Author | Thread |
07/31/2005 03:31:23 PM |
Shame about the DQ. Excellent image and entry... |
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07/10/2005 09:27:28 PM |
Sorry !! You nailed this one ..... keep it up!! |
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07/10/2005 04:22:29 PM |
OH I just found out this got DQ'd. Thats a real bummer.
I voted this one for blue ribbon, its simplicity and composition just hit the nail on the head.
Shame, hope we see more of your work |
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07/07/2005 07:52:20 PM |
Im so bummed this was DQ'd! either way, very nice image! |
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07/06/2005 09:55:47 PM |
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07/06/2005 09:48:49 PM |
This picture says it all, great taste and tribute to our past. |
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07/06/2005 12:33:14 PM |
This was my favorite..simple shot, lovely low lighting and lots of sky..wonderful effective picture. congratulations! |
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07/06/2005 10:09:45 AM |
congrats on the well deserved is a beauty of a photo |
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07/06/2005 09:22:54 AM |
This was my pick to win, but 3rd ain't bad! CONGRATS! |
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07/06/2005 09:13:01 AM |
Congrats! I just knew this photo would place very well. Outstanding!! |
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07/06/2005 08:25:04 AM |
Congrats!! Almost too much sky but who cares at this winning point. The colors and subject - perfect! |
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07/06/2005 06:05:01 AM |
CONGRATS.... i love this shot... i had to look twice to see if it was not a paiinting.... well done... |
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07/06/2005 12:42:05 AM |
Congratulations on a well deserved ribbon! |
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07/06/2005 12:31:50 AM |
love the composition, the sky is a highlight ! Congrats on your ribbon ! |
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07/06/2005 12:28:06 AM |
Congrats on first ribbon. I'm really happy to see this one do so well. One of my top choices. |
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07/06/2005 12:14:21 AM |
HOOray for this one! CONGRATS Robert! You met your goal relatively quick with a fantastic, well-deserving ribbon. |
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07/06/2005 12:07:58 AM |
Congratulations on your Yellow with this breathtaking composition. |
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07/06/2005 12:02:43 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/05/2005 11:20:49 PM |
I like this shot. I really like how there's so much sky, but I think there may be a tiny bit too much. |
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07/05/2005 09:37:16 PM |
This is my favorite shot of the challenge and sadly; your title is all too true. I hope you do well.
Bumping up. |
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07/05/2005 08:12:59 PM |
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07/05/2005 03:44:54 PM |
hate the title. Too forced. Love the image. 9. Return visit...Still don't like the title. I guess I have negative connotations with the word obsolete. Still love the image. I don't think there is any way to improve it. Bump to 10... |
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07/05/2005 10:24:59 AM |
Just beautiful! definetly obsolete unfortunatley. 8 |
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07/05/2005 07:45:37 AM |
Very nice composition, great colours, impressive sky. |
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07/05/2005 03:06:29 AM |
One of the few I've seen this challenge that I really like. Good grasp of challenge theme, great lighting, love the composition. I hope you ribbon! |
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07/04/2005 07:32:35 AM |
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07/03/2005 03:58:42 PM |
I do not agree with the title, but that's not what matters. The photo is beautifull and taken by he that is not afraid if threatening skies. Rated 8. |
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07/03/2005 11:52:23 AM |
nice shot I would have cropped a little more of the sky out. |
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07/02/2005 11:04:52 PM |
Stunning. Great colours and light. Having most of the frame filled by sky works well here I think. |
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07/02/2005 02:23:15 PM |
This is a lovely photo. Dramatic sky. Nice lighting. Wonderful composition. Nicely leveled. It is indeed evocative of an obsolete way of life. And it reinforces my desire to go exploring. My top pick for the challenge. Thanks, and well done. |
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07/02/2005 06:37:50 AM |
simply fantastic. bumping up |
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07/02/2005 12:53:27 AM |
magical. The great height of sky against the highlighted teepees is wonderful. A little fuzzy, but still a very strong composition. I imagine it as a fantastic painting circa Remington. Nice job! |
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07/01/2005 11:33:57 PM |
Wow, what a powerful image. I know that it may suffer from the challenge topic ambiguity, but I'd really like to see it in top 10. And the horizon is perfectly OK, it does not need straightening. |
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07/01/2005 05:10:25 PM |
to me this is such a wonderful depiction of the challenge very well done.the composition is both intriguing and get my 10 for this shot |
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07/01/2005 03:35:08 PM |
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07/01/2005 01:44:12 PM |
I think this is a great shot I gave you a 7. This is a personal pet peave but you do not need to use the word obsolete in your title - we all know what the challenge entails. If this wasn't such a good photo I would have given you a lower score based solely on the title. Good luck with this one - I do like it a lot. |
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07/01/2005 12:55:51 AM |
Awesome! Best one I have seen so far, by far. |
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06/30/2005 06:39:32 PM |
Minimalist, yet striking image..I like the hard light on tents and the predominance of sky. |
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06/30/2005 06:37:23 PM |
Well this gets the high mark from me, not a 10 because I think its a tad dark and needs some zest, but compostitionally I think its a winner |
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06/30/2005 05:23:32 PM |
too much sky...I'd crop it a little on top....but otherwise, it's awesome! |
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06/30/2005 05:03:59 PM |
Beautiful job. Very nice. In my humble opinion, this should be the clear winner of the blue ribbon. I've reviewed all of the entries (twice now) and found yours to be the most relevant and unique. 10 |
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06/30/2005 02:36:11 PM |
Definately the best I have seen in this challenge up to now. Top Marks |
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06/30/2005 09:28:30 AM |
A lovely photo just the way it is, but I bet your score could have been significantly higher if you had increased the contrast of the clouds (possible within basic rules by adjusting curves) and straightened the horizon. |
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06/30/2005 08:48:57 AM |
Wow! I love this shot! Very obsolete and very pretty!!!
Very well done!! |
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06/29/2005 10:57:43 PM |
great Great sky! I really like the comp and everything about this! Tones, lighting, etc |
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06/29/2005 10:44:16 PM |
great view of the openness of the plain. |
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06/29/2005 08:07:22 PM |
Lots of sky in this picture. Photo may have benifited with some aggresive cropping. Good composition and color balance. |
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06/29/2005 06:38:07 PM |
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06/29/2005 04:34:41 PM |
woah where did u find these cool tps?? nice colors! |
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06/29/2005 03:08:12 PM |
The sky looks amazing, but I think you should have taken the tents closer |
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06/29/2005 12:30:42 PM |
the light is wonderful! Great use of negative space.
so peaceful and quiet... |
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06/29/2005 11:23:09 AM |
I really enjoy Native American Art and History, so I really like this shot. There seems to be something in the distance that throws it off a little, but I am just being picky. I really like the white of the Teepees contrasted to the dark sky. I wonder if the shot was taken from the left a little more could you get rid of some of the shadows? |
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06/29/2005 08:31:03 AM |
This is such a neat picture! I love the angle! Very nice! |
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06/29/2005 08:09:49 AM |
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06/29/2005 08:00:31 AM |
The dark stom clouds really add to the mood. |
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06/29/2005 07:27:05 AM |
Very touching and thought provoking image. everything came together. |
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06/29/2005 07:16:23 AM |
Interesting shot, but I think you included just a tad too much sky. There also seems to be a lot of grain the farther we go up into the image. |
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