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The Next Generation of  Image Stabilization
The Next Generation of Image Stabilization

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Illusions II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: The Bat-Cave
Date: Aug 7, 2005
Aperture: F2.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Humorous, Science and Technology
Date Uploaded: Aug 7, 2005

This was inspired by Luke Skywalker and graphicfunk's incredible "Broken".

I took a photo of my arm of a white background, using a tripod angled in such a way that the camera points vertically down, and used the onboard flash, then dismembered it in photoshopped and added the flange on the end from another of my photos, then I added the writting. I just KNOW its going to upset some people, but its make me laugh SO THERE!!!

Then Printed out my arm on A3 paper, and cut out a rectangle and made curved "doors" from kitchen foil, this is then taped over an extendible table, with a gap where the rectangle is. Then I made a vaguely machine like thingy from all sort of bits lying around and sunk this into the table. Then took a picture of this in with EXACTLY the same setup as the arm (with the flash). I know it creates shadows, but they are the same shadows, so i reasoned it might make it look a bit more "real". On the final shot, apart from levels, there is no photoshoping.

There are a few bits I'm not happy with, highlights on the "doors" and my hand looks a tad pink, also there isnt much of a shadow on the flange on the end of my arm, I tried to photoshop it, but it look real bad, so I thought if i leave it - only a few people will notice it, but if i do it BAD everyone will pick up on it! I'd also like to thank Scalvert for his time (as an SC) for answering some of my questions.

I hope its received the ways its intended, just a bit of fun!

Place: 5 out of 127
Avg (all users): 6.7347
Avg (commenters): 7.6250
Avg (participants): 6.5765
Avg (non-participants): 6.7990
Views since voting: 4887
Views during voting: 885
Votes: 294
Comments: 62
Favorites: 4 (view)

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06/25/2006 08:08:36 AM
Dude, you should send this in to Canon... It's pretty hilarious and remarkably well done... maybe they could use it... Tell them when they make it, you get the first sample free.. :)
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06/02/2006 05:56:48 PM
This picture has always been one of my favorites. Adding it now :-)
Great Idea, maybe I steal it someday :-)
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08/18/2005 07:25:59 AM
I think the shadows are too harsh.

Otherwise it's an excellent photo!!
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08/16/2005 11:10:27 PM
I loved this photo! Great work on this - I need one, is there a "test" model? :D Thanks for your comment on Bluff Diver.
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08/16/2005 09:37:07 AM
Does that work cross platform or only with Canon bodies? ;o)
Great shot and concept. Congrats on the placing!
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08/15/2005 03:08:37 AM
Well done dooood!! Nearly as good as a ribbon!
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08/15/2005 02:36:53 AM
wtg, munky!

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08/15/2005 01:57:27 AM
One of my favorites in this challenge. Well done!
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08/15/2005 12:33:52 AM
Hahahaha!! Very funny shot! One of my favs of the challenge!
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08/15/2005 12:14:48 AM
Congrats on your top 5 finish! Great shot!
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08/15/2005 12:08:39 AM
Congratulations on your top 5 finish with this presentation.
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08/15/2005 12:02:31 AM
congrats on top 10
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/14/2005 10:13:11 PM
Love the concept! Your lighting is very harsh. It makes the shot look very flat and gives ugly shadows. It also tends to dull the colors. Nice illusion though!
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08/14/2005 09:26:03 PM
Can't wait to hear how you did this one! Excellent illusion.
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08/14/2005 06:01:20 PM
Made me laugh. I gotta get one of those. Up'd my vote definitely a 9.
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08/14/2005 05:32:10 PM
Very cool - the shadows are alittle extreme.
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08/14/2005 11:20:34 AM
A very clever idea. I did a similar effort which remained an outtake for the "Broken Challenge" Everything you did here is 100% insofar as the layout and composition. The minor drawback is the lighting otherwise the effect os tops.
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08/14/2005 05:16:06 AM
Creative idea. Nicely executed. Reminds me of Graphic Funks work, but not.
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08/14/2005 01:09:18 AM
good simply in concept, even if this were out of focus I still would have given you at least an 8 but because its not 10
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08/13/2005 07:14:14 PM
My first thought was "Data" from Star Trek, but I like the photo. Well done. I wish the Anti-Shake words were a bit sharper, but cool illusion.
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08/13/2005 02:35:49 PM
brilliant idea and looks almost like credible and a nice graphic on top
great entry!
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08/13/2005 08:00:07 AM
'7' - Great concept, though for me, even without the 'end' bolts etc, might have been more effective. Creative. Good illusion but needs more fine tuning to get a real 'mind tricking' shot.
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08/13/2005 01:55:28 AM
haha, clever. How did you do this legally?
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08/12/2005 07:52:37 PM
Oooo... I like it, well done!
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08/12/2005 02:40:26 PM
I want one of these
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08/12/2005 01:17:44 PM
Very interesting illusion. I keep looking at it wondering how in the world you did that. I wish there weren't so many shadows, but you did an amazing job with the illusion!
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08/12/2005 11:25:32 AM
super creative and a fun shot
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08/12/2005 02:33:51 AM
One of my favorites of the challenge, this one is just hilarious, this one will ribbon for sure i think....10
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08/11/2005 11:39:43 PM
Very clever take on the challenge!
Harsh shadows only down side here. (8)
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08/11/2005 09:33:59 PM
This really sin't an "illusion", it's more of an assemblage, but it's very nicely done.
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08/11/2005 12:58:51 PM
Great concept and extremely well done. The shadows around the hands make it look as though the hands are shaking slightly. Was this intentional ? Even so, I feel that this effect sits really well with the subject.
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08/10/2005 01:14:08 PM
Great idea, well thought out. I would try and use some additional lighting to reduce the shadow. This would then make a very good photo , Great.
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08/10/2005 11:04:14 AM
Very original! Congrats.
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08/10/2005 07:23:49 AM
Canon doesn't refer to its products as mk I unless they have been replaced by mk II already and the old product would therefor never be marked as mk I. ;)

Anyway, as for the image I like it! It is creative, funny and well done. The main fault I see is the shadow off the hand and the 'device' the the right. It would have been nice to have a light to the right as well in order to minimize shadows.
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08/09/2005 05:02:45 PM
brilliant - 9
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08/09/2005 03:14:46 PM
Freakishly futuristic - 10
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08/09/2005 06:33:37 AM
Very creative and imaginative. The shadow is a little bothersome and maybe the picture could have a little more contrast but the uniqueness and originality more than make up for those short comings.
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08/09/2005 05:30:16 AM
Funny, sweet idea.
When it's ready I'll buy one ;)
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08/09/2005 05:05:55 AM
Nice concept!
Not sure if it is legal though.. Oh I see it is hehe.
Not too mad about the shadows, and the white point is a bit high, but still nice.
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08/09/2005 01:31:05 AM
very creative!
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08/08/2005 11:55:44 PM
A very creative photograph and thought provoking. It looks like a complicated set-up. I can understand why it needed to be validated because I wouldn't know where to begin to figure out how this was done. The lighting is nice and it is well focused. Only thing (and I'm reaching here)...is that the skin tones between the natural hand and the mechanical arm don't quite match up. 9
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08/08/2005 10:30:28 PM
We laugh, but I bet they're working on this! Great idea and photo! 7
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08/08/2005 10:23:49 PM
Cool idea, a lot of work went into this. The only problem I see is the flash cast to much shadow. I still like it and see you went through the stress of validation - 9
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08/08/2005 09:14:39 PM
very funny....8
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08/08/2005 08:45:00 PM
finally a model i can use w/ my existing equipment. i see you got validated for your writing. a very cool and inventive shot.
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08/08/2005 07:50:55 PM
very cool idea, well done...looks like its almost ready to be on the market, make one for nikon please
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08/08/2005 07:15:52 PM
really cool!
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08/08/2005 04:50:13 PM
This image made me laugh as soon as I saw it. Great illusion
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08/08/2005 01:53:50 PM
too funny
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08/08/2005 12:07:59 PM
The shadows on left hand are a little odd, but it's a great idea and well done.
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08/08/2005 11:09:57 AM
Lighting is good. Composition is great.
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08/08/2005 09:51:07 AM
Clever idea.
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08/08/2005 09:43:52 AM
Very cool shot. The white background is a little bright and the highlights on the "open" side of the wrist are a bit blown out, but great job.
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08/08/2005 08:41:50 AM
I can't wait to hear how you did this! Very neat!
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08/08/2005 06:20:32 AM
This is crazy. I love it.
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08/08/2005 03:13:47 AM
ohh i need mine adjusted, shall i send it down?
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08/08/2005 02:28:08 AM
If this is a valid shot then I think you have at least a top 5 entry here. I think I'm close to figuring out how most of it was done, but the letters on the forearm are eluding me. Printed on clear plastic? In any case, I think it's humorously ironic that the one blurry part of the photo are the words "anti-shake"!!
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08/08/2005 01:48:17 AM
Idea is brilliant, the shadows a little disturbing though..
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08/08/2005 01:35:25 AM
Great job! An easy top ten if no ribbon.
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08/08/2005 01:29:44 AM
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08/08/2005 01:17:16 AM
Nicely done. very creative idea and very well executed.
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08/08/2005 12:06:25 AM
15 if there was an option
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