by karmat
I think the quality of this picture (focus, lighting, etc) is great. The details of it are visible and clear, and you have left no doubt what the outcome was! I also like how the sequence is even with a "before/during/after" feeling to it. At one point the "pilot's" head being cut off bothered me, but since the guitar is the object of focus, it really doesn't seem to matter. I think what is missing from this "story" (and it does a good job of telling one), is emotion. Technically it is very well done, but emotionally it comes up a bit short.
To be perfectly honest, I was surprised that this was yours. After seeing some of your other triptyches, this just doesn't seem to compare. Again, this one is good, but it lacked that certain element, the "wow" factor if you will, that made it shine above the others.
I truly enjoy your work, and hope that this doesn't sound too harsh.