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Symphony In F Major
Symphony In F Major

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Hickory, North Carolina
Date: Apr 6, 2003
Aperture: F8.0
ISO: ISO 100
Shutter: 3"
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Apr 6, 2003

This photo is a tribute to Franziska Lang's "Orange Symphony" photo that won first place in the "From the Ground Up" challenge a while back. My choice of "F" in the title is a small tribute to Franziska's photogrpahy :) I did not realize that these flowers were called "Orange Symphony" and I just stumbled across one when I was looking at some flowers this afternoon...

I shot this photo with ambient room light from a window only. The flower is on a mirror. I held a piece of black posterboard above the mirror to create a black background...

Place: 11 out of 295
Avg (all users): 6.4252
Avg (commenters): 8.2727
Avg (participants): 6.3803
Avg (non-participants): 6.5139
Views since voting: 1943
Votes: 214
Comments: 31
Favorites: 2 (view)

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10/09/2004 11:36:05 PM
Wow! Terrific job on this one. It is beautiful. And the use of light came out spectacular. I love the contrast in the color, and the wonderful clarity about it.
04/20/2003 01:01:37 PM
I love this, the uneven lighting pulls your eye to the light and then as your eye takes your around the shape it completes the circle to find long green shafts of color leading you back into the frame. Wonderfully done. The only thing I would like to see different is the stems leading all the way out. Then I would like to but the images side by side and take a second look.
04/15/2003 04:18:50 PM
John, what a compliment, thanks :) As always, you've picked a technique and made it look easy and the result is stunning as usual :)

Message edited by author 2003-04-15 16:19:09.
04/15/2003 11:56:22 AM
Hi JM!
Right from the start I liked this image, and here I am critiquing for the CC. :-)
The first element to hit me is the color, and that's right on for this challenge. I like the subtle shadings and tone variation created by the shadows.
As for composition, it is a lovely, simple comp, with no distracting elements and it fills the frame nicely. The subject is on a very slight angle, evidenced by the stems...I like that.
The contrasting bg is perfect and really makes the subject(s) pop out. I realize the reflection is just as much the subject as the actual flower.
Overall, this is a fine picture and I find it inspiring. The technique you described worked very well. Your border goes well with it too.

04/14/2003 04:38:55 AM
Hi John,

Great technique! Thanks for the description above! Congratulations on a very good result!

 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/13/2003 10:34:03 PM
I really like the uneven lighting across the flower, where the petals on the left are brighter than the ones on the bottom. I'm not sure I like the positioning of the flower in the center of the image. Maybe leaving more black on the top left corner would work better for me.
04/13/2003 02:03:22 PM
Perfect in many ways, 'cept one. Feels a lil flat or lack-luster. Does it need a bit more light?
04/12/2003 03:24:25 PM
I like the thin orange line (frame), it pulls the picture together.
04/12/2003 10:30:37 AM
Beautiful. It has almost a oil painting look to it. The color is strong and really stands out. GREAT flower photo !
04/11/2003 10:48:39 PM
Love the colors. The reflection is a good touch - sets it apart. Very well done. (I don't get the title reference.) One of my top picks. Did you light this from the back?
04/11/2003 08:38:12 PM
edit comments removed per photographers wishes

Message edited by author 2005-10-05 12:58:42.
04/11/2003 07:30:24 PM
Nice color, the green stem is a good touch.
04/11/2003 01:32:54 AM
is tht a mirror i see? nice tactics
04/11/2003 01:12:23 AM
Now...that's a pretty daisy shot. Well done. Simple, but elegant. The thin yellow border is a nice touch. Just to be picky, but stem stub is a bit clumbsy. Perhaps having it longer and extend off the picture would be better...or maybe not having a stem at all.
04/10/2003 11:45:37 PM
As much as I enjoy this photo, it is obvious that it was "staged" and I am more for the natural, spur-of-the-moment photograph.
04/09/2003 10:49:29 PM
More pittsburg steeler fans.... THis is good except for the miror. I think there is defintely a time and a place for the mirror shots. Pretty good except for that. Nice color and well taken.
04/09/2003 03:21:33 PM
It might be the superb lighting, but this image uses light and space to create a mood that moves me and makes me think of not only the flower, but of its mystical origins. 10
04/09/2003 02:27:02 PM
Nice image. I like the effect that you used on the image to create its reflection. Good job.
04/09/2003 11:32:00 AM
Very, very nice.
04/09/2003 10:59:45 AM
Very fine shot.
04/09/2003 02:23:37 AM
Nice shot. Good color and subject. I don't understand the title.
04/08/2003 10:41:26 AM
Very nice. Lighting and composition are great. Well done.
04/08/2003 06:26:39 AM
An excellent macro, nothing to criticize on here, I love it - 10.
04/07/2003 10:11:22 PM
gorgeous set up! the flower seems to float in space.. and the reflection gives the impression that it is just barely touching another. the lighting is generally good..though seems a bit bright on the left petals near the center of the flower. Not enough to lose detail, but noticeably to the darker petals especially on the bottom. The colors are so warm and impressive.. even the purple toward the center. .. and the drama of the black background and reflection push this over the top. I can't decide if the green stems were necessary. On one hand, they continue the leading line from the center of the flower into the photo along the line of the stem. On the other hand, they sorta just stick out there like they are detached, since the continuation of the line is broken by the petals. In fact, i wonder if the impact would be even greater with a vertical rotation...? Hmmm. In that way it may look like two flowers rather than a reflected flower. This is just musing.. Fine work all around!
04/07/2003 10:04:01 PM
Technically perfect and beautiful. Lighting could be more interesting (highlight/shadow).
04/07/2003 09:14:33 PM
Beautiful color, love the reflection, really gives an added depth to the shot.
04/07/2003 05:14:05 PM
Kavey Critique

Initial thoughts
Very striking and interesting light and shadow.

Composition/ Content
I like the simple centred composition – although this can often make a composition seem a bit settled or traditional I think in this case it does look dynamic.
I particularly like the darker curve along the lower edge created by the petals behind.
I find the lighting just a little harsh in that on several petals I can̢۪t really see the texture, though it̢۪s marginal as I can see it in some petals and some petals are reasonably dark.
I love the way the central bit of the flower (don’t know what it’s called – the bit that has the stamens growing from it) mirrors the yellow in black of the larger image.

Nicely and evenly black.

Camera Work - Technical
Looks good – I’d like to see other lighting options – seems a touch harsh on upper left and a touch dark on lower areas.

Fits The Challenge

My Opinion On The Photo
I like it – though I’m biased – I am a xanthophile!
04/07/2003 03:27:41 PM
beautiful reflection! Lovely shot!
04/07/2003 11:19:02 AM
Nice shot. It has beautiful colors. Good composition. 9.
04/07/2003 10:05:00 AM
One of the nicest flower shots this week. I love the lighting and tones. -danny
04/07/2003 06:13:00 AM
A top pick for me...Nice contrast. Maybe would have eliminated the reflection of the stem.

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