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Road Apple Intake
Road Apple Intake

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Apple (Basic Editing III)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Nikon D2X
Lens: Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Location: California
Date: May 13, 2005
Aperture: F4.2
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: May 13, 2005

Isn't this just disgustingly cool?

Increased saturation very slight.
Added just a tad more contrast.
Crop and USM.

I'm still learning my new camera settings and I had some trouble getting the DOF just right on this one. I ended up re-shooting it "three" times before I got it just as I envisioned it.

My first shoot:
Shooting in the shade under a canopy of oak trees. I was loaded with a small bag of apples. I set the camera at ISO 800 with aperture 2.8 to narrow the DOF. It ended up being way to narrow with parts of the apple and back teeth too soft to use. I wanted just a little movement in the shot, while keeping the apple and teeth sharp. some of the shots were hilarious, but just not good enough for a contest. It was difficult to keep my hand out of the shot while holding the apple and the camera.

2nd Shoot:
Loaded with 2 bags of apples (1 red bag and 1 green).
Green simply didn't look good. The red were just red and not a lot of interest in just plain red. I tried setting the apples on the fence and stepping back to shoot the horses as they opened their mouths. The fence was ugly and they kept knocking the apples off the fence and getting mad because they couldn't eat them. (5 horses all trying to get to the apples) Some of them just threw a total fit that they couldn't have them all. I ended up sticking a stick into the apple and holding it out while I took the shots. The stick was positioned in what would be the bottom left corner of every shot and made a bad crop. I captured some great expressions, but once again, nothing worthy of a contest shot.

3rd shoot:
Loaded with some of the biggest apples I could find. The horses would need to open their mouths even wider. I selected apples with some texture and color streaks with detail. I found a curved stick that I could put in the side of the apple and crop around it. (yes I chewed on it to make sure it was safe). With 2 previous shoots to tell me where I needed to be to get the apple teeth and tongue in focus (and slime) and have the lips and everything else soft. ISO 400 F4.2.

Tip of the day:
The first apple makes them drool (A LOT!). Bring handy wipes, Ski goggles, plastic gloves, and wear a helmet and long boots. I was grossly snotted on twice, all tangled up in poison oak, and my left arm still hurts from holding all those apples out on the end of a stick.

After all that; It was a great time. I know a little more about my camera today. and I hope my picture will make a few smiles.

Place: 152 out of 386
Avg (all users): 5.3113
Avg (commenters): 6.6923
Avg (participants): 5.0667
Avg (non-participants): 5.5298
Views since voting: 1877
Views during voting: 457
Votes: 318
Comments: 24
Favorites: 5 (view)

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04/24/2007 11:04:44 AM
I absolutely love this photo!!!! WOW!!!!
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10/24/2006 12:10:00 AM
could have sworn that i already had the drool fest in my favs...guess not. it is now, though :)
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09/26/2006 05:20:38 PM
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07/19/2006 02:31:28 PM
Straight into my favorites!

And that title both fits perfectly and adds to the fun. :)
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01/19/2006 08:59:58 AM
Oh this is great. I didn't comment, but gave it a 9. AWESOME
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01/19/2006 08:58:23 AM
Great Timing!
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01/19/2006 05:41:10 AM
wow, this is tremendously underrated. you said it: disgustingly cool. Especially after reading your commentary, I can't help but add this to my favorites.
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05/25/2005 12:15:33 AM
lolol...i love your comments. can't believe this finished so far back. i still think it's hilarious!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/24/2005 07:53:16 PM
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05/23/2005 08:33:26 PM
Returning for comment. You've got a beautiful and yummy looking apple next to a thoroughly gross animal mouth. The tooth decay and drool are kind of ruining the overall visual appeal, at least for me. On the plus side, this shot shows an effective use of DOF.
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05/23/2005 03:24:00 PM
apple looks great. too close to the horse's mouth.
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05/22/2005 11:48:11 PM
yummy mouth, but still good
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05/22/2005 01:40:54 PM
Holy glistening mucous, Batman! Fascinating colors and textures, and an amusement point for the hungry horse.

Base: 5
Technical +0
Interest: +2
Emotion: +1
Bias: +0

Total: 8
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05/22/2005 09:42:06 AM
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05/21/2005 04:10:25 PM
Good shot to "catch" but not so nice to look at!!
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05/20/2005 10:08:01 PM
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05/20/2005 12:09:04 PM
Best ot fhe horse shots. I also tried a shot like this but in the end nothing came out. I am glad I didn't submit a horse like shot :) It wouldn't be the best shot :) I don't know how you did it. I couldn't :) My camera was too slow :) 8
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05/19/2005 01:57:07 PM
The motion and the drool is great, especially next to how still and focused the apple is. Great.
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05/19/2005 11:12:19 AM
Just way more digestive action than I need to see! Great focus.
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05/19/2005 10:36:01 AM
Aww...Nice teeth! This is a nice image though..I like how you caught it up so close to the mouth and it is a good way to portray an apple.
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05/18/2005 08:51:44 PM
Wow, thats a clever shot!
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05/18/2005 12:05:32 PM
hahaha great shot!
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05/18/2005 11:52:04 AM
WOW, watch the hands around those teeth. Even though I find the inside of the beasts mouth revolting a 9. The out of focus blur on the top lip is a bit distracting.
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05/18/2005 01:14:20 AM
this is so hilarious! and...ew ew ew! ;) really a great shot, hon...you just ROCK! :-D
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