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Hidden waterfall
Hidden waterfall

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Naturally Framed (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Sudurland, Iceland
Date: Jun 1, 2005
Aperture: 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Nature, Water
Date Uploaded: Jun 1, 2005

Taken with a tripod, polarizer filter and a 103 ND filter and ambient light. Taken at about 35mm.

Nothing big in photoshop but thank god that this was an member challenge with advanced rules. The sun was not in the right place and I didn´t have time to wait for it so I overexposed the cliffs slightly but the waterfall was still pretty dark. Almost all of my shots are .raw so I used a .raw double exposure to make one file where the cliffs were exposed correctly and one with +1 exposure compensation to make the waterfall in the shadows a bit brighter. Then I used layers and erase brush to bring them together. However I didn´t add any shadows at all in the waterfall so those dark areas in the waterfall stream are cliffs that are there. In the lower right corner there was a big shadow though and I cloned in more growth there and rocks in the bottom, nothing major though. Finally used curves and unsharp mask to increase contrast and sharpen.

The person in the shot is my fried Ragnar who also posed for me in my entry in "passing time" Reading the newspaper. We specifically drove out to this waterfall to take a shot for this challenge and it´s about a 70 minute drive from Reykjavik. I am pretty sure this waterfalls name is "Gljufrarbogi" and it´s right next to Seljalandsfoss. Anyway, the drive was pretty fun, Ragnar had just recently bought a Volvo XC90 and I got to drive the way back home, I can tell you that was a pretty smooth ride so no complaints here :o).

This shot didn´t turn out exactly as I wanted it to but it´s close enough, if only I had been there when the sun shone directly into the waterfall but that´s life. Anyway, I spent too much time on this not to submit it but I am not really expecting anything with it. Hope you like it.

Place: 55 out of 223
Avg (all users): 5.7729
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 5.5089
Avg (non-participants): 6.0256
Views since voting: 1535
Views during voting: 323
Votes: 229
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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06/13/2005 10:29:52 AM
Ég skoðaði ekki allar myndirnar í þessari keppni arghhh er komin aftur með innhringingartengingu, þessi mynd er stórfengleg þó eins og þú segir var ljósið ekki hliðhollt í þetta skiptið og vantar meira contrast, vesen...þú verður bara að fara þarna aftur og hafa sólina í hádegisstöðu.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/12/2005 06:34:49 PM
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/11/2005 07:33:24 PM
Very neat find! The inclusion of the person peering in is a great touch.
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06/11/2005 02:40:24 PM
A very interesting find and well shot with the blur in the water. However, I find the composition a little uninteresting. Perhaps a little too centred, even though I tend to compose most of my shots like that.
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06/10/2005 03:22:41 AM
This would be awesome if your suject (the person I'm guessing, is the subject??) was inside the frame. I'm also guessing that the crack in the rocks are the frame but maybe the rocks are the frame??? Anyway, I still like it. 7 I'll need to get back to you on this one in the bumping phase.

I just read the title. 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/09/2005 11:15:32 AM
Beautiful;-) The guy should have gone into the frame to make this one absolutely fantastic, but it is great anyway;-)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/08/2005 02:10:01 PM
Good capture, including the figure gives a true sense of scle - well done
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06/08/2005 09:18:01 AM
nice scaling, but you need to show the human scale more brighter
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06/06/2005 04:55:36 PM
it seems like the main subject of your image (assuming its the waterfall from the title) is dark and unimposing as it is, but when you add the person to the foreground, it makes it very difficult to focus on the waterfall, and instead I find my eyes wandering down to the person.
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06/06/2005 09:57:19 AM
Sharpness is excellent
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/06/2005 04:25:42 AM
I like the natural frame you have here and the person has given a little perspective but also tends to make the shot more of a holiday snap shot.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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