Author | Thread |
08/18/2005 02:48:34 PM |
Excellent work. A great idea executed perfectly. I are "The Master" at illusions! |
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08/17/2005 08:47:06 PM |
Terrifically well executed out-of-the-box photo. This is the sort of thinking and execution that should inspire photographers at DPC. What a gem! |
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08/16/2005 06:38:26 PM |
Yeah I knew it was yours, I think I'm getting to see your style more clearly now.
Great work the only thing whick kicks me is the string laying on top of the instrument, for some reason that doesn't sit well.
Congrats on a well deserved 4th, I actually believe it should have been higher. |
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08/16/2005 08:50:08 AM |
The best of the bunch IMHO!! Great Job! |
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08/16/2005 12:58:57 AM |
Not sure how you finished fourth. This is the best one hands down! |
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08/15/2005 04:34:08 PM |
Congratulations on your 4th place Daniel, with this wonderful work! You are a master of your craft! |
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08/15/2005 04:03:44 PM |
Well done Dan. Great image, and great idea! |
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08/15/2005 04:03:20 PM |
Very unlucky on this one Dan. Deserved to ribbon IMO. |
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08/15/2005 03:43:44 PM |
Very nice image, Dan! So close... |
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08/15/2005 02:20:02 PM |
Obviously I was WRONG!!! My sincerest apologies! |
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08/15/2005 09:18:21 AM |
Great concept and very well done. Keep them coming, Dan. |
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08/15/2005 07:17:17 AM |
Congratulations on 4th place. This theme was your Forte. I knew you would be right up there! Couldn't wait to see what you were going to do. |
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08/15/2005 07:02:42 AM |
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08/15/2005 06:51:05 AM |
congratulations! great image and great illusion |
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08/15/2005 04:56:45 AM |
As I said before, few can master the art of illusion as well as you Dan.
Congrats! |
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08/15/2005 04:34:54 AM |
Congrats on your 4th placing Daniel
Nice work |
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08/15/2005 02:58:40 AM |
Congratulations on 4th - right when I saw the challenge, I knew you'd be up at the top. |
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08/15/2005 02:35:09 AM |
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08/15/2005 12:50:30 AM |
Congratulations on 4th place! I figured this one had to be yours -- excellent work, as always. |
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08/15/2005 12:39:18 AM |
well done my friend, pity it did not ribbon though, such great work. |
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08/15/2005 12:39:08 AM |
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08/15/2005 12:37:40 AM |
Congrats Dan on your top 5 finish. No doubt in a lot of peoples minds that this was the work of "graphicfunk". |
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08/15/2005 12:36:43 AM |
Aaah the cursed 4th place. A pox on one of the ribbon winners! (just kidding no poxes please!) Kidding aside, I knew this one would do good! Congrats and I'm hopin many more to come!
TC |
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08/15/2005 12:36:07 AM |
Beautiful image. Congrats on a fine finish. |
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08/15/2005 12:24:57 AM |
I knew this was you! Another beautifully executed shot! I was very lucky to get third place. I'm sure it could have gone either way! |
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08/15/2005 12:23:46 AM |
I knew that was you. Congrats on 4th!!!! Really great shot. |
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08/15/2005 12:22:54 AM |
so thats you! I voted you as one of my top votes. congratulations! |
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08/15/2005 12:14:18 AM |
Congrats on your top 5 finish! Somehow I just knew this one was yours. It was my favorite of the challenge. Outstanding job. :-) |
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08/15/2005 12:09:49 AM |
congrats, almost another ribbon :-)
I knew the most painful-looking one was the best! |
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08/15/2005 12:06:56 AM |
Congrats Dan on your fourth place ...great shot |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/14/2005 09:10:45 PM |
GREAT ILLUSION! I like this one and thought about doing something like it! The addition of the cords pins and knots makes the shot! Without it, it wouldn't be the same. The only thing I would change is the lighting. I know that you had to light it to make the arms dissappear, but this looks a touch flat. Is that a pick on the right hand thumb or a band aid? I'm assuming it's a pick as you put a lot of work into the detals.
TC |
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08/14/2005 04:58:07 PM |
i like this shot a lot.
fits the challenge very well |
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08/14/2005 05:25:47 AM |
Hmmm... There is a photo in this challenge which features a clever illusion of a dissembodied hand with built in image stabilizer.. it looks a little 'Graphicfunk' but somehow without the polish. This on the other hand (excuse the pun) has all the classic hallmarks... excellent work Daniel (am I right?) - 10
Chris |
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08/14/2005 02:21:24 AM |
looks like a graphicfunk creation and deserves a 10 and a ribbon. |
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08/13/2005 08:26:46 PM |
Really well done. I bet I know who did this too. HEE HEE Love the clarity and the diagonal lines of it. Excellent 10 |
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08/13/2005 02:26:39 PM |
love the playful composition
its crisp and skillfull and has nice details
its appealing yet profound
masterpiece!! |
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08/12/2005 08:30:03 PM |
much laughter...good lighting...7 |
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08/12/2005 07:47:10 PM |
what a fun picture, nice job! |
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08/12/2005 01:18:52 PM |
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08/12/2005 11:19:27 AM |
great concept and execution |
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08/11/2005 03:53:31 PM |
Well done, I reconize those hands. |
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08/11/2005 02:18:26 PM |
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08/11/2005 10:40:30 AM |
The lighting is incredible well done, I cant imagine how to go about, its a great setup & reminds me a Graphicfunk photo. I hope you do really well. |
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08/11/2005 05:28:40 AM |
Now this is very clever, great illusion and so clear and sharp, bumping up |
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08/10/2005 07:52:24 PM |
Looks like graphicfunk's work. either way it is an excellent job. No blown highllights and everything is in good clear focus. One of my top three. 10 |
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08/10/2005 07:20:52 PM |
A great idea and a great photo! Will you tell us what the instrument is called and what it sounds like? |
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08/10/2005 04:57:24 PM |
Old tricks work the best when cleanly done like this. |
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08/10/2005 12:50:02 PM |
its amazing what masking can achieve. Well thought out, and and good composition. I am not sure about the cord joining the hands, it does not add anything for me, but its still a cracking idea. |
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08/10/2005 07:26:55 AM |
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08/09/2005 10:44:39 PM |
Looks like Graphicfunk up to his old tricks. You must have a whole freakin' museum of musical instruments. Once again, a clever idea and expertly lit. One of the best illusions in the bunch- probably a top 10. The only suggestion I'd make is that the uh... Klingon Guitar should be resting on a surface so that only the hands are floating.
OK... bumping to a 10. You might have another ribbon on your dismembered hands. |
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08/09/2005 08:40:07 PM |
Eirie but good. Nice execution of a nice example of the theme. |
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08/09/2005 04:45:13 PM |
very cool. Looks like the handywork of graphicfunk, but if you're not, then take it as a compliment:-) |
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08/09/2005 02:03:01 PM |
Good shot and very amusing... somehow lacks originality though |
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08/09/2005 12:34:10 PM |
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08/09/2005 11:54:20 AM |
Few can master the art of illusion as well Sir!
Superb lighting!! (10) |
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08/09/2005 11:05:26 AM |
The lighting here is nothing short of brilliant. I think that the way that the instrument forms a strong diagonal is a real plus and the detail is superb. Great concept, too. |
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08/09/2005 10:47:28 AM |
good colors, and clarity. It really fits the challenge in overall concept. |
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08/09/2005 05:15:52 AM |
Brilliant! 10 I love the concept and execution. |
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08/09/2005 01:24:50 AM |
I like the use of the rope to contain both hands. If it weren't for this, I think this might have been lost. |
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08/09/2005 12:24:40 AM |
Very nice and clean shot, I can't find any technical problems with this shot! Good job, what is it exactly you are playing? Hope you do will in this challenge! |
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08/09/2005 12:04:47 AM |
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08/08/2005 11:15:14 PM |
Very nicely done. I don't know what else to say. 10 |
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08/08/2005 09:07:50 PM |
i definitely have a feeling i know those hands. but i could be wrong, a very cool shot. |
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08/08/2005 07:18:28 PM |
a wild shot guess that this is graphicfunk (dan)
looks really cool. |
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08/08/2005 07:01:00 PM |
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08/08/2005 06:07:11 PM |
Once again! A very creative and well executed photo. Of course, the photo is technically sound. I'm always impressed with the attention to detail you show...except this this instrument normally have only one string. However, I've never seen an instrument like this, so I wouldn't know otherwise. :-) |
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08/08/2005 05:39:38 PM |
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08/08/2005 05:36:55 PM |
a unique subject under perfect lighting and well composed and executed! Great work |
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08/08/2005 03:27:31 PM |
Nice effect, good lighting, great detail, good color. |
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08/08/2005 02:01:14 PM |
Gotta be the work of GraphicFunk! Need I say more? :) |
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08/08/2005 12:25:11 PM |
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08/08/2005 12:06:51 PM |
good illusion and composition. lighting works well as do diagonals of instrument in image. |
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08/08/2005 12:06:20 PM |
Great concept ! Very well executed ! |
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08/08/2005 10:04:48 AM |
I really have no doubt who's picture this is, and no doubt you will pick up a blue ribbon. Superb job! 10 |
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08/08/2005 09:51:18 AM |
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08/08/2005 08:52:53 AM |
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08/08/2005 08:45:55 AM |
Neat idea! I like it alot! |
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08/08/2005 08:22:08 AM |
Hey daniel, lovely light setup on this one. love the colors 9 |
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08/08/2005 04:33:37 AM |
Aha, I will only guess once GF? Must have been fun growing up looking at works of Salvador Dalà |
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08/08/2005 03:57:21 AM |
Excellent photo! Well done! |
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08/08/2005 03:30:15 AM |
looks much like graphicfunk. excellent display of lighting technique! |
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08/08/2005 03:02:51 AM |
shouldnt be be a male hand and a female hand for the full effect?
nice idea, very well exicuited |
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08/08/2005 02:41:38 AM |
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08/08/2005 02:38:54 AM |
Nicely done. Made me do a double-take for sure. |
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08/08/2005 01:45:40 AM |
This has GF's initials all over it! Very well done! |
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08/08/2005 01:10:00 AM |
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08/08/2005 01:06:14 AM |
i REALLY like this great idea and excecuted perfectly.... congrats... 9 |
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08/08/2005 12:37:20 AM |
Could this be the work of graphicfunk? Regardless... this is my pick for the blue simply because it is the best "execution" of any of the illusions. But I also like the angle, the colors, the sharpness. Good luck in the challenge. |
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08/08/2005 12:34:34 AM |
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