Author | Thread |
10/23/2003 09:48:22 AM |
sá hana à mogganum, til lukku með verðlaunin :) |
05/20/2003 08:09:03 PM |
I'm very thankful for all the comment |
05/13/2003 11:27:02 AM |
05/11/2003 09:50:11 AM |
Mjög góð mynd, til hamingju. Ãg er að vÃsu ekki alveg sammála magnusi um fuglinn, mér finnst flott að hann sé þarna, partur af "sögunni" sem þessi mynd segir. ps. magnað hversu margir Ãslendingar stunda þennan vef! :) |
05/10/2003 07:02:09 AM |
Vá ég er gjörsamlega heilluð af þessari mynd. Get ekki hætt að horfa á hana. Til hamingju með annað sætið :O) |
05/09/2003 04:28:29 PM |
Frábær mynd! Litirnir eru svo stórkostlegir að ég hefði kannski klippt af vinstra megin og að ofan til að losna við fuglinn. |
05/09/2003 11:17:43 AM |
05/08/2003 08:51:06 AM |
Til hamingju með annað sætið.
Frábær mynd :D |
05/08/2003 07:43:25 AM |
ÃvÃlÃk snilld, þvÃlÃk rólegheit, þvÃlÃk rútÃna...
ég er hrifinn, til hamingju með þetta. |
05/07/2003 02:24:16 PM |
Blessaður gamli !
Til hamingju með 2. sætið.
úr þessu held ég að ekki sé mikill möguleiki að toppa þetta.
Ãað verður alla vega mjög erfitt.
HS |
05/07/2003 10:11:48 AM |
Frábær mynd til hamingju! Ãttir þetta skilið, ef ekki fyrsta sætið.
(e. Excellent shot, congrats) |
05/07/2003 09:57:22 AM |
Til hamingju, Hún hefði átt að vera à fyrsta sæti!, ótrúlega flott mynd.Litirnir, birtan, speglun, múkkin , meiriháttar. er hann á grásleppu? |
05/07/2003 07:52:06 AM |
This is an amazing photo. I love it! congratuatulations! |
05/07/2003 07:49:28 AM |
05/07/2003 07:34:21 AM |
Wow! Excellent shot. Beautiful colors and reflections. Congrats on your first ribbon. |
05/07/2003 07:25:45 AM |
Iceland is taking over this site ;)
Til hamingju
Would have liked to see some space to the left of the bird, but that´s snapshots for ya...
Message edited by author 2003-05-07 07:27:30. |
05/07/2003 07:09:32 AM |
Við erum alveg með þetta!!! Til lukku :) |
05/07/2003 12:38:45 AM |
I love the colors. Great job! |
05/07/2003 12:23:28 AM |
beautiful photo...the colors are amazing! congratulations on a well deserved ribbon! |
05/07/2003 12:19:42 AM |
I knew this picture was top material! Congratulations! |
05/07/2003 12:12:47 AM |
Beautiful image. One of my favorites this week. Good job and congrats!
Grayce |
05/07/2003 12:10:31 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon! |
05/07/2003 12:06:14 AM |
This shot sure tells a story. Congratulations! |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
05/06/2003 10:26:34 PM |
I would like to see more of the reflection. Good picture though. The orange works well against the blue sea. Good job. |
05/06/2003 03:42:35 PM |
Excellent color. THe bright jacket sems over saturated though. But maybe it's just my monitor. Good job capturing the bird ni flight too. |
05/06/2003 01:59:59 PM |
Very nice image. I like the texture that the water creates. |
05/05/2003 08:57:19 PM |
05/05/2003 02:00:23 PM |
Oh what beautiful colors, what a serene picture! This is something I'd expect to see in a National Geographic magazine! I gave this picture a 9, and it is one of my favorites. However, a little more cropping off the top might have been better. |
05/05/2003 01:12:07 PM |
The position of his right hand makes me very uncomfortable... |
05/05/2003 10:55:17 AM |
The colors are wonderful in this photo. The emotion of and on the man is great. The bird is a little distraction. |
05/04/2003 08:30:44 PM |
I really like your picture. It is purposeful and interesting. The bird in the upper left adds interest. I wish the orange wasn't so bright on the fishermans raingear. If it wasn't for that this would be a 10. Still very good and one of my favorites. |
05/04/2003 07:05:39 PM |
05/04/2003 08:10:17 AM |
Very vivid, but I think the orange is a little over saturated. |
05/04/2003 02:32:48 AM |
That orange almost blinds me, otherwise seems perfect to me. |
05/04/2003 02:00:12 AM |
Just a little too orange here. |
05/04/2003 01:54:42 AM |
There are several things I like about this photo, the bright contrasing colors, the composition and the bird landing in or taking off from the water. |
05/03/2003 09:32:39 AM |
A nice compostion, although it would have better to place the subject a little off centre. Th orange looks a little too saturated also. |
05/03/2003 08:23:12 AM |
They look a bit blown out but I like the intensity of the colours. Very interesting elements and an added bonus with the seagull. Jacko 8 |
05/03/2003 07:13:12 AM |
Nice reflections. The colours on the raincoat almost look too saturated. Although the bird taking off with a fish in the corner of the shot does provide some interest, I think it is distracting overall. I think cropping closer to get just the fisherman and his boat and including less of the water (that part without the reflections) would have made for a stronger composition. There's still something to it though. |
05/03/2003 01:32:37 AM |
wow. the colours of that fisher's clothes, and the rippled mirror reflections of the water contrasted with the fisher and the boat REALLY make this shot for me. I adore it, including that errant bird in the back. Our fisher could use a little bit more focus though, he seems blurred a bit and pixely near his arm. Lovely capture in any event, well done! |
05/03/2003 12:08:37 AM |
The colour is absolutely great. I would crop out the seagull. |
05/02/2003 05:27:10 PM |
dynamic colors and lighitng. I think the crop and framing could be improved. |
05/02/2003 12:38:43 AM |
Maybe over saturated the orange a little. But still a very cool shot. I LOVE the light bouncing off the boat. |
05/01/2003 09:09:09 PM |
05/01/2003 07:34:32 PM |
This is phenominal! I love this! - 12
;0) |
04/30/2003 10:31:16 PM |
This photo makes me feel good all over - I love it! |
04/30/2003 04:34:30 PM |
I like this image.... I thinkyou have captured it well and the colour really jumps off the page.... if I can make one criticism it would be that the bird in the background is quite distracting.... I probably would have cropped it out..... but for what it's worth I really like the shot. |
04/30/2003 12:46:08 PM |
04/30/2003 11:48:38 AM |
A combined entry, transportation and fauna. A little more space in front of the boat to include the entire reflection may add impact. Exposure is good. |
04/30/2003 11:00:01 AM |
Intense, impact. WOW Love the colors, the light is out of this world beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic shooting...........the red slicker. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clean crisp. |
04/30/2003 10:56:58 AM |
phenomenal work... this is one of my two favorites in this challenge... the color contrast and overall theme is perfect :) - 10 - setzler |
04/30/2003 10:25:25 AM |
Nice shot, clear and good colors, I like it |
04/30/2003 09:01:16 AM |
really nice, excellent colors............ |
04/30/2003 04:23:09 AM |
I like this, very simple composition and it's reality. Also I have a thing about boats which helps. The contrast may be a little too high but that is really a personal preference. |
04/30/2003 02:36:26 AM |
Looks like hard work out there....unless you're the seagull who's putting quite a successful bid in for stealing the show - as well as any complacent fish. |
04/30/2003 02:10:09 AM |
I loved the colors in you shot fantastic!! 10 |
04/30/2003 01:38:18 AM |
Wow, I love the orange jumpsuit and green on the boat with that surreal color of blue water. (This would have been great for the color challenge) And the capture of that bird is awesome. wish I could see the man's face a bit better but awesome job. |
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