*Critique Club*
I see you didn't find any of the comments on this image helpful, and in my opinion you got quite a few good comments on this image, so I'm not really sure if I can add anything that you may find helpful or not, but I guess I can try.
First off, I'm not really sure that the lighting is adding anything to this image. The only real suggnifigant part where we can see the actual lighting is near the bottom left corner and there really isn't anything there to look at.
I like the green pot to the right, but I'm not really sure putting it on this background was a bonus. It seems to blend in too well. I think if it were on a different background it might have been more effective.
Focus seems a bit soft and the image is overrun by noise/grain. This could be because of the low lighting.
Speaking of low lighting, the pot in the front, which to me, is the most interesting feature in the whole photo is dark and we don't get any detail out of it what so ever.
My suggestions for this photo are to add some light on the subject, find a different background, reduce grain/noise. I am wondering if a back lighting migh accentuate the pot on the right a bit more?
~Heather~ |