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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black & White (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus Brio D-150
Location: Front Lawn
Date: May 28, 2002
Aperture: F/4.8 @15mm
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/100 Sec.
Date Uploaded: Jun 2, 2002

This is a photo of my Daughter. I don't really like how Explorer displays the edges on this, it looks better in just about ANY other viewer.

Place: 24 out of 153
Avg (all users): 6.2490
Avg (commenters): 7.6000
Avg (participants): 6.3063
Avg (non-participants): 6.1984
Views since voting: 2815
Votes: 237
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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06/10/2002 11:11:00 AM
To all who asked, yes there is a hint of color. I adjusted it as I would a sepia pic, and then removed most of the saturation from that. It is almost like adding a trace drop of a single color to a chemical wash. Just enough to give a hint without actually givning a full color.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/09/2002 11:03:00 PM
I know there is some color on the flower but I think it is excellently handled. A definite 10 from me. Great cropping.
06/08/2002 02:12:00 PM
great composition...the lighting/contrast could be a little better for my untrained eye. Adorable little girl.
06/07/2002 11:27:00 PM
I'm not a great fan of kid's portraits, but this one is excellent.
06/07/2002 07:02:00 PM
Best of the little girl shots! Good skin ?color?, very good focus, nice subject and the flower is a great touch. Photo 10 Creativity 8 B&W 10 total 10
06/07/2002 10:02:00 AM
The focus on the flower really makes this work for me.
06/06/2002 08:22:00 PM
Beautiful - a keeper! What I would give to have a shot of my children like this!
06/06/2002 12:58:00 PM
there's just a hint of color in there, isn't there?
06/06/2002 06:04:00 AM
I envy you the cooperative child. Mine actually will look in the direction of the camera - if anyone other than me is holding it. I really like what you've done here. Might have been better without the flash, as it makes those pinpoint highlights in her eyes, but that's not a biggie. Kind of wish her hand were a little more to the right so it didn't block so much of her mouth and the stem didn't cross her eye, but it's effective, in a way. She's looking at the viewer through the flower. If you were to print this, I'd leave the flower colored, as the rest is slightly soft. Very nice.
06/06/2002 05:02:00 AM
Such a cute girl! She must make her parents very happy!
06/05/2002 11:15:00 PM
Great expression on the face. For some reason, she looks a little mischevious.
06/05/2002 03:51:00 PM
The composition really makes this shot for me. I like that her hand and the flower are sharper than her. Nicely done.
06/05/2002 02:41:00 PM
beautiful. well done.
06/04/2002 11:28:00 PM
Very nice.. the lighting is perfect and the composition and focus are excellent as well :)
06/04/2002 10:51:00 PM
this is wonderful - a winner. I love it just the way it is and would not change a thing. great job.
06/04/2002 10:26:00 AM
oh good...another shot of another cute little girl...this time she's holding a flower...yay!!!!!!!
06/03/2002 07:44:00 PM
I love the exposure and skin tone. Great job with eye highlight.
06/03/2002 05:15:00 PM
Very good job
06/03/2002 03:52:00 PM
Just a great b&w portait. Very well done. Congrats to you!!!!
06/03/2002 02:49:00 PM
06/03/2002 01:41:00 PM
not grayscale (flower)
06/03/2002 01:35:00 PM
Cute shot, though it needs some work on the composure side. The grass on the left seems like waste space.
06/03/2002 10:15:00 AM
Wonderful, she's such a cutie
06/03/2002 08:23:00 AM
Children can be hard to photography and not everyone can do it well. This is a well done photo. You captured the moment so well. She's not only a cutie pie... but her personality shows through ! (8)
06/03/2002 05:24:00 AM
What a sweetie. Lovely and clear.
06/03/2002 04:50:00 AM
Sweet angelic smile

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