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Nature's perfect design
Nature's perfect design

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude III (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Heidmörk, Iceland
Date: Aug 17, 2005
Aperture: f3,2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 21, 2005

Got a friend to model, took the picture, played with it in pscs2 and voila!

Place: 15 out of 118
Avg (all users): 6.5162
Avg (commenters): 7.6230
Avg (participants): 6.5556
Avg (non-participants): 6.5074
Views since voting: 13566
Views during voting: 1499
Votes: 494
Comments: 71
Favorites: 12 (view)

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09/15/2007 03:53:07 PM
I really like that picture. The coloring fits great with the story the picture tells and I like the title.
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02/20/2007 12:31:10 PM
I like the earthly colours to this, it works great!
Very nice photograph!
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07/25/2006 01:25:55 AM
Love the coloring here. Excellent.
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08/29/2005 10:26:59 PM
An unusual and lovely study with a most interesting rendition. Truly in the classical mode. Congratulations on your top 20 finish.
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08/29/2005 05:33:35 PM
My opinion is this photo was extremely underrated. The pose, the color, the angles, the curves, the expression, the dof, the lighting, the focus are all excellent. This was my pic for a ribbon.

Very well executed photography.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/28/2005 11:43:20 PM
Lovely shot of this woman and the landscape around her. Very emotive photo. Good job.
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08/28/2005 11:35:38 PM
I like your setting. very pretty.
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08/28/2005 09:43:55 PM
I like the muted tones in this.
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08/28/2005 08:09:13 PM
My favorite image of the challenge. Technically excellent image with beautiful tonality. Subject is a beautiful woman with an expression & posture that relays both vulnerability and silent strength. IMO the best portrait I've seen in my 11 months on the DPC. Great work.
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08/28/2005 03:25:34 PM
I like the feel and color of this image. The model is in quite a weird position but does not seem unnatural.
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08/28/2005 01:32:35 PM
Wonderful tonal range! Could be a text-book example on why less saturation sometimes works better than more.

The texture of her freckles and the moss is also a great combination. The unruly hair is a nice touch, totally appropriate for the natural surroundings. Not thrilled about the bland expression, but can't think of a more appropriate one. 9
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08/28/2005 01:00:07 PM
Nicely done. Nice tones. Would be interested to see what it looks like with the skin and hair toned down a bit further.
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08/28/2005 07:31:14 AM

08/27/2005 11:37:42 PM
very appealing color treatment. nice pose on the model, who looks comfortable in that landscape.
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08/27/2005 11:15:14 PM
Good setting and choice of model for this type. She has a very earthy in this natural frame.
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08/27/2005 11:00:40 PM
Great use of color, pose, and juxtaposition. Everything works here.
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08/27/2005 07:11:40 PM
Love the composition, nice warm color also. The space on the right really lift the image. Maybe a horziontal flip would work better, since most of us humans read from left to right. Maybe not, good photo! 8
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08/27/2005 04:23:51 PM
Reminds me of a fairly or a nymph...its just such a cool photo.

Excellent shot.
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08/27/2005 12:10:00 PM
nicely done.
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08/27/2005 09:22:16 AM
nice lighting and focus
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08/26/2005 10:26:56 PM
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08/26/2005 07:51:23 PM
I love the colors and the mood. The pose looks akward. 7
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08/26/2005 10:16:20 AM
A very nice shot , clear and clean .
Excellent job !
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08/26/2005 02:00:47 AM
I like the style but the pose to me is awkward and the model looks uncomfortable in it it certainly to me do her justice . 4
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08/26/2005 12:21:00 AM
The coloring is exceptional. I like the contrast of her light skin, red hair and muted setting. Her pose looks uncomfortable.
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08/25/2005 09:29:58 PM
I love the saturation of this photo. I think it will do well. I love the composition. Great job. Good luck.
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08/25/2005 08:19:56 AM
Very Beautiful. She looks sad. It makes me want to hop into the photo and comfort her. I am really effected emotionally when I look at this. Each time I look at it, and then click away, I feel like I have abandoned a friend in need.

Ok, so it sounds like I'm not mentaly stable now! haha

AWESOME JOB - My favorite photo so far!
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08/25/2005 07:15:35 AM
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08/25/2005 05:50:02 AM
I think this would be better in B&W. The colours look very cold, and uncomfortable for the model. This would also hide the splotchiness on the skin. Composition is good. The back looks a little over exposed.
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08/25/2005 12:48:59 AM
Nice shot. I like this one for the simpleness of it.
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08/24/2005 07:41:06 PM
Beauriful image!
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08/24/2005 05:46:18 PM
I think the image is slightly too desaturated. I'd like to see the color better on her hair and her lips. If she's just paler than averae, sorry to you and the model, but the moss/lichen and flowers behind her look that way as well. Lovely pose, and composition however.
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08/24/2005 03:14:42 PM
Love the tonalities of this. Compositionally, I wish her leading foot weren't so precisely in the horizontal center of the image. I'd liek to see another 50-75 pixels on the left, even if this meant giving a few more top and bottom to keep it from being too "skinny" an image. Nevertheless, really nice work and a strong score on my chart.
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08/24/2005 11:24:41 AM
WOW! what can i say..a 10
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08/24/2005 09:57:45 AM
This is just really good. I love the composition and the colors. The voyeur in me wants to see more. 10 and to Favorites
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08/24/2005 03:12:57 AM
If your model had looked more comfortable this would have been great. Color and lighting are wonderful. a change in pose and you may have a masterpiece.
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08/24/2005 02:17:08 AM
nice framing, I like the toned down colors, but the fact that there's still color.
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08/24/2005 12:20:55 AM
Very well done shot. Love the colors! Nice pose from the model, although her left foot seems a bit oddly placed (maybe it could have been pointy, or silghtly moved). Very nice expression of the face. Lovely environment. Very nice composition and crop. 8
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08/23/2005 09:11:19 PM
This works so well because it shows beauty in its natural state. Your model is lovey, and the setting is perfect.
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08/23/2005 08:44:21 PM
beautiful, natural, love the color tones.... 10
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08/23/2005 06:06:41 PM
By the look and style, i already know who's work this is ;)
Composition is very nice if a bit off on the lower part (little bit more space would be nice). Model's posture is unique and shows some interesting struggle of emotions, although i don't feel the model to be quite confortable doing so. Althought this is the author's style, i feel there is a certain lack of colours in the background that could give more power to the shot. Same goes for the frame which is nice, but somehow, doesn't quite help the model. Finally, DOF is nice, but i'd loved a little bit more depth. None the less, very good mastery of the composition and style. Nice work! 8
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08/23/2005 05:58:30 PM
Great tone and lighting. Very nice pic. Nice balance 10
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08/23/2005 05:39:15 PM
Beautifully done in an almost fairytail like setting. Nice work!
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08/23/2005 02:48:42 PM
This really is a beautifully natural image. I love the muted tones and the alibaster skin - makes for a nice contrast against the ground.
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08/23/2005 02:31:50 PM
Very sweet, innocent and "fairy-like". Love the somewhat subdued colors that almost look hand-tinted. 9
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08/23/2005 05:54:16 AM
one of the few great pics, well done.
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08/23/2005 01:39:04 AM
love the location and the model, don't like the pose. It looks too uncomfortable. I realize you probably wanted to keep it tasteful, but there are other ways and poses to hide everything. I would love to see some of the other shots for the shoot, I bet you have something amazing in there
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08/22/2005 11:36:50 PM
Well done technically, but boring compositionally. 6.
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08/22/2005 11:36:30 PM
I think the faded colors in this shot gives it an interesting look. Good composition and lovely even lighting over the whole shot.
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08/22/2005 09:29:00 PM
I love the textures, colors, and crop. The model is perfectly posed and has the perfect expression. This is a very well done photo.
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08/22/2005 08:03:27 PM
Great composition, good autumn-like color tones. Good work.
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08/22/2005 07:24:43 PM
Brillant! Straight into my faves
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08/22/2005 05:27:19 PM
great capture.... model just looks a little uncomfortable... I love the lighting
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08/22/2005 04:21:32 PM
This girl's pose looks really uncomfortable, wonderful setting and lighting, just wish she looked a bit more relaxed and natural
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08/22/2005 02:26:38 PM
I like the choices for colors in this shoot. Sets a nice mood.
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08/22/2005 01:50:53 PM
Nice subtly on this one. Very serene and fantasty looking.
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08/22/2005 12:09:51 PM
Nice picture. I would like to see the model looking more comfortable and less tightly posed.
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08/22/2005 11:05:11 AM
This is such a special photo. The treatment is wonderful and suits the scene well. The placement of the model, her pose and expression are all perfect for the mood. Very beautiful, natrual looking photo. 9
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08/22/2005 10:00:59 AM
gæti þetta verið Lena? : )
Vel farið eftir þumalputta reglum um uppsetningu á myndefni. Góð skerpa og flott hvernig bakgrunnurinn er einföld náttúra og nakinn líkaminn fellur vel inn. Flott mynd, nema mér finnst titillinn ekki passa við myndina, sennilega vegna þess að hún er svo sorgmædd á svipinn.
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08/22/2005 09:58:44 AM
Love the tones and the texture. Lighting works, composition, crop, POV good. 8
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08/22/2005 09:21:55 AM
I really like the tone of this photo. The composition is great too.
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08/22/2005 09:06:09 AM
another 10. Great work on post-processing. surreal effect.
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08/22/2005 08:39:18 AM
a very symphatic nude
love the warm toned setting
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08/22/2005 01:56:55 AM
Reminds me of a Led Zepplin album cover. Cool isolation.
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08/22/2005 01:44:07 AM
i love nudes in nature, and this is no exception. The model reminds me of Lauren Ambrose - she has that same Renaissance aire that i enjoy. The pale coours suit the models pale skin. So tranquil.
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08/22/2005 01:42:25 AM
Awesome shot! Seems like a heida shot (or at the very least it was shot in iceland)
I really like how the model stands out against her surrounding but yet is very much part of it. lots of mood and feeling in this shot. big thumbs up from me!
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08/22/2005 01:40:56 AM
I really like this photo. It gives me a feeling of 'rugged beauty', if that makes any sense. Great detail present, and a smart composition. I like the pose and the very contemplative look on the subject. Very nice job.
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08/22/2005 12:47:32 AM
Looks like a Heida pic. The desaturation works really well here, as does the textures of the ground. Nice job.
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08/22/2005 12:40:16 AM
Nicely done. I like the porcelain complexion against the dark countryside. Almost like a wood nymph. hee hee
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08/22/2005 12:27:20 AM
This is a good photo just the right desaturation.
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08/22/2005 12:22:49 AM
Terrific. Great composition and I like the post processing. Tasteful and beautiful.
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