* Greetings from the Critique Club *
Love the composition and subject matter. You really hit the nail on the head when it comes to beauty. I do think, however, that you could probably have brought out even more color by reducing the backlighting and/or contrast in this particular image. No questions asked, this is a beautiful image and a beautiful bird. The only real question lies in how to best capture its beauty.
I think you do the bird justice in your composition and color selections. I also think that you could do it more justice by some selective processing - bringing out more blues/indigos/purples and concentrating less on the actual highlights of the shot. IMHO (and trust me it is humble!), I think you might have capitalized more on the natural beauty of this specimen by reducing the backgound lighting and increasing the contrast in your selection. There are so many elements to consider - the unique and personalized shriek that these birds inevitably have, the individualized color representations, and the fact that they are truly stupid (and vain) birds.
Please don't get me wrong, I believe that there are birds that are as intelligent as dolphins, peacocks just aren't one of them... They are truly magnificent beasts, but they are just that - beasts. And because they are, you have to treat them as such in your etherial representations.
I can tell that I'm going WAY overboard here - and I apologize. Let me get back to the subject at hand...
I like the composition and feel of the shot. I just don't think that it is perhaps the best representation of a peacock I've seen lately.
(I'm sure that this is my worst feedback since I've been a member of the Critque Club, so please don't take me too seriously. I think I just need a relatively colorful and poignant response to get back into the groove...
Thanks for bearing with me...