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Between Storms
Between Storms

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Weather (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: Oceanside, CA
Date: Apr 13, 2003
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Sky, Nature
Date Uploaded: Apr 13, 2003

Cloud formations between two Southern California rain "storms". View over north Oceanside, CA, into Camp Pendelton Marine Base.

Place: 37 out of 226
Avg (all users): 6.0962
Avg (commenters): 7.1053
Avg (participants): 6.0887
Avg (non-participants): 6.1043
Views since voting: 1259
Votes: 239
Comments: 23
Favorites: 3 (view)

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09/22/2003 03:47:14 PM
This is a really great photo. I like the closeup yet far away feeling it gives. The clouds are beautiful, and I like the landscape in the background. You're cropping definitely gave it a certain flair.
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04/21/2003 01:22:21 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments and compliments. I was really kind of surprised that this was as well recieved as it was, just because I expected a lot of cloud pictures. But I was happy with the shot myself. I almost didn't get it. I had taken a lot of tighter shots, trying to get more detail on the hills. Then, as I was ready to quit, my daughter asked if I had gotten those whispy (stratus?) clouds - this one shot was the one that worked. Unfortunately, I had to crop a lot of the ground because below the bottom of what was left was a lot of messy looking development. Obviously, from the comments, there was a mixture of opinions on how well that worked. Thanks again. BTW, the title turned out quite appropriate - the second storm that came in the next day dumped almost 3 inches of rain on us, which is a lot for So. Cal.
04/21/2003 09:14:32 AM
Great job Scott!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/20/2003 03:29:49 PM
excellent cloudscape... the composition here is nice with the thin strip of land at the bottom... excellent work :) - setzler
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04/20/2003 06:51:58 AM
Love how you've made the ground so small in the shot, yet it still has depth to it. Great sky.
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04/19/2003 08:16:03 AM
I would have sacrificed the cloud on the top right for some more ground. Good perspective on the clouds and nice capture. I would prefer a little more than a sliver of earth though
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04/17/2003 01:52:59 PM
Good horizon placement and POV.
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04/17/2003 01:41:34 PM
have you try to crop out the small upper cloud? I think a narrower crop would have given more interest. Just a hint! Nice picture.
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04/16/2003 07:52:40 PM
Fabulous distance in this shot, a real sense of scale. Whilst the very low horizon really helps the sense of hight, I wonder if you haven't perhaps excluded too much of the ground - as I look, I really want to see something more foreground-y. Minor point, though, but foreground elements can really 'place' landscape shots.
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04/16/2003 09:49:12 AM
Between storms is a good title! Those whispy white clouds give this image heaps of impact!
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04/15/2003 09:40:53 PM
Lovely lighting and color. Love seeing these scenes. The clouds have some great "pictures" of their own there. Nice use of negative space and leaving the mountains. Where is this shot at? The mountains here in CO always give these dramatic clouds. From the suns position, I would say this is shot to the west. Maybe CO frontrange? (C:
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04/15/2003 09:16:32 PM
nice sharp image, good work
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04/15/2003 09:06:41 PM
Very nice! I like the mountains in the background. You did very with this photo...in fact, I think, after seeing so many dismal sky shots in this challenge, this is a refreashing site. This is well focused and the colors are great.
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04/15/2003 08:56:16 PM
Out of all the "sky" shots, this is the best one, in my opinion. The cloud formation is interesting and well captured in your photo. The mountains and landscape in the foreground give it good dimension. Well done and nicely focused which most other lack. Good luck
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04/15/2003 08:30:12 PM
great motion on the clouds, and your horizon is straight and unobtrusive, but still adds something to start from in the picture!
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04/15/2003 02:28:29 PM
Great drama here! Super contrasts and minimal earth tell a wonderful story.
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04/15/2003 01:55:28 AM
I would have liked to be able to see more of the landscape....and where was this taken. Those mountains look familiar.
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04/14/2003 08:24:38 PM
very pretty
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04/14/2003 03:12:33 PM
Stunning sky....very nice.
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04/14/2003 02:35:00 PM
Great cloud formations, good perspective and colours.
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04/14/2003 01:33:06 PM
I like the choice of composing with the horizon low but present. Adds something that the clouds alone would miss.
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04/14/2003 10:29:14 AM
WOW thats all I have to say. 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/14/2003 10:28:49 AM
vary nice
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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