Author | Thread |
11/23/2004 04:10:10 PM |
"U fat bastard"
*dies laughing* |
06/12/2002 11:12:00 AM |
06/11/2002 10:11:00 PM |
It's all in good fun, Mr. Elements. |
06/10/2002 06:37:00 PM |
Hey, Reuben did it ever occur to you that you mght sound like you have a very small anus with an enormous stick stuck up there? |
06/10/2002 05:56:00 PM |
If you ask me, this was pretty... "pointless". |
06/10/2002 09:46:00 AM |
Yo, jmsetzler... everything seems PRETTY clear to me ;-) |
06/10/2002 12:47:00 AM |
I am glad the focus was not the only thing that was soft. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
06/09/2002 02:05:00 PM |
Ummm, this picture should be cropped an inch or so UP. Also photo is a little grainy. |
06/08/2002 02:37:00 PM |
06/08/2002 12:14:00 AM |
I see a *little* *creativity* here, but this photo comes up *short* *where it counts*. The *filesize* is *tiny*; about one tenth the allowed size for the site. The *compression* *artifacts* are distracting. |
06/07/2002 06:03:00 PM |
seems a little grainy and over compressed--also not much contrast for a b&w shot. still, he is certainly shaving!;) |
06/07/2002 06:02:00 PM |
Very bity, Not sharp at all, Plus there are too many distracting features! |
06/06/2002 04:47:00 PM |
You're very brave to submit this :). I'm sure a lot of people are offended by a bit of masculine pubic hair, but I think it's neat. If you hadn't compressed the image too much, and had more contrast, it would be quite a good photo in my opinion. |
06/05/2002 11:49:00 PM |
This could have been a pretty good shot if it weren't so grainy (soft focus, I don't know, maybe that's the look you were going for?) and if you'd gotten a better angle and closer also have this shower curtain rod coming out of your ear and the towel is distracting. And I have to admit... I like partially nude (or fully nude) men as much as the next red blooded american gal...but dang it, get it in focus please ;) |
06/05/2002 10:39:00 PM |
Naked men don't do anything for me. Interesting angle and all but you could use a better focus. Also your background (shower curtain bar, towel, and door) are all distracting. |
06/05/2002 05:59:00 PM |
This doesnt seem like anything that should be here. Maybe if I was a lady I could enjoy this photograph more, who knows? It seems like a snapshot, like not much thought or effort went into the creation of it. |
06/04/2002 11:17:00 PM |
Hehhehheh...ya missed a spot ;) About time men got some equal airtime around here!! More light would help with the grain, unless it's intentional - then sorry, don't care for it. and wish the towel wasn't there. Great capture though!! |
06/04/2002 07:00:00 PM |
this image is only 15k and the low quality is very evident on the walls. i'd recommend saving your pictures at a higher quality |
06/04/2002 10:03:00 AM |
EWWWWWWWWWWWW YUCK! BLECH!!!!! Next time use a model! Last thing I wanted to see what some fat guy's penis! |
06/04/2002 07:15:00 AM |
06/04/2002 05:40:00 AM |
Only 1/10 of the allowable file size. Too compressed to evaluate properly, but the composition seems okay (the bear towel grabs my attention - maybe for the best). |
06/04/2002 02:45:00 AM |
06/03/2002 10:25:00 PM |
06/03/2002 09:10:00 PM |
Who are you and how did you get a picture of my husband shaving? JK. But who ever this is really looks a lot like him. Pretty grainy. The childs towel actually adds some humor to the shot. |
06/03/2002 08:02:00 PM |
06/03/2002 06:50:00 PM |
the frank and beans is really distracting. i doubt that was the point. |
06/03/2002 06:36:00 PM |
A little TOO much on the eyes here! Way more than I wanted to see! It's not even a good shot and the guy is really not worth looking at. I'm missing the creativity here....ugh.... |
06/03/2002 05:20:00 PM |
Neat b&w. Good job. Yipie a naked MAN for a change. <g> |
06/03/2002 03:02:00 PM |
Sorry, there is nothing in this picture I can honestly say I like. |
06/03/2002 02:53:00 PM |
I stil rated you way down. But in this case I am glad you are out of focus. This is the most boring photo of the lot. |
06/03/2002 02:03:00 PM |
06/03/2002 01:53:00 PM |
The focus on this is rather soft, and it appears to be flat and muddy. Perhaps boosting the contrast would have helped. |
06/03/2002 11:38:00 AM |
06/03/2002 11:19:00 AM |
06/03/2002 11:12:00 AM |
Was there a specific reason why you saved this file so small? I think it could've benefitted from a larger file (and less pixelation). |
06/03/2002 10:09:00 AM |
Almost too much in this photo....... |
06/03/2002 08:58:00 AM |
A little too much skin maybe? |
06/03/2002 07:32:00 AM |
The composition is sorta dull, just not really exciting. Not sure if you're trying to be controversial (doesn't work with me). Something is just missing. |
06/03/2002 06:58:00 AM |
I believe that this photo is borderlining on poor taste.. The clarity is also a bit weak... |
06/03/2002 06:49:00 AM |
jpeg arti's all over this pic - only 15.5Kb - 90% over-compressed - but maybe that's enough detail for this shot!!!! |
06/03/2002 05:50:00 AM |
too distracting with the towel, door and the rod coming out his head |
06/03/2002 05:27:00 AM |
Little blury, but hey great creative shot. |
06/03/2002 12:40:00 AM |
The contest criteria stated "artistic"... Unfortunately I don't see it here |
06/03/2002 12:24:00 AM |
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