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Chocolate Kiss
Chocolate Kiss

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dairy (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A95
Location: Basement
Date: Aug 22, 2005
Aperture: F/2.8
ISO: Auto
Shutter: 1/13 sec
Galleries: Humorous, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Aug 22, 2005

Crop -> Curves, levels, hue-sat, lost track -> Resize -> USM

Shot at -1.3 step

Chocolate stings if it gets in your eyes!

Place: 98 out of 284
Avg (all users): 5.2095
Avg (commenters): 5.9783
Avg (participants): 4.9858
Avg (non-participants): 5.3308
Views since voting: 1691
Views during voting: 656
Votes: 401
Comments: 63
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/03/2007 12:08:33 PM
If this shot was taken recently, I would wonder if its chocolate or cow pie....Lol. You still have it....lol
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02/20/2006 02:43:31 PM

You are one weird but funny guy. Yeah, ummm, down in the states we have chocolate that "melts in your mouth, not on your face". I'll be happy to ship some up to you next time you get a hankering for some chocolaty goodness.
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09/11/2005 02:01:39 PM
I just went back to this image because it was posted in a forum thread and hadn't realized it was you Slippy! LOL I should have known! I thought (and still think) that this was a GREAT take on the Dairy challenge. I scored it a 9. Anyone who is willing to go through that deserves a decent score! It's actually a very cool shot in it's own right too. Good composition, crop, color, & focus. Keep it up!
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09/02/2005 05:48:58 PM
Gave it a seven, how on this green earth can people vote less then 5 on an image like this?
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09/01/2005 04:02:50 PM
oh slip! you're a 10 in my book!
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08/31/2005 06:21:08 PM
Ummmm.....WTF! Slip, like others have said before me YOU WERE ROBBED! I love this pic. Technicaly awesome, original and all around awesome pic! I gave you a 10! This should have been in the top spots!
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08/31/2005 12:31:42 PM
Good idea! I didn't vote but indeed this should have done better.

What might have been better here though is a slightly (even) closer perspective. I think the crop could have been stronger. Perhaps just the eyes, nose and mouth (make an L with your hand there and look at that crop). It's worth playing with some more unless you are 100% satisfied! After spending all the time and effort to rub chocolate all over your face!
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08/31/2005 12:24:05 PM
You were robbed dude. I gave you a 9.
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08/31/2005 10:33:05 AM
Originally posted by stam:

....... the eyes are a little distracting

My guess is they came with the head.
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08/31/2005 08:50:03 AM
This is simply a striking image!
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08/31/2005 08:20:22 AM
The creativity and originality of this shot deserved much better than it got. Well done Strikeslip!
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08/31/2005 08:06:49 AM
Gotta say Strike, you have been dealt a rough deal on this image. Easily a top 5 image for me. It has both plenty of originality and plenty of technical excellence. I gave this a 10, great stuff IMO
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08/31/2005 12:50:34 AM
You're just too delicious for words. LOL
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/30/2005 11:45:44 PM
Tacky indeed! lol. Great image as it melts before one's eyes. Bumping up.
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08/30/2005 11:25:55 PM
unique !
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08/30/2005 08:11:40 PM
Nice idea! The chcolate is a little uneven and the eyes are a little distracting
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08/30/2005 06:08:31 PM
I gave this a 9 just for the model's willingness to cooperate with your request to cover the face in chocolate. Great ideas come from good photographers. One of my top ten picks of this challenge.
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08/30/2005 01:00:50 PM
nice eyes and color use.
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08/30/2005 12:04:01 PM
Totally unappealing image. Good idea, but image makes the idea of chocolate and the kiss repulsive.
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08/30/2005 06:53:56 AM
Gosh, this is what nightmares are made of...
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08/29/2005 11:44:11 PM
Very original and out of the box. Truly a piece of art. Nice Job!
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08/28/2005 10:30:42 PM
What a sacrifice we make for the sake of art! Conscientious setup.
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08/28/2005 06:08:30 PM
technically chocolate is not dairy, i believe you mean "milk chocolate"....but for going the extra effort i'll give you the benefit of the doubt....

i also have a feeling green eyes that women are going to be after you like mad... *LOL*
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08/28/2005 12:16:38 PM
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08/28/2005 12:06:36 AM
Kind of freaky but a terrific idea.
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08/27/2005 08:49:57 PM
I don't know what this has to do with dairy, and honestly, it's a little bit troubling!
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08/27/2005 05:06:54 PM
I thought I'd gotten tired of seeing stuff smeared on peopl'es faces, but this has proven me wrong. That's pretty wild! The reasons that it works for me are these: The green eyes and red on lips jump out and really make it pop. It's a good crop, and I like the lighting.
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08/27/2005 01:26:47 PM
is this for real??
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08/27/2005 12:31:59 AM
Very...intriguing. I like it, but the image of Willy Wonka keeps flashing through my head (tee hee).
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08/26/2005 11:41:55 PM
LOL I don't know what to say...... morbidly fascinated here, what a lot of effort, before AND after. I do hope you had some fun with this beyond taking the photo.
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08/26/2005 08:12:14 PM
Whomever let you do this to them deserves the blue ribbon! Seriously, a great take on the challenge and the spark of creativity and effort that is the hallmark of only a select few DPCers. Good luck in the challenge!
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08/26/2005 07:57:09 PM
I've gone about 34 years believing everything is better covered in chocolate. I hereby admit my OBVIOUS mistake. Your creativity is bittersweet on this one. ;-)
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08/26/2005 07:35:05 PM
Wow... Hats off to ya for going through that! Not a bad pic to boot. Good job.
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08/26/2005 07:21:23 PM
Very creative
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08/26/2005 02:59:04 PM
Fit Challenge Criteria: 2/2
Contrast/Color: 2/2
Composition: 2/2
Photo Quality: 1/2
My Subjective Affinity: 0/2

Very interesting idea here. Too much attention is drawn to the eyes because of the whiteness and the green, so it is distracting from the "chocolate" face.
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08/26/2005 12:40:28 PM
is chocolate in the dairy group?
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08/26/2005 11:56:17 AM
Your model is either either very tolerant or loves chocolate WAY more than is healthy. Really great shot!
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08/26/2005 05:20:26 AM
I hope you know that chocolate is not a dairy, thank you.
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08/25/2005 09:13:16 PM
it's an original idea, but when I first saw this picture, I jumped. It's kind of scary. And the parts where you can see skin underneath the chocolate, the skin looks burnt.
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08/25/2005 08:59:41 PM
what a great photo. LOVE the idea. great face and goregous eyes. i also like the reflections coming off the chocolate. fantastic.
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08/25/2005 08:15:16 PM
they eyes ae beautiful
you might wanna make it so all of the lips have no chocolate on them are vis versa
only on the lips then none on the face
i bet this was yummy
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08/25/2005 06:15:40 PM
OHH yuck. 5.
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08/25/2005 04:52:05 PM
?? is that Slippy ?? A true work of art - lol
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08/25/2005 04:33:10 PM
I'll have to be honest, this reminds me of Lord of the Flies or something. I'm a bit disturbed. You must have had fun at least with all the chocolate. Your green eyes look very bright amidst the brown.
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08/25/2005 01:41:04 PM
OK, you are getting at least an 8 for effort. The glare on the chocolate is a bit distracting and makes it look OOF. Your lips make the picture look oversaturated too, but your eyes make this picture quite arresting. (I'm assuming this is a self-portrait because I don't know who else would let you do this to them...)
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08/25/2005 08:10:50 AM
this is amazing, i really like it, wooow
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08/25/2005 02:01:21 AM
Unappealing to look at.
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08/25/2005 12:38:53 AM
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08/24/2005 10:25:32 PM
I so hope this is chocolate syrup! :0)
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08/24/2005 08:45:38 PM
wow, this is a bit creepy.
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08/24/2005 05:19:08 PM
amazing texture on this one. Not too many people have worked the dairy milk chocolate angle. The green eyes really spice up the image as well. Nice work.
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08/24/2005 03:39:51 PM
this is totally scary!
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08/24/2005 03:29:52 PM
whoa! i love the effort put into this and it's such an original idea. the green eyes are a great contrast against the chocolate. i wish the reflection from your lighting wasn't so harsh.
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08/24/2005 02:39:56 PM
OMG! that looks messy!!
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08/24/2005 01:19:28 PM
Extremely brave and unique. Gosh this is crazy.
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08/24/2005 10:01:46 AM
very cool....
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08/24/2005 07:51:39 AM
a bit too much white reflection, not sure if chocolate is dairy. so...
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08/24/2005 04:28:02 AM
I know I am not supposed to judge you based on commitment to the photograph but I am giving extra point to the model. Also a super photo 8
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08/24/2005 01:29:56 AM
What an idea, good shot.
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08/24/2005 12:19:00 AM
And I am guessing that is MILK chocolate?? ROFL Clever take. Really clear shining image too. A+ for imagination.
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08/24/2005 12:13:38 AM
this isn't $20 worth of chocolate is it?
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08/24/2005 12:10:20 AM
I don't think I have ever seen chocolate look quite so unappealing... really cool photo though. :)
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08/24/2005 12:07:01 AM
Wow! (this is also quite horrifying, oh my goodness!) but what lovely eyes!
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