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Tennis Anyone?
Tennis Anyone?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Primary Colors (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-720UZ
Location: Saratoga Springs, NY (home)
Date: May 11, 2003
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Studio, Traditional Art
Date Uploaded: May 11, 2003

Yes, I really own blue and red (and yellow) tennis balls. They are "FUN BALLS!"

I saw them, bought them to play, then the challenge came out - talk about a subject falling into your lap!

Anyways - this is about my 101st shot. I did everything possible and decided on this. The background is a pillow case.

Place: 15 out of 99
Avg (all users): 6.3023
Avg (commenters): 7.0769
Avg (participants): 6.2933
Avg (non-participants): 6.3148
Views since voting: 3139
Votes: 129
Comments: 26
Favorites: 7 (view)

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05/29/2003 01:39:27 PM
fantastic shot mav. ive just moved into my new place in san jose. we have tennis courts here and this has inspired me to go play a bit. UNfortunately, i doubt they have fun balls.
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05/19/2003 08:26:14 AM
hey! nice turnaround and great shot!
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05/19/2003 05:57:15 AM
David - the problem is *I* never know what I'm going to do next! :)

I have a particular style - a play with lighting that I like. But unfortunately I've seen that with my transportation and my Black Magic entries that I'm better off trying to learn this very bright direct or close-up lighting.

As far as the pillowcase - that's funny! I have seen some good backgrounds so I thought I'd try it. Tried to throw it out of focus, but with digital....ya know? f2.8 is about as good as it gets.

Thanks again!
05/19/2003 04:39:49 AM
Good picture and good score mav. Congrats.
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05/19/2003 12:51:45 AM
By the way, my daughter has this same pillowcase! Some kinda weird Karma, eh?
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05/19/2003 12:50:34 AM
I'm glad to see this did quite well! The background really makes the simple lines and colors of the balls pop! Your photos are all so different--I never know what you'll do next!
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05/19/2003 12:09:09 AM
I knew this crop would work. ;) very very well done!

Message edited by author 2003-05-19 00:14:12.
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05/19/2003 12:06:58 AM
Thanks Loz! Thanks MK! Thanks frisca.

Message edited by author 2003-05-19 00:17:43.
05/19/2003 12:05:17 AM
You're movin' up, Mav!
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05/19/2003 12:01:55 AM
Congrats. 15th place is pretty good :-D
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2003 11:34:53 PM
I think the background really provides a nice contrast on this one. My only nitpicky comment would be to position them so that the lines on the balls actually lead the eyes in a particular direction.
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05/18/2003 11:23:27 PM
Very nice set up, and I like your border. The only thing I would have done different with I was you, would be to fix the tennis balls, so that the white bit is less random, either in a patter or all facing same direction, but thats just me. I am anal like that. (but probably would be hard to set up or would take 2 hours).
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05/18/2003 11:10:56 AM
Great composition. Focus & detail on the balls is spot on. This would likely work well on a black background, but the coloured background gives it extra interest. 10
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05/16/2003 05:57:17 PM
something seems wrong with the border 5
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05/16/2003 05:31:36 PM
Imaginative setup. Good use of the colors.
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05/16/2003 01:43:48 PM
snot sure why your border looks totally unbalanced, I think it was a save/upload problem maybe. I like the detail of the textures on the balls. I think the background is a little TOO colourful to keep full attention on the tennis balls, but I really like the composition, the saturation of colours and the crop.
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05/16/2003 10:17:13 AM
Creative + Colorful + Appealing. Yep I like it!
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05/16/2003 04:45:20 AM
Nicely done! Using the tennis balls was a neat way to portray the primary colors. I like the watercolor background. I think, however, it might be just a tad over-exposed. The yellow balls seem a little washed out. Perhaps just a little tone down in brightness would bring them out a little better without jeopardizing the richness of the other colors. Also, I don't especially like the multi-colored border. I had experimented with the exact same thing on my photo and decided against it. The simple black border would have been sufficient, in my opinion. Good luck in the challenge! 8
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05/15/2003 05:47:35 PM
I like it, but i think a solid background would have been more effective.
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05/15/2003 12:42:41 PM
This is beautiful - I love the textures - and it's quite contradictory - the balls have clean shapes yet a fuzzy texture but the background is made of fuzzy shapes with a texture that looks smooth! :o) I love the composition and direction of lines. It's great that you didn't line all the tennis ball white lines up - I think that would have been far too regimented - I like your more random look very much.
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05/14/2003 11:16:48 PM
I like the layout. Maybe crank the exposure down a stop.
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05/13/2003 02:29:27 PM
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05/13/2003 10:22:03 AM
Never seen blue tennis balls before. Did you dye them?
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05/12/2003 02:40:24 PM
Nice..eye catching shot. A+ for the creative idea and execution. Yeah for you.
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05/12/2003 01:48:13 PM
I like the overall feel of this shot. Some thoughts... I feel the lighting needed to be diffused here. There is harsh shadows from the balls and the \'yellow\' ones are a little hot. I also think the focus is just a little soft, perhaps a USM after the resize would have made the threads more crisp. The DOF and saturation is OK, but it seems a little flat. This may be do to the hot lighting. Overall I feel composition is good and the not having the balls rest on the corners of the frame makes it even stronger. The background adds to the shot and makes the theme work well.

Nice concept and execution. 6 -danny
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05/12/2003 12:06:48 PM
Nice composition. The diagonal line adds a good dynamic and makes it eye-catching.
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