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The Hustler
The Hustler

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: High Contrast (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Oslo
Date: Aug 29, 2005
Aperture: 5,6
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1,5 sec
Date Uploaded: Sep 1, 2005

Note: This picture was not taken with the Nikon D-70, but with a Mamiya RZ 67 with a P25 back. Didn't manage to add a second camera to my profile.

Place: 97 out of 343
Avg (all users): 5.8486
Avg (commenters): 7.4500
Avg (participants): 5.7834
Avg (non-participants): 5.9574
Views since voting: 751
Views during voting: 354
Votes: 251
Comments: 23
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/12/2005 08:57:21 AM
Amazingly underrated image. I had this in my top 3.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/11/2005 11:33:40 PM
Love this shot. Clever and original.
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09/11/2005 10:22:05 PM
Excellent composition and lighting!
Of of my top 10 favorite pics (9)
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09/11/2005 06:20:36 PM
This would be a nice image for a cigar advertisement. I like the composition, but I wish there was the contrast was a bit more.
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09/11/2005 12:47:54 AM
A little smoke would have been nice, super job, great light, 9
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09/10/2005 08:28:00 PM
Very nice. Excellent composition and setup, well executed. 10
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09/10/2005 02:13:21 PM
This shot is definately corner pocket...very nice. everything fits well. Composition focus and creativity are great. Well done in post processing.
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09/10/2005 09:39:57 AM
Very striking. I would like to see a little more highlight. 9.
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09/10/2005 12:55:30 AM
Nice shot
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09/10/2005 12:15:03 AM
great composition. i would have upped the contrast...especially for this challenge, as the image just has an overall greyish feel to it. looks like you did some post processing to darken the background, that could have gotten closer to the subject. i would have done an overall level adjustment , then either masked out the subject or used the doge tool to bring him back in. anyway, nice lines and lighting.
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09/09/2005 10:49:22 PM
Great focus & DOF. Perfect composition and lighting too. I'm glad I came back to this shot, because upon closer inspection it really is impressive. My only minor criticism is the obvious lines of processing in the dark areas around the figure (especially the hands and arms). Still a very strong entry.
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09/08/2005 11:55:08 PM
I like this.
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09/08/2005 12:17:17 AM
I like it! The mood is definately captured here. And being able to see the 8 on the ball does alot which may not be obvious.
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09/07/2005 08:01:54 PM
Me Gusta! Only thing I can suggest is the light in the upper right is distracting.
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09/07/2005 06:42:35 PM
very nice composition and light. i love the hand, it tell so much about the person. very calm and pensive. love the atmosphere.
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09/06/2005 11:27:29 PM
I really like this shot! Very Al Capon/1920s-ish. The contrast is great, the lighting and focus too. Only suggestion - it would have been neat to see his head, especially if it was still hidden in the shadows, with him wearing a fedora hat, so that his face was hidden, but still there. If that makes any sense... :) But still, great! 9
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09/06/2005 02:42:32 PM
Nice black atmosphere, but my experience is that voters will vote it down as being too dark. Nice composition and subject.
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09/06/2005 09:14:50 AM
Absolutely beautiful. The subtlety of light is amazing here. you've achieved a great balance here, with just enough tension to make it all work. If I had a hat, I would take it off. 10
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09/05/2005 11:50:55 PM
Um.........WOW!!!!!!!!! Beautiful in every way congrats on one hell of a photo! This had better do well.
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09/05/2005 03:15:58 PM
Atmostpheric......but cant help feel its a little too dark...would have liked a few more light areas.
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09/05/2005 12:31:38 PM
i love it... says a lot
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09/05/2005 12:51:29 AM
Nice photo. Dark on my calibrated monitor. Contrasting light on the hand is quite effective.
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09/05/2005 12:11:24 AM
Seems more dark than high contrast to me. I do like the "shot" though. Composition and set up is excellent just not necessarily a high contrast picture to me.
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