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09/20/2005 11:57:15 PM |
*Critique Club*
Ahhh...with the description, it all makes sense. Even with the title, I would not have gotten it, since I have no experience with palm readin or such. I wonder how many other people failed to see the connection?
The way I see it, almost anything can be turned around to be some kind of 'branch'. So it fits the challenge to me.
On to the photo. Lighting isn't the best. While the background is a nice dark color (minus the window), the lighting on the hand itself is bright. See in the center of the hand the yellowish bright area that kind of erases some detail. In the rest of the hand, we see the finger prints and such, but not there in the middle. Detail is gone. I think a different lighting might be helpful. I'm not sure what you used (no photographers comments) but definately something that's not quite as harsh, in my opinion.
White balance also looks a little off, since the hand seems yellow instead of typical skin tones. This is probably also a result of the lighting.
The window in the background is a bit of a distraction, unless it was meant to be there for some symbolism or something. Even if it was symbolic of something, I think it's almost too small to even really tell what it is. One commenter didn't recognize it as anything, it looks like a window to me, but I supose it could be a lamp with a goofy shade. Anyway, point being, I think that if it serves a purpose in the photo, it's too small to properly portray that purpose. If it does not serve a purpose, then it doesn't need to be there. It's a distraction to the real purpose.
Focus and clarity appear to be ok, if maybe just a tad soft, we still get some nice detail in the finger prints and lines.
Overall, it's an average photo, lacking something to really make it stand out. Good take on the challenge, and need more equal lighting.
Message edited by author 2005-09-21 13:41:43. |
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09/16/2005 07:30:22 PM |
I think it's an interesting idea for the challenge, but I don't think the execution of it is very interesting. The angle, the lighting and having whatever that is in the upper right background, all give it more the feel of just a quick snapshot vs. a thought out photo.
I would have prefered a higher angle looking down on the hand, setting the white balance so that the skin had a more natural tone (or switch to black and white), and be more careful of the background.
I like that it's a creative and unique take on the challenge topic. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/13/2005 01:44:11 PM |
I love the concept of this one. The image in the distance (to the left of the pinky) is distracting (a continuous black background would have been helpful). The palm is a little overexposed so I'm missing the texture of the palm lines. I like the depth of field and the position & shadows on the fingers. |
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09/13/2005 01:19:44 PM |
09/12/2005 07:34:58 PM |
For a simple shot like this to work, it has to be perfect. The lighting on your palm and thing in the background (upper right) are too distracting. |
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09/12/2005 05:40:21 PM |
very strange perspective... makes the hand look disturbing, almost scary... add a fifth one: angst (slap in the face) |
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09/11/2005 07:12:19 PM |
Sorry I just don't find a highlighted palm all that interesting, now if you showed me one growing hair... |
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09/08/2005 08:19:52 PM |
Interesting take on the challenge. What is that between the ring finger and pinky? I do not see its purpose in the shot, so it makes it a bit distracting. Good shot though. |
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09/08/2005 07:55:49 PM |
I saw a picture just like this so a point for uniqueness! The lighting that bounces off of the hand is a little distracting though. |
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09/08/2005 06:12:13 PM |
Good concept. Can't really tell what the object in the upper right is. It's a bit distracting. Good focus on the lines of the hand. |
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09/08/2005 05:09:03 PM |
Very nice. I think this shot could've been better without the window in the upper corner, though. And if the lighting on the palm hadn't been so overexposed. Love the concept, though. |
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09/08/2005 04:45:46 AM |
The light is too harsh on the palm practically losing the lines which should be jumping out of the picture. The window in the corner just seems untidy as though an accident. |
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09/07/2005 10:23:52 PM |
The hand looks somewhat distorted (was that intentional?) I also find the object in the upper right ditracting, but I like your take on the challenge. |
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09/07/2005 07:42:54 PM |
Nice photo, and it's an original idea. (I've never seen a picture like this in the competition) I think you did a great job. |
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09/07/2005 06:08:47 PM |
Focus on the hand is good, just a shame you didn't move the object from the top right corner before shooting. Just leaves me wondering what it was. =) |
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09/07/2005 03:48:59 PM |
be careful with your ighting and colors |
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09/07/2005 09:49:53 AM |
found the computer(?) in the background a large distraction |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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