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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Secondary Colors (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Home
Date: May 13, 2003
Aperture: f16
ISO: 100
Shutter: 100
Date Uploaded: May 13, 2003

One of the hardest images I have ever taken. Took hours to get this correct. I don't expect it to go over well here but would be remiss not to submit it. This image represents huge growth in my photographic development... Dave

Place: 41 out of 225
Avg (all users): 5.8865
Avg (commenters): 7.8182
Avg (participants): 5.8679
Avg (non-participants): 5.9114
Views since voting: 1269
Votes: 185
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/19/2003 11:52:33 PM
WOW very nice capture..clear love the colors...this one is a 10
05/19/2003 07:26:49 PM
Very creative!
05/19/2003 02:48:33 PM
having tried a shot with bubble before, you have my respect for actually getting them in focus. The only thing that would have really made this shot for me would be a background of a different color. At least I think so. The colors may not have shown up as well that way. Anyway, awesome job! 10
05/19/2003 10:23:57 AM
very nice idea and it is very original. good job 8
05/18/2003 04:24:15 PM
Very good image. Works well with the theme of this challenge. Very good technically. Good luck. 8 Morgan
05/18/2003 01:44:32 PM
Pretty. Can I have a go? :-) Good idea well executed.
05/18/2003 12:19:23 PM
Wow. Great shot. I had a similar idea for the 'Color' challenge, but it didn't look anything like this. I just suck =o) 9
05/16/2003 11:38:24 PM
wow. Beautiful use of secondary colors. Looks a bit fuzzy, but the colors are very obvious. Good job. Jacko. 7
05/16/2003 09:00:11 PM
I'd like to have more details on how you did this shot because I know from experience soap bubbles are VERY difficult to photgraph.
Very well done.
05/14/2003 10:27:27 PM
In general the exposure, composition and impact of this photo are near perfect but IMO the secondary colours are not prominent enough. The bubles are more the statement rather than the colour. Interesting idea though. Maybe a different angle would have produced more prominent colours.
05/14/2003 09:46:12 PM

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