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Color for a young girl's hair
Color for a young girl's hair

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Secondary Colors (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: home
Date: May 9, 2003
Date Uploaded: May 9, 2003


Place: 188 out of 225
Avg (all users): 4.2614
Avg (commenters): 4.0000
Avg (participants): 4.1100
Avg (non-participants): 4.4605
Views since voting: 787
Votes: 176
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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05/23/2003 01:50:13 AM
*Critique Club*
You definately have your mixture of secondary colors here. The only one I am not really fond of is the little flourescent green one in the front. A secondary color is a mixture of equal ammounts of primary colors, and I don't think that the glowing green one qualifies. Even if it did, I don't think that it really goes smoothly with the rest of the colors you have here.
The lighting is a little harsh on a couple of the plastic pieces, and I think that you got a really great suggestion from dadas115 on how to deal with that. Not much I can add there.
My brain wants me to see that doily as being white, however, it has a flourescent green tint to it. Is it that color naturally? Or is something changing the color? I would definately like a white background for this. Color is great, but sometimes it IS possible for too much color.
It's a little busy, but I'm undecided on weather or not I like that aspect about this. This shot really screams children to me. And Children are anything but setup and organized.
Focus seems a bit soft, and this is probably due to the harsh lighting conditions. I especially notice that the purple hair band in the back/middle is blurrier than the surrounding pieces. I find this odd, but probably a texture thing.
I like how the subject fills the entire photo. I don't think that negative space would work in this situation.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2003 08:19:51 PM
Bright colors. The focus looks like it might be off a little.
05/16/2003 02:55:20 PM
I think this is a great idea for a picture, and I really love macros. The problems that jump out at me are the lighting and the use of plastic. The lighting looks a bit harsh to me and might be improved by using a diffuser (even a piece of tissue paper in front of the light source can serve this purpose). Plastic is a bit harder to solve. I find plastic to be quite difficult to photograph, especially the softer plastics. I have found that camera angle is very important to making plastic objects look good. Something about the way it reflects the light just doesn̢۪t look good in pictures. The other thing is to make sure all the surfaces are very clean and have as few scratches/imperfections as possible. I usually use latex gloves to handle objects when I am setting up a still life. You might benefit from greater DOF in this shot and a tad less exposure. There appears to be a lack of detail in the objects in the foreground and the highlights appear to be blown out a bit. You might try a smaller aperture and a tripod if you weren̢۪t already using one. This subject matter would probably look very nice if it was illuminated by daylight through an open window. Good effort here, I gave it a 5.

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05/16/2003 02:06:06 PM
Focus seems soft in the botom and top of the image... i dont really know where to look... perhaps a little busy... secondary colours are there.. but they dont stand out to me as the main topic of the image?... 5
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05/15/2003 08:45:14 PM
I guess cause I'm a mom........?.......I find this shot 'sweet'. Little girls, very special. Your lighting is harsh and doesn't help you with the focus and bright green/red here. Still it was a good idea. Keep shootin'
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/15/2003 12:15:23 AM
Yes they are all there, the secondary colors that is! But the subject matter is a little thrown together, not an appealing picture.
05/14/2003 02:16:20 PM

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