Author | Thread |
08/30/2006 10:21:38 PM |
love the manufacture of your camera |
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08/29/2005 03:00:35 AM |
Hi everyone and thanks for all your votes and comments. 15 tens for my first entry, wow!
Inspiration - not from mesmeraj's lovely and very similar entry, I hadn't seen it prior to entering. If I had I might not have entered this image but I'm glad I did. Also hadn't seen the HP ad, don't watch all that much TV and it may not shown here in Australia anyway. I had seen something vaguely similar though - a hand holding a Palm Pilot which had an Xray image of the hand on it, as if the Palm was an Xray machine itself. I don't remember if it was here or on worth1000...
How was it done? A shirt folded and pinned up, a short wraparound skirt tied at midthigh level and a picture frame. I always intended to make the image black and white but oce I did this felt it was missing something, so decided on selective desatutation. I did tone the skin tones down a bit as they were too warm otherwise, I preferred the more muted effect. I had to clone out some picture hooks from the wall, the skirting board, fixed her hair and removed some giveaway wrinkes on the shirt. Used levels to get rid of most of the shadows on the background. Probably should have set the shot up better and spent less time in photoshop, but the final effect was pretty much what I pictured. I did have other shots where the props & hair was better but didn't like the lighting.
Thanks to my beautiful wife for posing and thanks to everyone who complemented her...
Message edited by author 2005-08-29 03:02:21. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/28/2005 06:26:53 PM |
superb idea and sense of humour - 8 |
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08/28/2005 06:18:03 PM |
unfortunately i've seen this done many times, and this isn't one of my favorite uses. i don't really see how the title fits either |
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08/28/2005 04:38:59 PM |
fantastic concept and shot |
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08/28/2005 03:05:32 PM |
Great effort and creativity in this shot. The angle of the model feels odd to me. I like the idea of using diagonals in photography, but maybe a different composition could render that, but make it look more balanced. I like the grey background with the greyish dress too. |
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08/28/2005 02:39:20 PM |
What a great photo! This remind me of the HP commercial that were on TV, but with a twist. Great use of the drab gray and black juxtaposed with the flesh! Gutsy photo and unique, which is important. It would have been even more fun to have her against a different background, maybe outside! I like the slight tilt to the image. Awesome job. One of my top 2 in this challenge! Good luck. 10. |
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08/28/2005 02:14:09 PM |
A touch of good humor with a special effect. Bumping up. |
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08/28/2005 07:02:24 AM |
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08/27/2005 11:19:32 PM |
Very cool idea; well executed. |
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08/27/2005 08:45:57 PM |
Well thoiught out and technically perfect image 10 |
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08/27/2005 05:04:07 PM |
mesmeraj? :)
this is executed better than the Illusions entry, both in the manipulation of cloth and the lighting. the greys are pleasing. (7) |
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08/26/2005 07:14:17 PM |
Funny that this idea was just used in the last challenge and someone still questioned if it was real. Almost flawless execution. I like how the model's arms are within the frame, it adds to the unreality of the picture. The only nit is the skirt. The waistband showing against the frame sorta ruins the effect. Bumping up because of the work it took to create this. |
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08/26/2005 01:44:02 PM |
wow, was this hard to do? |
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08/26/2005 09:37:18 AM |
very creative. a window to the soul. |
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08/25/2005 11:37:50 PM |
I really like your way of incorporating the nude aspect of the challenge. |
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08/25/2005 06:45:22 PM |
Interesting approach to the challenge. I can't wait to read your notes when the voting is over to see how you did this. |
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08/25/2005 05:39:43 PM |
Not sure this is what HP was going for in their commercials...
Very cool shot. Looking forward to seeing how it was done, although I have an idea already. Technically, I don't think it has much to recommend it. It's dark, the light is flat, and it's not well focused (maybe this is a DOF issue, because the skirt seems fairly clear). |
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08/25/2005 05:31:25 AM |
An interesting concept! Nice lighting and compositional work. The overall "grayness" of the image makes it somewhat bland to me. It is, nevertheless, an interesting shot. |
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08/25/2005 12:41:03 AM |
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08/24/2005 07:59:45 PM |
Well done! Top marks for creativity, IMO! |
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08/24/2005 07:49:03 AM |
Definetly out side the box concept. Well shot. (10) |
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08/24/2005 02:48:25 AM |
Every man's dream,. Unique and well done. I would have like more color, but that's just me. I gave you 8 |
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08/24/2005 12:58:47 AM |
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08/24/2005 12:09:59 AM |
very creative! Did you have to destroy a dress or is this actually a skirt and shirt combo? I think it worked out very well, nice and clean job. It would have been impoved if the shadow wasn't there. |
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08/23/2005 10:45:06 PM |
Very creative. Kinda gives me the impression of a hospital gown though. The head / hair falls into the shadows a bit too much for me. Very nice shot. |
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08/23/2005 10:34:08 PM |
Great shot, great idea and great choice of colors. |
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08/23/2005 06:00:51 PM |
Very interesting. Definately calls for a double take! |
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08/23/2005 03:14:02 PM |
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08/23/2005 03:04:50 PM |
Oh gosh thats funny. I recognize this style from the illusions challenge. This one is equally good. |
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08/23/2005 02:55:35 PM |
Great shot! Very cool. Bumping up... |
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08/23/2005 06:35:08 AM |
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08/23/2005 12:07:21 AM |
I like this I think this will do good. top 10? I admire you for submitting this, even more if it is a self portrait. Great job. |
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08/23/2005 12:03:32 AM |
Been watching a lot of HP ads, have we? |
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08/22/2005 11:15:11 PM |
I like the angles you used. Nice lighting. I think a black or white bg might set the model off and add a zing. Altogether a nicely done photo. |
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08/22/2005 09:37:26 PM |
I love the shot, it's a great technique, I didn't like the pose, nor the choice of "clothed" outfit. A slight bit of contrast with the background might have brought the scores up, and possibly choosing a different position of the frame, I probably would have brought it up vertically, and rotated it about 15 degrees counter clockwise, to catch a bit of the shoulderblade, and getting away from where the butt meets the leg. Not because of any aesthetics, but to add more pleasing skin, and hiding more of the "taboo" areas. |
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08/22/2005 09:02:27 PM |
I am predicting a blue ribbon for this one. Well executed. Did you just staple the dress parts to the frame or what? |
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08/22/2005 07:08:35 PM |
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08/22/2005 07:08:23 PM |
Have seen that before, i prefer to see that from the front, a8 |
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08/22/2005 06:42:38 PM |
This is very well done, and I like the meaning of the photo. Lighting is good if not a little dark. Background is great.
The choice of clothing seems a little old fashioned, but of course that may be intentional. |
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08/22/2005 06:33:17 PM |
Outstanding and creative idea. Wish it was a bit brighter/more contrasty, but well done anyway. :) |
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08/22/2005 04:48:20 PM |
I'm sorry, I just can't make the connection with the title. |
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08/22/2005 03:02:55 PM |
LOL great concept, a bit more contrast maybe? Good luck |
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08/22/2005 02:56:59 PM |
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08/22/2005 02:23:56 PM |
Interesting take on the challenge. Nice job. |
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08/22/2005 12:30:57 PM |
This is hilarious and clever. Reminds me of those HP printer ads. I gotta give you your props for originality. |
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08/22/2005 12:10:07 PM |
Great take on the challenge. Lighting okay, composition good, crop well done, tones work. You desated a small bit each each arm which is noticible (I only point out editing errors when they are this apparent). This is one image I would have framed if only because of the frame within a frame type thing. 8 - good luck in the challenge! |
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08/22/2005 10:45:37 AM |
this is hilarious, but i think if the woman was in a nun's habit it would have been even better! |
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08/22/2005 09:10:50 AM |
Excellent. Wonderful choice of colors. 10 |
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08/22/2005 06:31:17 AM |
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08/22/2005 04:21:49 AM |
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08/22/2005 02:47:07 AM |
For creativity, this is among the best. Interesting choice of angle and color. Excellent submission. Goodluck! |
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08/22/2005 02:09:32 AM |
looks like something from the illusions challenge... i think the placement of the buttocks makes the figure just a wee bit out of proportion. |
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08/22/2005 01:47:44 AM |
Hmmm... where have I seen this idea before? Cute! LOL |
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08/22/2005 12:38:55 AM |
A great idea! And very well executed too... |
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08/22/2005 12:34:07 AM |
hey! That's my illusion! Nicely done - you did it the easy way though ;) |
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