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Chickenpox melancholy
Chickenpox melancholy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Moods (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Ontario
Date: Apr 30, 2005
Aperture: f3.2
ISO: 250
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Emotive, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Apr 30, 2005

I had no intention of submitting to this challenge, as I was stuck at home with my son. The chickenpox are real, as is the mood. This was day one..it got much worse, poor little guy.
Cropped, desaturated, red and blue bumped up 5-10%, unsharp mask, dodge and burn background, burned each spot (they were more evident in colour).

Place: 38 out of 183
Avg (all users): 6.0553
Avg (commenters): 7.5833
Avg (participants): 5.8764
Avg (non-participants): 6.1644
Views since voting: 1517
Views during voting: 349
Votes: 235
Comments: 29
Favorites: 1 (view)

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03/07/2006 10:43:28 AM
Bless his heart! sweet image!
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01/20/2006 05:03:59 PM
This photo is most excellent. Anyone who has ever had chicken pox knows exactly how that feels. Bad luck for the kid, great photo though!
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08/20/2005 09:01:29 AM
AWWW Poor thing. I remember my sister having them on Christmas!!! This is a great emotive piece. The overall composition is great and your sepia filter truly adds to the image. The lighting is good, capturing his melancholy expression perfectly.
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05/15/2005 02:15:52 AM
Ahh.. Hello, I'm from the Critique Club, and I see I'm returning to the scene of my crime (commenting on this during challenge).

Let's get to it shall we?

Initial Thoughts

This struck me as a very "Sally Mann" type photo. The B&W treatment is close to how she did some of her work, and the boy resembles her son Emmett so much, it gave me a double take. I was taken with the feeling of this photograph from the start, and that's always a positive thing.


For me, the composition couldn't be better. Left side subject with right side negative space in portraitures always seems stronger than the other way. I'm no expert on why this is, but I've always found it to be so, and so do some of the greats, as it seems to be the dominating form. You've given your subject a great presence, allowing enough room for his expression, and to show his malady. Great job, regardless of if this was intentional, or intuitive.


I personally love how the background halos the subject, and fades to black. This is a wonderful technique in keeping the focus on your subject. The background is also nicely OOF, keeping it from becoming distracting.

Camera Work/Technical

A few minor things to work on here.
1. Your focus is a little off, having centered on the boy's mouth and nose, instead of his eyes. The mouth/nose area, and part of his hair, are tack sharp, but his eyes, which should, IMO, always be the center of focus in a portrait-style shot such as this, are out of focus. A deeper DOF would have helped here a little. (Say, closing the aperature to 5.6). This also would have helped the focus be sharper on the chicken pox.. your secondary focal point. That being said, the focus isn't off enough to *really* hurt the image, but it is noticeable, and a few people touched on this.

Also, where personally, I love the subtle graininess of this photo, and believe it only enhances the mood.. DPC is infamous for voter hatred of the slightest bit of grain. Still, you can't always shoot for voters alone.. but just a reminder.

Digital Processing

Your processing is really good here, and kudos on noting what you've done. Makes my job easier. lol. The background, as I said, is very well done. I don't see anything that seems over-processed really, and you did a good job staying away from over-sharpening to compensate for the lack of focal depth. Your B&W conversion treatment is really nice too.. as I said, it reminds me of the work of Sally Mann (look her up sometime), which is a huge compliment, from me :)

Fits the Challenge

This is where you may have fallen off a little bit. While the mood of the photo is evident, the mood of the subject could be a little less subtle. Perhaps a more intensified look of discomfort, or grumpiness, and I'd have really been able to feel it. As it is, I just sort of get a little touch of disinterest. It's not *bad*, but it's not hugely moody either. Outside of a "Moods" challenge, the expression and feel are priceless, and I wouldn't change a thing.

My Opinion on the Photo

I really like this shot, and what you've done with it. You have great instincts, and I expect you'll go far in the future. As I said, this has really good feel, it reminds me of the work of a well-reknowned photographer, and it stirred emotion at first sight. You really can't beat that. Good luck in challenges to come.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/08/2005 11:40:27 PM
Nice capture of the mood. The subject if off center, and his head is cut off.
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05/08/2005 10:59:12 PM
Aw, I love the burning at the edges here
Reminds me of a younger version of myself
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05/08/2005 04:47:24 PM
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05/08/2005 03:20:30 PM
Poor little guy! Great job on this shot though!! The focus on the eyes is excellent...they reall pop out from the screen. The expression on his face is well captured. Lighting looks good, contrast looks good. Nice job!
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05/05/2005 10:30:40 PM
This is a good candid, but it doesn't convey a mood so much as a lack of emotion. Maybe it's just the angle of the catchlight, but it looks like your model's left eye is not focused in the same place as his right eye. The B&W and the light diffused give this image a nice professional feel
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05/05/2005 08:35:27 PM
This captures the moment excellently. Good lighting, interesting background, good in B&W. 8
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05/05/2005 02:42:18 PM
poor guy :( nice contrast, what's your trick...dodging and burning? I'm still trying to develop adequate skills with those two tools. 8
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05/05/2005 08:19:09 AM
nice image.... my sympathy goes out. Nice lighitng.
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05/05/2005 07:31:14 AM
nice one!
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05/05/2005 01:49:31 AM
ahhhhhhhhh :(
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05/04/2005 09:01:15 PM
I don't know how the melancholy could be any more apparent in this photo. Good job!
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05/04/2005 06:28:32 PM
aww.. chickenpox is seldom fun. Good expression, nice lighting, good focus. Good job.
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05/03/2005 09:04:35 PM
I feel his pain ... nice title great shot hope it does well poor guy :)
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05/03/2005 03:00:22 PM
Awww. . . .poor kid! He sure is cute. But his droopy eyes do have that melancholy sick look to them. I hope he's better now :)
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05/03/2005 01:18:20 PM
Poor little guy! I think he deserves a good score for that. I like the colours & framing, nice shot.
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05/02/2005 10:46:28 PM
Oh, I love this one! Poor kid! Geat contrast, tone and focus.
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05/02/2005 08:06:39 PM
Great tonal range!
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05/02/2005 07:41:11 PM
yep..been there done that...great image 10
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05/02/2005 03:57:30 PM
Excellent - melancholy is the right expression, and the b/w toning adds to the atmocphere.
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05/02/2005 02:07:01 PM
A very gd picture, hard choice of emotion... i like the use of b&w .... 7 congrats
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05/02/2005 02:47:56 AM
Poor lad. The eyes are robbed due to lighting here. There is noise in the background. The rest is great. 8
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05/02/2005 02:25:08 AM
awww...poor guy.
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05/02/2005 01:47:45 AM
aww...try oatmeal in stocking in bathwater or baking soda in bath water...very nice composition 8
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05/02/2005 12:52:46 AM
Is he cute!! Poor thing. I love the 'aged' feel to the shot. The tones, light!! Well done for the challenge. 9
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05/02/2005 12:49:20 AM
great tones
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