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My Extended Family
My Extended Family

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Family (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Kill Devil Hills, NC
Date: Jul 8, 2005
Date Uploaded: Jul 8, 2005


Place: 85 out of 159
Avg (all users): 5.1634
Avg (commenters): 6.3077
Avg (participants): 4.7111
Avg (non-participants): 5.4072
Views since voting: 613
Views during voting: 470
Votes: 257
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/16/2005 03:52:42 PM
hey, my daughter has a similar tattoo
07/15/2005 08:20:22 PM
I'm not sure about the angle of this, unless that was in the process of falling over, it doesnt seem like it works for the subject very well.
07/15/2005 12:57:41 AM
is that a real tattoo on her?...i feel really, really old now...thanks. your lighting is good the photo is really crisp, unfortunately the photo keeps me about as interested as your subjects appear to be.
07/13/2005 10:51:37 PM
I like the lighting and the angle of the shot.
07/13/2005 10:57:00 AM
I really like the blue background with the color of the old wood, good shot.
07/12/2005 01:54:20 PM
Fit to challenge criteria: 2 /2
Contrast/Colors: 2/2
Photo Quality: 2/2
Composition: 1/2
My subjective affinity: 1/2
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/12/2005 10:01:25 AM
Love the angle. Nice, sharp colors. I've spent many an hour in a lifeguard chair too.
07/12/2005 07:59:16 AM
nice and sharp with interesting crop.
07/11/2005 02:08:52 PM
i honestly really like this one because of the fact that it looks like it could be in some teen magazine. The color is really awesome, too!
07/11/2005 01:00:48 PM
Very cool angle and I love the colors. DOF is a little soft around faces, but otherwise pretty sharp. Also, the shadows hide some of the expressions (again a very small detail). Overall, very nice work!
07/11/2005 10:07:00 AM
A nice shot of some kids (any adults??) on a balcony/deck/life guard chair somewhere. Nothing to me indicates family. It could be any group of people randomly shot.
07/11/2005 09:39:32 AM
The very bright sunlight is well controlled, and I like the tilt. Tells a familiar summer story.
07/11/2005 09:09:33 AM
Love the contrast and color. Great skin tones. I'd straighten it out a bit though - the tilt makes it confusing to me.
07/11/2005 06:55:46 AM
Nice blue sky.
07/11/2005 04:22:15 AM
like the angle

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