front of the blonde-haired person is a distraction. The rear and sideview mirror reflections are plusses, particularly the rightside mirror's burst of light. With better foreground lighting, I'd rate this 8 or higher, but as it is, it's a 7 in my mind.
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05/04/2005 02:54:25 AM
I would like it much more if the inside of the car were illuminated much less.
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05/04/2005 01:28:29 AM
cool photo, worked really well. I'm not sure if it is the flash in the passengers wing mirror, but if you had angled it out a bit more that bright flash of light wouldn't have been there.
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05/04/2005 01:15:07 AM
ok so thats a very COOL EFECT!!! well done!!!! nicee one!!!
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05/04/2005 01:10:09 AM
Great concept. I don't know what kind of camera you're using, but the flash is a bit too stark to make this photo really work... May I suggest (and ignore me if it's not helpful), use the flash, but cover it up with some tissue or even a sheet of light stock paper, or a light cloth or whatever you have around. Take a similar picture, with the flash covered. You'll have to play around, but it will give your foreground a much more natural light, while taking the viewer's eyes into the rest of the picture. But I like the idea. Keep up the good work.
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05/04/2005 12:41:24 AM
nice, yup great capture and such sper focus
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05/04/2005 12:37:17 AM
Cool idea!
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