*Critique Club*
First off, congrats. Beautiful view, and looking like a nice home too.
I notice a few things that I'd like to see differently regarding the photo. The house is perfect! lol
First, the focus seems to be a bit soft on the interior of the house. A bit sharper lines would really help to bring out the beauty here. The sharpest focus seems to be on the window to the right, where most of the light is coming in.
The lighting is probably the reason for the soft focus inside. With Low lighting, ANY camera shake will screw with the focus. It could have helped to either have some extra lighting, or to set the camera down on something. Also, if your camera has a timer, you could use the timer as well to eliminate camera shake from pressing the button.
I see you thought this out nicely. You have leveled your horizon very nicely, which is a really big pet peeve of mine. Dramatic angles don't bother me, but if it's off just enough to notice, I go crazy. You did a wonderful job there.
I think that the angle and framing/cropping are good. I like that you have the windows and doors open, creating a friendly open environment.
Overall, a little focus, and a little extra lighting would make this a surpurb photo.
~Heather~ |