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the Birds
2nd Placethe Birds

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fauna (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S230
Location: Skagafjordur - Iceland
Date: Apr 18, 2003
Galleries: Landscape, Animals
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2003

This one is taken from a small boat during a fishing tour north of Iceland.
They follow the boats waiting for something to eat.

Place: 2 out of 313
Avg (all users): 7.2358
Avg (commenters): 8.0909
Avg (participants): 7.1895
Avg (non-participants): 7.3118
Views since voting: 6850
Votes: 246
Comments: 68
Favorites: 20 (view)

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01/19/2005 10:51:27 AM
Þetta er meiriháttar mynd. Maður hefði haldið að það þyrfti stærri vél til að ná svona mynd.
10/20/2003 10:36:27 AM
I love this!! I do feel like I'm right in the middle of this flock of seagulls! Magnificient capture!!
05/09/2003 01:30:36 PM
mjög svöl mynd hjá þér kallinn!!
05/03/2003 12:48:29 AM
Congrats on placing! I really liked this photo and know how hard it is to capture a good photo of flying birds.
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05/02/2003 11:12:46 AM
Já. Þetta líkar mér.
05/01/2003 12:10:16 AM
Stórglæsilegt....massa skot!
04/30/2003 04:35:36 PM
Fantastic! Again, it's not the equipment, but the photographer. :)
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04/30/2003 12:30:29 PM
Til hamingju með annað sætið!!! Frábær árangur :)
04/30/2003 11:10:54 AM
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
04/30/2003 08:42:26 AM
The flash makes this seem quite surreal - excellent!
04/30/2003 08:25:09 AM
congrats on second place ribbon! again. this is a wonderful shot!
04/30/2003 07:48:06 AM
i think people think it looks fake because of the fill flash. people arent experienced with that look. nice job.
04/30/2003 06:12:17 AM
Wow, I'm flatered.
This is a pure snapshot, took around 20 pics of the birds surrounding the boat while we were throwing fish scraps of it.
Only post edit I did was the great Auto Color in PS 7 (ctrl+shift+b)
For those of you who think it is fake, you can look at the whole series from my travel to the north of Iceland. (In icelandic)

Thanks all for great comments and your wotes.
04/30/2003 06:08:02 AM
Snilldin ein, myndin er full af fuglum! -

04/30/2003 05:40:40 AM
Frábær mynd. Til hamingju :)
04/30/2003 05:17:42 AM
Til hamingju, þessi mynd er frábær. Kveðja, Tyrkinn
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04/30/2003 04:55:52 AM
Til hamingju! múkkin stendur fyrir sínu og Skagafjörðurinn :o)
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04/30/2003 12:48:31 AM
congrats on a great shot and ribbon! well done!
04/30/2003 12:42:53 AM
Excellent shot!! I love the colors and depth. Congrats!!
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04/30/2003 12:14:13 AM
Very nice shot! Lots of drama! Congratulations!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/29/2003 11:48:37 PM
I think it's fake :) Right or wrong?
04/29/2003 11:27:11 PM
04/29/2003 10:48:08 PM
ooo very cool. I like it... great uniform focus throughout... nice color too
04/29/2003 10:34:25 PM
04/29/2003 09:43:03 PM
Nice capture. Very good focus and DOF field even with flying birds and most likely moving boat. 8
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04/29/2003 09:34:54 PM
This almost looks fake! Really a spectacular shot.
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04/29/2003 01:02:46 AM
What a beautifull Shot. Nice composition. Make me miss my days fishing out on the open water. 10
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04/28/2003 12:43:44 PM
This is my favorite photo of the challenge and deserves a ribbon for sure. Could be maybe a tad sharper but still 10 from me.
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04/28/2003 07:36:04 AM
Like this because there is so much going on - a vibrant and exciting photo - i gave it my top vote - 9
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04/28/2003 12:12:37 AM
Wow....It's amazing that they're all in focus - fantastic job (I hope you didn't get pooped on!)
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04/27/2003 09:57:59 PM
a tippi hedron nightmare! I really don't like birds, but I do think this is a pretty spectacular shot! Great colour on the water, though the sky looks a bit 'off' somehow.
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04/27/2003 07:56:18 PM
The colors look way to intense. The birds somehow look pasted on. Weird effect. The lighting? Post-processing?
04/27/2003 09:32:43 AM
Excellent contrast between the birds and their surroundings. Great how you got so many of them in the frame and also the DOF this was shot at must've been pretty high like F11 or so. Awesome. 10
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04/27/2003 01:21:45 AM
Nice photo of birds in flight, carried out very well everything seems to be in focus.
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04/26/2003 11:05:25 PM
Nice perspective. The water color is gorgeous. Nice job! 10
04/26/2003 07:19:29 PM
Go Finnur
04/26/2003 11:28:51 AM
Very nicely done the lighting and timing are excellent it really looks like they are coming out of the screen. Good job!
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04/26/2003 11:13:39 AM
Amazing shot. It has nice beautiful colors. Great compostion. 10.
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04/26/2003 08:09:40 AM
I love this photo, feels like one of the other birds took it! great job.
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04/26/2003 02:30:17 AM
Magic. Maybe straighten the horizon.
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04/25/2003 10:24:57 PM
Very colorful. I like the depth and feeling of motion.
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04/25/2003 10:14:34 PM
What a neat shot. What kind of birds are these? They look like some kind of gull but different than the ones where Ilive.
04/25/2003 08:48:16 PM
call me stragne but a fock of birds scares me more than a single spider or snake. this photo has wow factor 10
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04/25/2003 10:04:57 AM
good job
04/24/2003 08:36:52 PM
Great photograph. Good luck!!
04/24/2003 04:28:47 PM
Wow! The blue of the water is just incredible! Great capture of some action!
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04/24/2003 02:30:02 PM
really like this
04/24/2003 06:45:21 AM
Beautiful blues in this shot; esp the cyan sky. Lovely action nature shot.
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04/24/2003 06:44:03 AM
This image gives me the impression that the gulls are flying in front of a photo of the background. Good job, you have really frozen those gulls in flight, not a sign of motion blur!
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04/24/2003 02:11:32 AM
04/23/2003 08:41:23 PM
simple 10
04/23/2003 07:06:04 PM
where did you make this photo from?
04/23/2003 05:40:23 PM
Wonderful capture of flying birds, it looks surrealistic, just something about the mountains in the back.
04/23/2003 05:01:21 PM
Hot stuff! This really draws my eye into the image - so 3D! Wonderful background, too. My only nitpick is the seemingly slanted horizon (shoreline). I predict this will do very well.
04/23/2003 04:04:57 PM
I really like this photo - all those birds just hangin there! and in the back the trio of sky, mountain and water (iceland, no?) You feel right in the middle of it. But at the same time the photo is too busy, the arbitrary cropping and what birds are or are not it focus. But that is the nature of the subject thus it makes it more real...I just can't make up my mind
04/23/2003 03:45:37 PM
04/23/2003 03:40:04 PM
Yes, this would be a suitable image to promote the Hitchcock movie. Interesting image, good actionshot, lovely environment, fine colors. 8 Journey
04/23/2003 12:31:49 PM
shades of bodega bay love that how you captured the motion. Is it safae to assume you were running parrell to the flock
04/23/2003 12:19:59 PM
Nice frame, full of life
04/23/2003 11:53:46 AM
Really good shot......are you in a boat? Neat...feels like I'm moving with them. Like the movie the birds....very good. Love the cold colors.
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04/23/2003 10:47:24 AM
Kúl! Hvar tókstu hana?
04/23/2003 10:41:55 AM
Fulmars and a great back ground. Beautiful. Nice shot
04/23/2003 10:08:25 AM
I love this picture! Where was it taken? I'd like to live there :) Seriously, I like the colours, and the splash in the water from the one gull close to the middle. The only thing I find a bit distracting is that the horizon line (water line) seems a bit tilted. (9)
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04/23/2003 09:31:07 AM
The high contrast is very effective here. Love the business of the shot - though it's a shame the top left bird is slightly out of shot - he/she seems to be the natural focus of the image.
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04/23/2003 01:49:11 AM
This looks like a photoshop composite. If it's not, it's really amazing. If it is, that sucks! :)
04/23/2003 01:33:26 AM
Great job! Almost everyone of them is in focus even! There's a lot going on in this shot, but it really puts you right in the middle of the action - 10 - Mav
04/23/2003 01:06:11 AM
amazing DOF and color perfect lighting interesting subjects and background a 10 al the way
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04/23/2003 12:27:43 AM
wow wow wow..thats awsome

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