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BIG brother!
1st PlaceBIG brother!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Illusions II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM
Location: studio
Date: Aug 5, 2005
Aperture: 20
ISO: 100
Shutter: 200
Galleries: Family
Date Uploaded: Aug 5, 2005

As summer vacation is winding down, my kids were looking for something to do, so we decided to set up the studio and play.

They came up with lots of ideas for illusions...my daughter as a flower fairy in a giant garden, my son playing Jack in the beanstalk with a giant hand reaching for him...but then they decided that pounding each other's tiny figure would be the most fun. They took turns being the pounder. As kids can be impatient I really didn't get many shots. This pic just happened to have the hand in just the right spot. There were others with better expressions and the one's were my daughter was the pounder seemed more ironic but the illusion wasn't as good in those.

My first reaction to this challenge was - why - illusions can be done so easily in photoshop, but it turned out to be a great lesson in focal length and lighting. Set up was a wide angle lens, a couple of strobes, and some black fabric My daugther was squatting on a bench covered in the fabric, at the far end of the room. I used a softbox to illuminate her. My son rested his arm on a table covered in fabric just in front of the camera. I illuminated him separately with a strobe w/umbrella. Focal length was 16 mm, aperature was set as 20, I really had to turn up the lights.

I didn't have to do too much post processing. Made a few adjustments in raw, cropped, burned a couple of lighter spots on the black background, and did a small amount of cloning where you could see the edge of the softbox. Resized, sharpened, and saved for web.

My kids think this will win first prize, but I know better, I hope you like our illusion as much as we do. No matter what the score, this challenge was great fun.

Post challenge:
My kids are so happy that you liked our picture (me too!) I'm totally surprised. Had I realized that this would receive so much attention, I would have paid closer attention to the details (like the green wrist band). Thank you!

Place: 1 out of 127
Avg (all users): 7.3906
Avg (commenters): 8.3492
Avg (participants): 7.0698
Avg (non-participants): 7.5213
Views since voting: 16450
Views during voting: 804
Votes: 297
Comments: 102
Favorites: 24 (view)

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09/12/2005 01:57:03 AM
I like the green wristband. It puts some attention to big brother whose eyes are closed. Probably the band would have detracted if brother's eyes were open, but not in this case. A stunning image, congrats to all of you and thanks for sharing.
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08/21/2005 12:22:23 AM
This is so perfectly done--it's great! Congratulations on the blue!
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08/20/2005 04:00:13 PM
What I like:

- I like the technical aspects of the shot, the setup, lighting, focus, etc.

- I love the wide angle view which gives the boy a huge presence.

- I like the lack of distracting elements (solid color shirt, clean look, etc).

What I liked less:

- Purely on the illusion aspect, I didn't like the lighting on the girl (already mentioned) but that's no biggie.

- Also as part of the illusion, I didn't like the lack of interaction the girl has with the boy. Why is she looking at the camera and making that gesture instead of looking up at the fist and trying to protect herself?

- I don't like the black background. It takes away from the illusion, IMO although it does help keep everything clean.
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08/19/2005 10:03:22 AM
Wow, Great photo. Funny too. Only Criticism would be that the light on the gils face isnt right!

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08/16/2005 11:28:14 AM
Indeed. This is a masterpiece!
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08/16/2005 05:48:34 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon, and a blue one. The kids were so right!!
It did do well, thanks for sharing how you set it up, and well done it's a great shot.
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08/15/2005 08:15:34 PM
Finally, I picked the winner. Congrats on a great job. You had my 10.
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08/15/2005 04:21:02 PM
Congratulations on your Blue Ribbon and a job well done! This is such a cute shot and so well captured!
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08/15/2005 04:06:05 PM
Great shot. Was one of my favourites... I hope your kids are suitably imprest.
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08/15/2005 09:30:10 AM

Well, Im very glad you won, the coment i gave you said so, except i had doubt with the voting on here, I was very wrong,
Great Job,

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08/15/2005 08:53:05 AM
This photo is sooo perfect. What a wonderful capture; and as far as the green wristband - it's just a sign of our times. I would not have changed a thing! Congrats!!!
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08/15/2005 05:34:31 AM
This is just fantastic :D
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08/15/2005 05:12:58 AM
Well done ! Congartulations on your well deserved ribbon !!!
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08/15/2005 04:58:51 AM
As many times as I have seen this done, I will say that this is by far, one of the best takes I have seen on it.
Congrats on the Blue - well deserved.
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08/15/2005 02:32:35 AM
Hah, I knew this would win! Great job!

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08/15/2005 01:50:35 AM
Bravo! Well done! A big high five to the kids for the great acting job too. :)
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08/15/2005 01:39:50 AM
Very nicely done....congrats!
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08/15/2005 12:49:30 AM

A really good photo and a good lesson to be creative without using Photoshop.
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08/15/2005 12:38:13 AM
brilliant! i gave you blue!
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08/15/2005 12:34:25 AM
This is awesome! Very, very well executed! And the green wristband doesn't bother me one bit!
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08/15/2005 12:31:23 AM
Congrats on your blue ribbon, but like I said in my comment next time squish the boy!
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08/15/2005 12:27:23 AM
ROFL! Great shot and idea! Congrats!
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08/15/2005 12:27:22 AM
Congratulations! Excellent capture.
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08/15/2005 12:25:03 AM
Congrats on a well deserved first ribbon, a blue no less!
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08/15/2005 12:18:33 AM
See??? All that set up worked. Good job. Congrats!!!
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08/15/2005 12:12:50 AM
My kids think this will win first prize, but I know better

never underestimate kids!!
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08/15/2005 12:12:06 AM
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08/15/2005 12:09:58 AM
Nice first!!
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08/15/2005 12:06:31 AM
Great job - congrats!
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08/15/2005 12:04:54 AM
congrats on your ribbon!
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08/15/2005 12:04:30 AM
CONGRATS on the blue.... well deserved.... love the shot...
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08/15/2005 12:04:24 AM
Congratulations on your BLUE with this oustanding illusion. Very good work and deftly use of dof to accomplish this end.
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08/15/2005 12:02:04 AM
great image! congrats on your blue!
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08/15/2005 12:01:06 AM
congrats on 1st place
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/14/2005 09:20:07 PM
If this is a perspective shot, it's one of the best I've seen in a while. If the little girl is a cut out which I'm leaning towards thinking, then you got the lighting wrong on the little girl. Her hightlights and shadows don't match the highlights and shadows of the boy! Nice illusion though and it's nice to see decent lighting in a set up shot for a change.
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08/14/2005 02:52:00 PM
Good picture really tells a story. very well done, the lighting is really good
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08/14/2005 08:03:40 AM
Don't we all wish we do just that? Cool pic.
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08/14/2005 04:29:12 AM
Funny! Well done. My pick for the blue.
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08/14/2005 02:25:52 AM
classic idea in every sense of the word. well captured 9
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08/13/2005 10:13:51 PM
I remember a shot like this from the first illusions challenge. I like the lighting in this one. I think you did a good job. the shadows add to it in my opinion. Focus and clarity of both the brother and sister are really good and the expressions on both their faces are great. overall really great shot for the challenge, pleasing to look at and quite funny. great shot. ~Heather~
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08/13/2005 08:34:58 PM
Oh this is great. I love their expressions and I'm sure it's every brother's dream. Nicely done. Lighting and skin tones are well done. 8
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08/13/2005 07:04:38 PM
I love it - one of my two favorites from this challenge. Hmmm, I just wonder if you were the big brother or the little sister? :-)
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08/13/2005 04:06:44 PM
HAHAHA, cool.
very nice lighting and use of percpective. The girl's face (mostly her eyes) are a tad unconvincing (it looks like she's yawning and about to fall asleep ;-)) but besides that nitpic, I really hope this finishes top 5 atleast...

Message edited by author 2005-08-15 00:41:06.
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08/13/2005 02:33:53 PM
funny and symphatic
great entry!!
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08/13/2005 09:41:24 AM
Really cute! and well done illusion. Just think the boys braclet is a bit distracting.
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08/13/2005 05:08:51 AM
my favorite of the challenge! cute idea. Every big brothers dream
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08/12/2005 07:46:14 PM
This is very, very well done, and it deserves to win a ribbon. It is the best shot of the challenge (except for my own shot, of course ;) )
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08/12/2005 05:11:19 PM
Great take on an old concept. I like the DOF and the clarity of the image. Bumping to 8.
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08/12/2005 11:39:51 AM
fantastic shot, lighting is great and so is the shot set-up. the kids look like they are having a blast helping you and the results should be a treasure for them in years to come
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08/12/2005 11:36:52 AM
I think that this is my favoritwe of the challenge.
It works on so many levels.
Great shot and it fooled me (for a while)
Werll done
good luck i would like to see this win

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08/12/2005 03:11:26 AM
if this is not in the top of the top 3 it will be a shame.....

i'm really really looking forward to reading how in the world u made this happen.

if i had to grip which i don't but of corse it is human kinds nature i would just say that the green rist band the kid is wheiring, why?...thats it just want to know why u didn't have him take it off? i think but i'm not sure the image would be more dynamic with out it and it would be a little bit cleaner....

but i'm splitting atoms at this point and i don't need to go any finer in detail u have a great shot here i hope it gets the placement it deserves.....good luck

of corse gess it lol

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08/12/2005 12:48:59 AM
Although I have seen the concept before, this is done the best. The relative size of the two is right on, as is the position, and expressions. Nice lighting, just well done. 10
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08/11/2005 11:45:47 PM
Best of challenge in my opinion
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08/11/2005 11:37:52 PM
What a wonderful photo! The kids must have had a blast helping you out! I've seen this sort of example in the "tutorial" section but your photo seems even harder to create since the background is all black and the girl is actually equally lit compared to the boy...
The expression on their faces is priceless and the set up perfect! great lighting, composition and execution! I hope you finish high up!!
(The only tiny thing I might have changed is his bracelet which distracts a bit from their faces...)
oh and the squarish crop works well here!
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08/11/2005 04:42:02 PM
What a fun way to involve children in this challenge!
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08/11/2005 03:54:40 PM
Perfectly done! This is gonna get a ribbon!
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08/11/2005 02:56:11 AM
great perspective shot. well composed. I bet the kids enjoyed makeing this with you.

One of my top few.
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08/10/2005 07:59:49 PM
Very well done.
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08/10/2005 07:53:05 PM
Very nicely done. The lighting on both subjects are perfect. One of my top three. 10 from me.
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08/10/2005 04:53:41 PM
Really nicely done. No distracting reflections on the surface of the print of the miniature child and positioned at the right angle to the camera for the illusion to
work quite well. Direction of light compared with that on main model makes it a bit strange but still works. Strength is also in the composition of the full-size child within the frame - the close crop losing top and side of his head lends an intimacy. His concentration on the hand seems so real. Nice one!

EDIT after reading your methods: No wonder the "print out" looked SOOO good - wasn't a print out at all. Explains the different lighting angles too! Very clever!

Message edited by author 2005-08-15 04:36:42.
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08/10/2005 12:11:26 PM
straight to the top of my choice for a ribbon with this wonderfully executed shot
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08/10/2005 10:43:54 AM
ribbon for sure!
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08/10/2005 05:47:51 AM
Well composed and well shot. The kids need a ribbon too!
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08/10/2005 01:58:01 AM
Seen this idea so many times... still, well executed and composed. The black background really helps make this one better than the other similar entries.
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08/09/2005 08:38:44 PM
Very nice grasp of theme and execution. the shadows really mix well.
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08/09/2005 08:05:18 PM
nice illusion..very convincing, too.
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08/09/2005 04:34:57 PM
VERY nice. Flawlessly executed illusion, it's really convincing. Possibly the best of its kind I've ever seen.
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08/09/2005 04:14:48 PM
Well done. I like how you matched the lighting. Gives it a real feel. Good job. 10
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08/09/2005 03:13:45 PM
You have touched upon that sibling rivalry issues LOL - 9
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08/09/2005 02:28:10 PM
see, this is a great example of an illusion, but on dpc, this wont win because its not someting anyone els but you would print it out and hang it on the wall.
I would love to see this picture win, it is a TRUE example of an Illusion and that is what the rest of these picutures are lacking,
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08/09/2005 11:54:49 AM
Very good control of the lighting here.
Well Done - expect this to fall in top 5.
Gotta be who I think it is....
;) (10)

Well, I guessed wrong - had this as a scalvert shot
Great job!!

Message edited by author 2005-08-15 01:23:42.
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08/09/2005 10:31:53 AM
Facinating. The dark backround really highlights the whole photo.
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08/09/2005 09:47:57 AM
Why is it always the girl getting squashed?
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08/09/2005 08:50:15 AM
amazing image, and nice titel, good luck
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08/09/2005 08:43:43 AM
well done; excellent lighting and great expressions on the kids' faces
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08/09/2005 04:46:09 AM
Nicely done! The armband is a bit distracting, but the illusion is good!
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08/08/2005 11:45:44 PM
clever idea and well executed! lighting and composition are great.
i hate to sound nitpicky, but the bracelet seems like an unnecessary distraction in the shot.
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08/08/2005 10:29:55 PM
well executed rendition of a classic technique.
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08/08/2005 10:14:37 PM
A classic technique revisited. Well done!
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08/08/2005 09:50:05 PM
Cool idea with a great picture! 9
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08/08/2005 09:22:31 PM
heh, those were the days
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08/08/2005 08:58:00 PM
This must have been alot of work.... Great light control.....
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08/08/2005 06:28:23 PM
LOL My son would like to do that to his sisters sometimes
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08/08/2005 05:21:29 PM
Excellent in all ways. In my ribbon listers
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08/08/2005 02:01:48 PM
Very well done! Good light, won't be surprised to see this on the ribbon page! 10
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08/08/2005 12:38:42 PM
Wow ! This is good !
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08/08/2005 12:11:48 PM
Now this effect was very well achieved!
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08/08/2005 10:39:12 AM
Lighting is really good, I like the illusion, hope the kids had fun helping you!
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08/08/2005 09:48:57 AM
Cute shot! If this falls inside the rules, then you executed this very well (I can't tell which would be a cardboard cutout or how far back she would have to be).
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08/08/2005 09:42:09 AM
Excellent!!! Love your lighting, coloring and composition.
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08/08/2005 08:57:07 AM
Absolutely great illusion using the black bacground. Lighting is superb. I really like the expressions on the kid's faces. Big brothers can be such a bother! :-) 10
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08/08/2005 08:44:05 AM
Nicely done, arghhh I can relate to this 100%
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08/08/2005 08:28:22 AM
Wow really well executed, I think i know how its done, but its as i said - its done really well. 8
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08/08/2005 08:20:14 AM
scalvert? :) Very cool 10
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08/08/2005 05:37:56 AM
Oh these are always fun! Nice and sharp! Well done.
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08/08/2005 02:54:51 AM
Great photography skills shown here as well as a fantastic illusion, well done on a great image that should be in for a chance of a ribbon.
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08/08/2005 02:08:38 AM
i can see that (your) little boy is thrilled at the idea of crushing his sister. What a priceless expression!
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08/08/2005 01:21:23 AM
Very well executed. Should be a ribbon for you!
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08/08/2005 01:19:44 AM
the best of the miniature illusions
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08/08/2005 01:07:38 AM
AAAHHHHHWWWW, Shameless use of children, good job though! ;-) 9
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08/08/2005 01:07:25 AM
Very well executed!
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08/08/2005 12:38:10 AM
This one gets my top 3 vote just for the humor involved. Well done!
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