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One second out of eternity
One second out of eternity

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Long Exposure (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Location: Gullfoss, Iceland
Date: Jul 30, 2005
Aperture: f/22
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1 second
Date Uploaded: Jul 30, 2005

A tiny portion of Gullfoss (the Golden waterfall) in SW-Iceland.

I photographed this one with a two stop ND-filter and Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 at the 70mm setting.

Editing: A lot! I can't really remember it all though I do remember that this is not a crop and that I used USM, hue/sat, colorize, gradient map, levels, curves, Shadow/highlight, clone brush, healing brush and spot-healing brush, the exposure tool and smart sharpening. I also changed the blending mode on few of the layers to color, color burn, luminosity, and screen.

Place: 4 out of 200
Avg (all users): 6.7967
Avg (commenters): 7.8750
Avg (participants): 6.6154
Avg (non-participants): 6.9343
Views since voting: 5063
Views during voting: 484
Votes: 241
Comments: 27
Favorites: 12 (view)

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08/09/2005 07:43:02 AM
..og þú ætlaðir að velja einhverja út-úr-bílrúðumynd í þetta... well, ~6,8.. toldya! Til hamingju
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08/09/2005 06:34:23 AM
A wonderful picture, perfect balance, high dynamic - great !!!
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08/08/2005 09:17:16 PM
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08/08/2005 07:13:36 AM
eirasi, no I'm not at all disappointed with ending up in the 4th place yet again. I just find it a bit funny, that's all! :)
08/08/2005 06:31:06 AM
Sure you are a little bit dissapointed one place from ribbon again!

But abotu the photo: Cool how many different photos one can make of this waterfall!

Edit: Translation from Icelandic to English since it is supposed to be international!

Message edited by author 2005-08-08 06:33:11.
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08/08/2005 02:04:55 AM
congrats on top 5 ;)
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08/08/2005 01:28:59 AM
I don´t know whether to say congratulations or not! Fantastic shot Andri! Rosalegt að lenda í 4ða aftur. Það hefði verið gaman að sjá 3 víkinga í borðahamstrinu :)
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08/08/2005 12:57:27 AM
LOL, yet another 4th place!
It's a bit funny that I've entered into 4 challenges on DPC in July and in 3 of those I ended up in the 4th place. In addition, I've also entered into 3 challenges in July at another photography contest site here in Iceland and I also ended up in the 4th place in all of those challenges. So in all, I've entered into 7 challenges in July and the 4th place was mine in all but one of those instances. Guess I can't complain, can I? ;-)

Anyway, thanks for all the comments folks!
I especially want to answer skief who complaimed about grainyness in the top-left corner. This isn't really noise/grain but tiny water droplets coming from the waterfall.
As for the title, which JohannesFrank commented on, it refers to the fact that this is a one second exposure.

I'd like to thank Larus for inviting me on this trip to Gullfoss (well, I bought him a sandwich instead) and for lending me the ND-filter.

If anyone is curious, this waterfall, Gullfoss, is one the most well known tourist attractions in Iceland. Pictures of it can be easily found on the Internet.

Message edited by author 2005-08-08 01:09:19.
08/08/2005 12:51:02 AM
Congrats on top 5 finish!
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08/08/2005 12:06:23 AM
What a lovely water sweep! Congratulations on your top Five finish.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/07/2005 05:36:10 AM
now this is how water pictures should be made... i especially like the "water dust" (whats the word) at the top of the picture.. well done!
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08/06/2005 07:28:30 PM
What a pleasant flow. Go river, go, go. Or is it a brook? lol Very nice capture. Bumping up.
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08/06/2005 09:19:25 AM
Like the photo but the title is a ?
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08/04/2005 02:24:15 PM
I find this to be striking. The power of the water is evident and the composition is good.
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08/04/2005 10:21:08 AM
The best water shot of this challenge. Exposure not too long or too short. GReat composition and lighting is really good.
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08/03/2005 09:40:32 AM
7 - Beautiful flowing black and white. I don't like the graininess as it is just on the top left, and is not even throughout the b&w conversion. however, I still think this is a good interpretation of the challenge.
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08/02/2005 04:44:34 PM
Absolutely beautiful.
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08/02/2005 04:32:36 PM
awesome ! 10
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08/02/2005 04:11:34 PM
its a nice second u caught
one of my fav amongst the streams !
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08/02/2005 08:23:42 AM
amazing, i like it
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08/01/2005 10:14:23 PM
I think this is a bit too bright. Nice composition.
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08/01/2005 09:44:27 PM
Good title and good picture. Nice work!
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08/01/2005 05:36:48 PM
Good viewpoint and post processing. The poetic title works well here. -9
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08/01/2005 01:13:58 PM
Powerful. 10
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08/01/2005 02:07:54 AM
I like the B&W conversion. I find it adds crispness to the photo that might not have been there with a color version. I like the softness of the water as well. well done and good luck in this challenge. <8>
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08/01/2005 12:42:44 AM
Very pretty. Like white velvet!!!
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08/01/2005 12:39:11 AM
Love the textures!
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