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Teenage Model Wannabe
Teenage Model Wannabe

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black & White (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Norristown, PA
Date: May 27, 2002
Aperture: ?
ISO: Auto
Shutter: ?
Date Uploaded: May 28, 2002

15-year-old niece who wants to be a supermodel. Your average desk lamp was used for the lighting. Your average fan blew her hair.

Place: 32 out of 153
Avg (all users): 6.0367
Avg (commenters): 7.4074
Avg (participants): 6.1304
Avg (non-participants): 5.9538
Views since voting: 34847
Votes: 245
Comments: 32
Favorites: 9 (view)

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03/29/2009 10:16:01 AM
Very nice presentation. Your niece's aspirations are grounded in practical reality. Since you're in Lansdale you might want to look into Allentown-based //www.PhotoModelSessions.com. We're a membership-based club for models and photographers with nearly 150 members, who MeetUp regularly at various venues for TFP (Trade for Photos). It's a great way to build a strong portfolio for modeling work, email, web sites, resumes or just for fun! It's also a great way to make solid connections with other working models and photographers.
05/05/2007 05:21:20 PM
I really like this shot!! so did she do any more modeling?
06/10/2002 11:30:00 AM
Wow! Thanks to everyone for voting on my first pic. Was pleasantly surprised at how well it placed. I appreciate all the great comments and hope to one day have a ribbon here as I learn tips from all you fabulous shooters on here.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/09/2002 08:47:00 PM
cute model, like the hair blowing around - good sho. Could do with some fill light for the left side of her face under her chin to soften the shadows.
06/07/2002 11:39:00 PM
nice capture
06/07/2002 03:16:00 PM
I feel sorry for this girls dad. He is going to have to threaten so many young boys.

Besides the young ladies looks this is a nice portrait, soft focus, and good tones. I think the hair blowing is a bit much but nothing that would deter my rating of this shot.
06/06/2002 09:01:00 PM
Very good! I give this one a high score. I like the wind blown hair effect. Lighting is generally good, but there are some shadows that break up the back lighting a bit.
06/06/2002 09:29:00 AM
Pretty young lady, nice portrait.
06/06/2002 08:44:00 AM
sort of looks like mariah carey. are you using a wind-machine, aka fan? looks good in black and white.
06/06/2002 05:04:00 AM
Well, she should be a model. You should do the cards models give to agencies. For a hint: color is for models and b&w is for actors.
06/05/2002 07:32:00 PM
Pretty good model shoot. Nice use of lighting, good focus, nice contrasts all around. Sorry, but I have no constructive remarks.
Photo 9 Creativity 6 B&W 9 total 7
06/05/2002 05:47:00 PM
Very nice portrait photo! good job!
06/05/2002 02:09:00 PM
The wind-blown hair is a nice touch. I like how my attention is drawn to her eyes.
06/05/2002 01:05:00 PM
I like how the hair flow in the picture
06/05/2002 11:08:00 AM
Well done. I can't decide if I like the soft focus on her face, but isn't that the style?
06/04/2002 11:46:00 PM
Good 'tude on her, and I like the motion blur on her hair - gives her some motion. The shadows on the bg are a little distracting, esp at R. If you'd moved her a little closer to the camera, they might have landed out of frame. The whites (except for the blowouts on the collar and sleeve) look a little dingy.
06/04/2002 11:13:00 PM
Nice but does it need more sharpness.
06/04/2002 10:34:00 PM
you both get 10
06/04/2002 09:57:00 AM
Wow! Striking girl and great lighting effects! Love the fan blowing her hair back; very sexy!
06/04/2002 05:11:00 AM
You're good at this kind of photography, but it's not something I like much. I'd rather be shown who she is than what she looks like with nice makeup and windswept hair.
06/04/2002 01:47:00 AM
Something bothers me a bit about the jawline/neck area: too dark/contrasty, too sharp, maybe both. I like the overall style/composition fine!
06/04/2002 12:10:00 AM
wow. breathtaking.
06/03/2002 07:35:00 PM
OK picture, but its been done before, no creativity.
06/03/2002 05:19:00 PM
Neat b&w. Nice portait, she is darling and you caught that 'teen' look very well.
Great job. Congrats on a fine job.
06/03/2002 04:46:00 PM
06/03/2002 02:11:00 PM
model? not in america
06/03/2002 12:54:00 PM
Great model shot, perfect DOF, focal point, framing, composition. Very well done.
06/03/2002 11:51:00 AM
she's got the look, nice shot
06/03/2002 11:46:00 AM
Yes, I like it, good job.
06/03/2002 11:17:00 AM
Nice tits
06/03/2002 07:37:00 AM
06/03/2002 07:36:00 AM
When is your birthday and where do you live? =) Other than that, the shot is very nice, she looks young but sexy. The hair blowing is a nice detail considering the title. But something is missing. B&W is SUCH a great 'tool'. A little more dramatic lighting would have made this a 10.

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