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The Oldest Game in the Book
The Oldest Game in the Book

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Games (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-4040Z
Location: Living room
Date: May 18, 2002
Aperture: F2.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Date Uploaded: May 18, 2002


Place: 11 out of 94
Avg (all users): 6.3107
Avg (commenters): 6.8824
Avg (participants): 6.3500
Avg (non-participants): 6.2857
Views since voting: 1329
Votes: 206
Comments: 36
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2002 01:11:00 AM
I love your effort here but I'm not sure that the actual rock, paper, and scissors were necessary. Maybe if you could have shown their shadows under the appropriate hands.
05/25/2002 04:58:00 PM
05/25/2002 10:27:00 AM
Nice idea on the games. I like the use of black and white, I like the concept.

I'm not sure from an art stand point if you needed the literal representation of the rocks, scissors paper. If you were concerned about folks not getting it or if it was important to you.

I just imagine I would have liked this shot as one of my 10 best if the hands were the only element in the shot, just like they are arranged now..minus the literal elements. They are good hands, well maintained which is necessary for this kind of photo.

But thats me and you still have a nice photo none the less.
05/24/2002 10:35:00 PM
Good focus, lighting, and detail. although the subject dosen't do much for me
05/24/2002 06:15:00 PM
Nice concept with admirable result. You covered the grey scale well.
05/24/2002 09:54:00 AM
Very clever, well done, and nice use of B&W
05/24/2002 09:31:00 AM
05/23/2002 09:11:00 PM
*laughs* this took me a while to figure out. fun!
05/23/2002 08:21:00 PM
I saw this in thumbnail size and really thought it was cool....and seeing it larger just confirms it. I like the idea and I love the use of black and white with this.Very nice.
05/23/2002 03:25:00 PM
Actually the oldest game in the book is "Bocce".

As early as 5000 B.C. the Egyptians played a form of bocce with polished rocks. Graphic representations of figures tossing a ball or polished stone have been recorded as early as 5200 B.C. While bocce today looks quite different from its early predecessors, the unbroken thread of bocce̢۪s lineage is the consistently common objective of trying to come as close to a fixed target as possible.
05/23/2002 05:26:00 AM
This is an interesting concept and well done on deciding on something very different. I'm not sure I would have used the props - one arm of the scissors blocks almost all of a finger. Not sure I really like having the black space in the centre of the photo either
05/22/2002 10:03:00 PM
05/22/2002 07:16:00 PM
very creative
05/22/2002 06:48:00 PM
creative idea.
05/22/2002 05:42:00 PM
Love the concept! Good illustration, effectively done. (Not the oldest game, though) Photo 9 Creativity 10 Games 9 total 10
05/22/2002 09:13:00 AM
Nicely done, the lighting is cool too, though the scissors may be dark.
05/22/2002 08:13:00 AM
05/22/2002 07:44:00 AM
Very funny :)
05/21/2002 05:48:00 PM
Interesting take on RPS
05/21/2002 04:57:00 PM
points for originality! Very creative, like the b&w, but perhaps a smaller rock would keep it looking like an unidentifiable object ( a little too dark to see it right away) or maybe it's the way it's cropped (?) good job, like it.
05/21/2002 04:34:00 PM
good idea, nice shot, difficult to find right crop.
05/21/2002 04:10:00 PM
Very nice, artistic, magazine quality...
05/21/2002 04:05:00 PM
I really like this idea for a shot....if you had done this with one type of stuff or the other I would have liked it better.
05/21/2002 11:04:00 AM
Very creative - made my top ten. Nice sharp focus as well
05/21/2002 10:09:00 AM
Interesting. A bit dark, especially against the white DPC background. The wrinkles and sloppy edge on the paper detract a little, and the scissors and hand are just out of focus range, but a great idea and well executed overall.
05/20/2002 08:56:00 PM
I was hoping someone would do this shot! You have done an excellent job with it as well. The contrast is maybe a little weak to suit me but I do like the black background quite a bit. = 9
05/20/2002 06:22:00 PM
At first I did'nt get it but now I do!!
05/20/2002 05:27:00 PM
good one
05/20/2002 05:01:00 PM
05/20/2002 02:21:00 PM
good use of zone technique. The story is amusing and clear.
05/20/2002 01:50:00 PM
This is a cool photo but I think having the hand and the paper is a little too much. I think there might be too much going on in this picture. Either all hands or all elements definitely would have been cool.
05/20/2002 01:49:00 PM
Interesting photo & fun concept. A little dark.
05/20/2002 01:09:00 PM
Cute, clever, creative idea. I thought of it also, but you've done it well.
Maybe a bit too dark and the rock is a little lost here. Still it's a fun shot!
05/20/2002 09:49:00 AM
Awesome! Very clever!
05/20/2002 09:47:00 AM
Great idea.
05/20/2002 06:48:00 AM
clever what with the hands there.

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