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Wind Effects
Wind Effects

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Beauty (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Date: May 26, 2005
Aperture: F8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Landscape, Travel
Date Uploaded: May 28, 2005

Sunset at Lomas de Arena in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Adjusted levels, contrast, USM, no cropping

Place: 15 out of 255
Avg (all users): 6.4922
Avg (commenters): 7.6957
Avg (participants): 6.2612
Avg (non-participants): 6.7419
Views since voting: 1308
Views during voting: 377
Votes: 258
Comments: 26
Favorites: 2 (view)

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06/14/2005 02:39:03 AM
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06/14/2005 12:49:00 AM
So warm with nice contrast. Ain't Mother Nature grand? Your photo surely is.
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06/08/2005 12:11:05 AM
The beauty of the dunes. Congratulations on your top 20 placement.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/05/2005 11:52:32 PM
Great colors and texture.
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06/05/2005 11:25:04 PM
Amazing light, great focus and dof. Well seen and well executed.
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06/04/2005 06:24:45 PM
This is stunning! I love the light and pattern on the dune. I think it would look even better without the tree, just the dune and the sky but that's just me! Good luck
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06/04/2005 02:05:18 AM
This is quite beautiful and well-seen. I have two nits, basically:

1. There's visible evidence of oversharpening all along the horizon on the left. There are zeveral ways to fix thisin PS, including just using less sharpening; I don't think the image needs to be this sharp, certainly not in the sky/tree area. You could have made a selection of the foreground dune only and just sharpened that area very profitably.

2. The placement of the tree is distinctly arbitrary, it leaves an area to the right that's quite uncomfortable to my eye. I have tried cropping out half of that area, bringing the right edge closer to the tree, and IMO this improved the composition dramatically.

Regardless, it's a strong entry and I hope it does well.
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06/03/2005 06:49:25 PM
I don't like the crop on the tree. Looks like a pretty blue sky....use it!
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06/02/2005 10:25:45 PM
nice !!!!!!! I love the composition, the subdued colors and of course the lighting due to your careful choice of time of day.
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06/02/2005 06:00:36 PM
I like the colours and the composition. The choice of viewpoint is excellent, but I am not sure about if cropping of the top of the tree to fullfill the rule of thirds is better for the photo. Anyway this is one of the best in the challenge -9
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06/02/2005 10:18:14 AM
This is a great image... I think the tree in the middle of the frame is a bit of a distraction. For me, the beuaty is in the light and shadows on the ripples in the dunes:)
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06/01/2005 11:09:53 PM
Love the sunlight glancing off the dunes. Has a very peaceful feeling.
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06/01/2005 04:42:10 PM
I love the texture of this photo!! The sand seems three dimensional on my screen. Very nice capture.
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06/01/2005 03:26:55 PM
Beauty is a subjective thing, I know. In my scoring and comments I'm trying to score based on NOT whether or not I would think a particular subject beautiful, but on whether the photographer has succeeded in creating a beautiful photo. I look for the elements of color, lines, focus and dof interest, lighting, and a certain element of grace and lovlieness. I'm looking for a unique and creative appeal for the highest scorers. The description says to create a photo that makes the viewer think "that's beautiful", so it will undoubtedly be very subjective. (This is what I'm putting at the start of all of my comments, and I hope it is helpful.)

That being said, this is a cool shot. You ahve picked the perfect time of day to bring out the beauty of the scene. I'm not sure about the tree. I can't decide if it really adds anything to the photo. I think maybe I would like it better without the tree if there would be a different place that would work for that. However, even with the tree this is very nice. I wish the colors were just a bit richer in tone. I like the curves and shadows a lot. Good job.
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06/01/2005 02:41:28 PM
Nice blue/orange sunset hues.
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06/01/2005 01:03:53 PM
That looks really pretty and unusual!
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05/31/2005 12:52:03 PM
Seems like the horizon is in focus as the expense of the foreground waves in the sane, which is too bad for this very nice composition.
05/30/2005 11:46:14 PM
Tomorrow it will be different. Very nice photo!
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05/30/2005 11:21:39 PM
Always a pleasur to look at, amazing design..
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05/30/2005 07:15:42 PM
Lovely shadow and light study. Serene. Bumping.
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05/30/2005 02:46:13 PM
I love the wind effects on the sand, but for some reason, for me, the tree takes away from the shot. I'm not sure why.
Great job though. 7
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05/30/2005 01:27:48 PM
would have scored higher without the tree
05/30/2005 01:17:51 PM
this is breathtaking. 9
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05/30/2005 08:11:59 AM
over sharpened
05/30/2005 06:02:45 AM
This reminds me of slides my Dad made 20 years ago of outback Australia. I like this photo - the lines in the sand drawing me to the tree and beyond, the subtle orange, the two congerging lines of horizon and dune. Nice work!! 8
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05/30/2005 05:15:15 AM
excellent shot I like the way the light hits the sand 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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