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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Time Capsule (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Kodak DX6340
Location: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Date: Aug 7, 2005
Aperture: not sure
ISO: not sure
Shutter: not sure
Date Uploaded: Aug 7, 2005

Amelia Earhart flew herself into history this year, in a similiar plane to this one. Tragically it would be her last flight. Her flying career however won a victory for women and aviation

Place: 202 out of 298
Avg (all users): 4.8265
Avg (commenters): 5.4783
Avg (participants): 4.6693
Avg (non-participants): 4.9461
Views since voting: 728
Views during voting: 427
Votes: 294
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/16/2005 04:48:37 PM
Like this one. Reflections are great - pity about the poster - you will get marked down for the small size, PM me if you want help.
08/15/2005 09:10:06 PM
Too bad this image is so small. Would have been nice to look at a little larger. Check the "Learn" section on th website to see how to produce 150kb images that approach the 640 pixels max size.
08/15/2005 07:34:16 PM
Much to small
08/15/2005 02:15:37 PM
Now there's a beauty! Douglas DC-3...my father flew one years ago. Just a gorgeous aircraft, and very capable. I wish this shot was a bit bigger (ie - full 640 x whatever), but otherwise, I have no complaints. To anyone that knows aviation, this screams it's year. Best of luck to you! 10
08/13/2005 11:31:42 PM
Just looks cool. Obviously would be better without the plaque.
08/13/2005 09:19:30 PM
lovely.... would love to see it bigger though... well done.. 9
08/13/2005 01:07:39 PM
I like the content..I think. The picture is too small to really judge. Sorry.
08/13/2005 10:01:21 AM
too small. should be 640 pixels wide! otherwise, not a bad shot, although I think i would have tried to get a shot without the big plaque thingy in it.
08/13/2005 01:10:02 AM
6 - Good idea for capturing an essence of this era for the Challenge (in my opinion a shot of this into a time capsule for this year depicts the era well). Criticism; as I am sure you both know and are being 'told', a bigger shot. Whilst a sepia style for this era would work well I think the colors here are great. I really like the ultra polish on the metal, especially set against the sky. A different angle (especially to try to exclude/hide that 'sign' would make this a better photograph in my opinion. Also, to be able to include both 'engines'/blades.
08/13/2005 12:16:55 AM
FInally! Someone who followed directions, used the year for the title and submitted a GOOD photo. You deserve a 10!
08/11/2005 03:19:17 PM
This looks like it would have been a nice picture. Beautiful sky and nice perspective. Needs to be bigger though.
08/11/2005 11:34:33 AM
A larger image would give more impact.
08/11/2005 12:08:11 AM
Too bad this is too small. If it was larger, this would have been in the top 20 for sure
08/10/2005 11:41:21 PM
Too bad the tattle tell museum sign is in the way.
08/10/2005 10:44:47 PM
great how you've got the sky above
08/10/2005 09:38:53 PM
It's a good photo to put it in this size, maybe a little bit bigger to appreciate the details.
08/10/2005 05:04:46 PM
Beautiful shot. I want it to be bigger to get my attention.
08/10/2005 04:48:12 PM
Oh how I wished this was a larger image canvas. *7* because of the lack of details observable at this size.
08/10/2005 03:52:42 PM
I would have loved to see a larger version of this photo.
08/10/2005 12:49:18 PM
Size matters
08/10/2005 10:26:34 AM
a very cool subject for this challenge! a shame this is too small to do well here, please check the tutorial regarding re-sizing for the next challenge to get the most out of your effort this looks like a great shot from what i can see
08/10/2005 04:12:11 AM
too small - use the full 640 pixels
08/10/2005 01:57:43 AM
I would have liked to see this photo bigger but from what I can see, it's very nice.
08/10/2005 12:48:09 AM
The small photo size makes this hard to rate.
08/10/2005 12:29:41 AM
This is a grat photo (I think.) I would have given this a couple of extra points if it had been bigger and I could have seen the details.

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