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Razor Sharp
3rd PlaceRazor Sharp

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Obsolete (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Location: On my desk
Date: Jun 24, 2005
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Interior, Macro
Date Uploaded: Jun 23, 2005

Rotated and cropped
Add border

Place: 3 out of 453
Avg (all users): 6.4691
Avg (commenters): 7.6500
Avg (participants): 6.1027
Avg (non-participants): 6.8837
Views since voting: 7818
Views during voting: 372
Votes: 275
Comments: 29
Favorites: 3 (view)

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11/05/2005 06:09:21 PM
Felicidades :)
Muy buena foto!

Me encanta la luz que utilizaste...

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07/09/2005 02:04:25 AM
No me habia fijao antes que era tu foto Carlos, Enhorabuena!!!! Impresionante foto y muy buena idea.

Tambien deciros que hay otro de Sevilla, aunque lo de Valdelagrana me pilla un poco lejos desde donde vivo actualmente.

Abrazos y a ponernos las pilas para conseguir el "Ribbon Serrano" :)
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07/08/2005 05:03:36 AM
Sorry to hear of your DQ, Robert. It tastes a little bitter getting the ribbon by a fellow photographer DQ. Your pic's great anyhow.

I was happy with the 4th, just imagine now.

Gracias otra vez, Arancha. I'll PM you and Ozzy next time I'll go to Valdelagana to buy y'all some beers to celebrate. Southern Spain GTG coming its way... for the only three of us 'round here ;-)

Edit: I have to improve my English spelling, I have to improve my English spelling, I have to improve my English spelling...

Message edited by author 2005-07-08 05:05:46.
07/08/2005 03:33:47 AM
WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Carlos .... conseguiste tu ribbon!!!!!
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07/08/2005 12:05:10 AM
I was happy to help you get your first ribbon with my screw-up! Congrats, I am truly happy for you.
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07/06/2005 06:30:15 AM
WOW, I'm sooooo happy with this honorable mention, I still cannot believe my eyes :D I never thought it will ribbon and got so close ;)!! I'll try to do it that little bit better next time so I got it.

Thank y'all for your votes and specially for your comments, I truly appreciate your time.

The history behind... Found the razor at my sister's home by chance. The hard part then was getting the blade, as the razor alone couldn't have seen as meeting the challenge. Being something so old I guess many of us will not know what it actually was... Me myself had to think twice what it was when I first saw it. I'll return the razor together with a framed print to my sister and share with her this amazing time.

Staged it on my desk with a black cardboard, a desk halogen lamp diffused with a plastic mat and spotted the blade with a "hand-screened" torch so only the blade was lightened.


PS: Gracias, Arancha!

Message edited by author 2005-07-06 17:06:15.
07/06/2005 01:05:18 AM
Congratulations on your top five for this wonderful picture ... so close to the ribbon too bad you didn't grab one :)). Enhorabuena!!!!! :)))
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07/06/2005 12:08:52 AM
Hurrah: this has finally earned the ribbon it deserves. My warmest congratulations on a wonderful image.

Message edited by author 2005-07-08 13:14:40.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/05/2005 10:27:18 PM
Yep: that unit is obsolete. Nice capture with cool tones. 7
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07/05/2005 08:56:32 PM
great macro of this antique razor..color and dof excellent.
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07/05/2005 04:42:32 PM
Great picture and subject.
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07/05/2005 12:31:43 AM
i would have liked to see more of the handle but the metal is quite nice.
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07/04/2005 01:14:23 PM
nice shot I like the composition. Good subject I am always more critical of lighting on staged shots since you have the opportunity to play with it. In this case I think a bit more highlight on the piece hanging down might have been nice.
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07/04/2005 08:21:08 AM
great colours
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07/02/2005 02:28:30 PM
This is a very appealing image. Well executed and presented. It is one of a small number of images that actually meet the challenge. It's among my top picks and I hope it ribbons.
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07/02/2005 04:37:21 AM
fabulous shot!
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07/02/2005 02:56:44 AM
Great use of low light in this one. Nicely detailed with no grain. Even liked the border.
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07/02/2005 12:24:14 AM
IMO I would have liked this more if the whole razor was in focus. Otherwise very nice idea and a very SHARP Image.
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07/01/2005 06:27:11 PM
great capture of something obsolete!
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07/01/2005 05:10:17 PM
like the light.
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07/01/2005 04:38:58 PM
Very nice. Like the black BG. Very sharp.
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07/01/2005 12:32:04 PM
This is so cool! My dad had one of these (or one like it) when I was a little kid. Beside the subject, I like the composition. Very nice photo. :)
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07/01/2005 04:58:10 AM
well photographed and a good subject 9
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06/30/2005 02:53:06 PM
wow, that is ancient
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06/30/2005 10:45:27 AM
A bit too dark, and the blade seems to hang in front of the razor. Nice subject.
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06/29/2005 07:19:20 PM
Meets challenge well, and the lighting is teriffic. Nice, simple composition. Like it. 9
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06/29/2005 03:14:29 PM
nice photo, i would liked to see more of the handle, maybe with a little more illumination.
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06/29/2005 01:35:00 PM
Exceptionally well done. This one stands out amongst the others I've seen so far. One of my favorites and one I hope to see in the winners' circle! Good luck! 10
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06/29/2005 08:32:06 AM
I like the lighting on the razor. I also like the use of the border.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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