Greetings from the Critique Club!
This is a spectacular image, and certainly loaded with all sorts of contrasts ... there's contrasting colours, contrasting tones, and even a contrast between the two subjects (maybe that one was your intended primary contrast, given the title). I am particularly pleased to have the chance to consider and review this image in detail because it is the sort of photograph that usually doesn't appeal to me on first impression (I'm not a fan of photos of toy ducks, gnomes, frogs, etc). However, a few moments' study reveals some very impressive qualities, and forces me to eat my words. First, the composition ... it's really very good indeed. Not just because of the relative weight you've given your two subjects, but also because you have managed to suggest a genuine relationship between the frog and the sun's warming rays. The hint of strong yellow light on the edge of the sun is powerfully reflected on the frog's chin & belly. It's more than just cute, its very clever. Next the actual photograph's technically very sound; clean, accurately exposed, sharp and with nicely balanced colours. Finally, the processing ... it's here that I think you've stumbled just a little bit, and probably because you were so keen to emphasise the High Contrast theme; I think the tonal contrast is just a bit too strong, and perhaps it's sharpened a little too much as well. Overall, a very nice image that taught me a worthwhile lesson about hasty judgements.
Paul Martin |