Author | Thread |
01/08/2008 06:44:49 AM |
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04/12/2006 11:08:39 PM |
very interesting lighting technique...well done |
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01/14/2006 02:03:00 PM |
Very nice. I like the how you painted with light, to make it different from the typical nude. Great work.
Message edited by author 2006-01-14 22:42:37. |
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12/11/2005 06:22:12 AM |
This is a keeper nothing should change and your a master with this shot
A Best 10 |
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11/03/2005 11:44:21 PM |
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10/07/2005 01:02:23 AM |
holy smoke! i look forward to accomplishing a shot with that kind of finished quality to it...
beautiful. |
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10/04/2005 03:16:40 AM |
Hey how did you get that wonderful look that this photo has? The shimmer? Great shot by the way! |
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09/17/2005 09:18:14 AM |
WOW. I did't see this before...
It's so perfect!
Congrats! |
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08/31/2005 08:46:54 PM |
This is a great job! Reminds me of the sexy chick on who framed Roger the Rabbit movie, only with blonde hair. |
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08/30/2005 10:37:18 PM |
WELL DESERVED TOP 20 MY FRIEND! I really like the way you did the lighting, very creative. |
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08/30/2005 12:23:01 AM |
Congratulations for top 20 Steve. Beautiful model and image. Well done. |
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08/29/2005 10:30:27 PM |
Congratulations on your top twenty finish with this lovely light painting image. most intriguing. |
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08/29/2005 07:46:17 AM |
Very nice image. There are a lot of great shots in this challenge, but this should have been in the top 10 for sure. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see more of your work. |
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08/29/2005 02:48:37 AM |
i just dont get it... this is top 3 photo... so much creativity light contrast, skin tone, mysterious smoke above the subject.. just dont get it.. i really liked it.. its on my fav now.. |
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08/29/2005 12:03:31 AM |
I'm SOOOOOOO HAPPY WITH THIS FINISH! Thank you all for the kind words and votes!!!!!!!!!!
Message edited by author 2005-08-29 00:05:01. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/28/2005 09:15:45 PM |
The color and lighting are really unique. Nice composition. I think I'd maybe tone down the hilights a bit, but keep them there. Well done! |
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08/28/2005 07:46:25 PM |
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08/28/2005 07:43:49 AM |
good use of light !!! In my opinoin it needs a little more nude . . if u know what i mean ! |
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08/27/2005 11:12:47 PM |
You certainly win the price for most innovative lighting! The pose doesn't quite work for me. I like the strong diagonal composition, but I would prefer to see either less or more of her face and likewise either her entire leg or a tighter crop. But the light-painting really is marvelous! 8 |
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08/27/2005 11:09:14 PM |
Very good, sexy shot. A small nit-pick, but I would have asked the model to remove the earrings. They are not key to the shot like the underwear is and are slightly distracting. On the elemental level this is, considering the title, an erotic view of what draws us. Still, I like it. Good work. |
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08/27/2005 08:31:22 PM |
Wow this feels so surreal. Like she is a computer animated figure. I hope you do well with this one the concept is definetly unique. (10) |
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08/27/2005 07:29:00 PM |
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08/27/2005 07:08:35 PM |
I like this, but I am very distracted by the light on her side. I wish you luck in the challenge. |
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08/27/2005 06:01:48 PM |
Looks like an object straight out of Sims 2 or something, so plastic-y :) I like the achieved effect. |
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08/27/2005 04:24:23 PM |
very interesting lighting but the detail in the light stripes is completely lost, this may have been your intention and it certainly makes the image interesting. |
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08/27/2005 02:19:22 PM |
The lighting on this shot is incredible. It makes her body look as if she is wearing a nylon body suit!! The strip of light form her shoulder also accentuates the curves of her torso. very nicely composed, and indeed "Irresistable" |
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08/27/2005 12:55:50 AM |
Good stuff! I'm just not sure whether or not I should like the harsh lighting. Looks like she's a "neon body" or something. The light/shadow going on otherwise I think is pretty cool and so is the use of color(s) for this photo. The panty almost looks like it's just body painting, if it wasn't for the tiny shadow on right cheek, that illusion would be perfect.
Bruno |
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08/26/2005 10:49:27 PM |
This image is really irresistable. I kept coming back to this photo. I like the painting with light approach here. Quite different from everyone else :) An easy 10 and an easy favorite. |
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08/26/2005 07:39:19 PM |
I like the "metallic" look of the her skin. Nice composition & good colors. |
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08/26/2005 11:06:23 AM |
I love the lighting effect here. Very well done. Irresistible indeed! |
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08/25/2005 11:31:03 PM |
Nice play with the lights on her body. |
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08/25/2005 11:03:28 PM |
I don;t like the dodging lines, they look extremely unrealistic, as well as too harsh for my liking. |
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08/25/2005 10:34:56 PM |
Great shot - I found the light just a little too harsh. |
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08/25/2005 09:24:14 PM |
Lighting, glare effect, composition and model placement are all excellent. 9 |
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08/25/2005 08:26:17 AM |
I'd like a more subtle effect, since the subject is wonderful. |
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08/25/2005 05:44:42 AM |
What I like about this is the very high-key light that almost makes her look "metallic". I love the position that she's in - it looks natural, and the red panties are adorable. What I don't like is the rumpled, dingy- gray- looking bedsheets. That just ruins the presentation of the model for me. |
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08/25/2005 12:46:25 AM |
very good application of light.... |
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08/24/2005 11:13:54 PM |
Looks overly dodged, apologise if not accurate assumption.... 6 |
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08/24/2005 07:16:44 PM |
I like the harsh light tracing the model, it produces an interesting afterimage. The colors, focus, dof, and crop are all right on. Nicely done. |
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08/24/2005 12:25:25 PM |
Yeah, irresistible. I really like the playing you did with light. Strong composition. 9 |
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08/24/2005 10:02:44 AM |
Love it, hate it. I just can't make up my mind but I think this would have been a better shot without the glow. Still, a very nice pose with a very alurring model. 8 |
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08/24/2005 07:43:32 AM |
Great idea. I think the painted light was a little too bright though. 7 |
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08/24/2005 04:54:37 AM |
Very nice lighting. Thought you could work on the pose a little. Maybe show all of leg and a side of face. Would love to know details on this one. |
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08/23/2005 11:11:35 PM |
Try cropping a bit off of the bottom and right to create a strong diagonal. Almost looks painted. |
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08/23/2005 06:49:51 PM |
Very nice implementation of a very interesting idea! |
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08/23/2005 05:57:02 PM |
This is just way too cool. I really, really like the light effect. Takes the image to a whole new dimension. I hope you get a ribbon for this one! 10 |
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08/23/2005 05:23:33 PM |
The model and photographer should be proud of a shot that is so tasteful yet erotic. Wondertul anatomy composition, love the mystery in the model's partially revealed face. |
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08/23/2005 03:17:28 PM |
I think the ligting in this one, although it runs along her body, is a bit distracting. I would have liked to see this with more of a softer affect and not so strong. |
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08/23/2005 01:45:19 PM |
How (and why) was this harsh bring line of light painted over the outline of the model? The lines lead fine without this additional instruction. |
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08/23/2005 12:30:39 PM |
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08/23/2005 11:38:19 AM |
i love the white highlight lines running along side her body and legs. |
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08/23/2005 11:29:33 AM |
I am impressed by the technical competence but the empty highlights which mirror her pose spoil tonal gradations which contribute so much to feminine beauty. |
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08/23/2005 11:05:10 AM |
wow... interesting lightning setting... great shot and model... 8 |
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08/23/2005 06:15:06 AM |
burned out areas, light lines, does not really enhace your pic. |
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08/22/2005 11:59:31 PM |
Nicely posed, But the lines of light on her body are very distracting IMHO. 7 |
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08/22/2005 11:43:18 PM |
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08/22/2005 11:35:45 PM |
I think the light on your subjects body is a bit too distracting
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08/22/2005 09:36:53 PM |
At first I didn't like the harsh highlight, but it's growing on me. 8. |
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08/22/2005 08:52:14 PM |
The harsh light doesnt really add to the photo, it is quite distracting. Not exactly sure what kind of light you were using. The pose is very good though, so the only thing I would change, would to be ease the harsh lighting and you have a great photo! |
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08/22/2005 08:48:54 PM |
Interesting use of lighting. I like the shot, but the lighting throws me off a little. |
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08/22/2005 07:26:59 PM |
radiant and well composed (maybe a little too much light on her legs for me) a beautiful image against a perfectly captured background |
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08/22/2005 07:11:50 PM |
10, no comments, on of the most best |
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08/22/2005 06:24:33 PM |
Love the glow here but wish the sheet was more blurred or something, still beautiful! 8 |
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08/22/2005 06:00:57 PM |
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08/22/2005 05:04:51 PM |
Great capture... I like the dreamy feeling, but I'm not to sure about the lighting.... the lines seem a bit harsh |
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08/22/2005 04:51:42 PM |
Wow is all I can say to this shot. Favorite for me. |
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08/22/2005 04:20:12 PM |
The highlights spoil this shot for me. I assume they were intentional but I dont feel that they add anything to it just keep drawing my eyes all over the place, not too sure what it is I am meant to be looking at. |
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08/22/2005 03:21:48 PM |
Excellent shot. Gave it my highest score. Very effective lighting. |
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08/22/2005 02:47:01 PM |
Very good, Love the light following the body lines. |
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08/22/2005 02:00:11 PM |
creative shot. i think it is well done and althought usually im not a very big fan of such effects i like this one. |
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08/22/2005 01:54:39 PM |
Very nice. Very professional and sophisticated lighting going on... |
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08/22/2005 12:51:46 PM |
Very nice title for this image. I wouldn't be surprised to see this image in an ad somewhere. The lines of light seem a little hot for me, in a sense, but also like them as they help define shape, as if this beautiful model needs any help defining her shape. I like the details still available in the bed and and in the lace as well as her hair and the little bit of her face you can see. Nice image, which will be come part of my 'favorites' collection. <8> |
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08/22/2005 09:08:46 AM |
Stunning. At the least...this should be in top 5. 10 |
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08/22/2005 08:13:06 AM |
I think the light streaks detract from this image. The pose, the skin tones, the background, the crop, all work and are well done, but the lighting forces the viewer's eyes to follow that rather than look at the subject. Maybe I'm missing the point here but it seems to me the light is the subject rather than the model. |
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08/22/2005 06:04:45 AM |
I really like this, but the light trails are a little too harsh for my tastes. 7 |
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08/22/2005 03:14:03 AM |
The lighting seems overly harsh here. Perhaps it is the side effect of resizing the image, or perhaps it was the intent. Either way, I like the idea, but I find it just a bit overdone. Still, it is in the top 10 of this challenge, IMO. |
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08/22/2005 02:52:19 AM |
This is silky and very tasteful. I do not know what compelled you to use the light in the way you did but you made a damn good call. It accentuates the subject and does not disrupt the softness of the image. Good luck! |
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08/22/2005 01:48:14 AM |
The model has good tone and a good shape. I like the composition and the setting looks romantic. To me, the light painting is to harsh. Keep practicing because it is a great technique to use on nudes. gl |
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08/22/2005 01:33:40 AM |
looks like you used a flashlight to trace her body. this is an interesting effect, and the soft light it casts on the surrounding fabric is especially pleasing. I wish the flashlight lines hadn't all gone completely white - if you had used an ND filter or a smaller aperture on your camera, you probably could have retained some detail. but the young lady is pretty, and if this isn't scoring as well as you like (I know mine isn't!), don't let her take the score personally! |
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08/22/2005 01:31:57 AM |
Although unique, that lighting does not do much for me exceptn hurt my eyes. A nice pose and beautiful model, but the lighting overpowers everything. |
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08/22/2005 01:27:50 AM |
Interesting play of light. |
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08/22/2005 01:20:43 AM |
I like the strong diagonal here and the pose. I also like the lighting effect which appears to be shining a flashlight around the ridges of her body during a long exposure? Either way, it adds some extra interest. The red panties give a nice splash of color to the shot. |
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08/22/2005 01:15:32 AM |
Very nice. I really like the outline of the light on her body. |
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08/22/2005 12:29:55 AM |
waoh thats an awesome effect!
model has a great figure too
9 |
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08/22/2005 12:27:06 AM |
I love this angle, and the composition, but the light is too bright. Toning it down would have brought me to a higher score. |
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08/22/2005 12:12:24 AM |
I like the lighting effect on the body, makes your eyes go to the middle of the picture, maybe if it was just less bright it would be perfect. |
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