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i've got a secret...
i've got a secret...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color Portrait (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Upper Street, London
Date: Sep 10, 2005
Aperture: 1.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Candid, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Sep 10, 2005

We were playing around while waiting for the rain to subside and I accidentally caught this shot. I thought it was alright so I decided to send it in.
Very little postproduction, a bit of this and that, mainly multiplying layers, sharpening and cropping.

Place: 37 out of 284
Avg (all users): 6.2925
Avg (commenters): 7.5200
Avg (participants): 5.8919
Avg (non-participants): 6.6412
Views since voting: 2496
Views during voting: 690
Votes: 318
Comments: 35
Favorites: 9 (view)

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12/09/2005 09:35:17 AM
This is truly an awesome shot; and heres what I like about it; there isa a great amount of focus in all th eright spots, the eyeball is placed perfectly and the viewer is gravitated in a circle ending up on the pupil. The composition is further enhanced by the wrapped light blue perfectly complimentary hood; and then, the expression, which is confident and not contrived, makes this gold.

Perhaps the only criticism, if any, is the tightness of thew subject aspect, perhaps seeing a bit more blurred for persective, but then again, that is what framing and matting is for.
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09/21/2005 01:42:18 PM
Hey folks, thanks for all the comments..! Just to correct some things... first of all, this was not a set up shot! It was completely an accident and therefore I did not go for this pose deliberately, the hood wasn't oh so perfectly over the other eye, didn't shoot in RAW so I couldn't fix the burnout and so and so. Second, her eyes and skin are like that. Believe it or not. I'm the last person to take original details out of pictures, and if that means bloodshot eyes, then so be it. That is however a matter of oppinion, whether you like it or not. And even better, I did no spot levels/curves on this image, meaning the eyes are no whiter than they should be. Maybe a bit too sharpened especially on the right side hair I agree, but no, not way too much.

But again, thanks for at least commenting, made my day.
09/20/2005 01:30:16 AM
I was searching this one in the first 10...

i love it.. and i guess people were stuck with the rules in the voting thing... (probebly focus bullshit)
but i just think you got the right focus and lighting.. this one is excellent..
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/18/2005 09:01:08 PM
the veins in her eye are a little creepy, but besides that, i really love this pic. you have great DOF and contrast here. the expression on her face is great :-)
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09/18/2005 10:50:37 AM
How can I not bump this up even more! Very original composition, great expression and I love the side lighting! The out of focus foreground and background add an enormous amount of depth! The only minor thing I migh say is that IMHO, the tiny bit of left eye seen is a tad distracting (perhaps because it's only the white of the eye we see here?).
this image really tells a story, even without the title! WOW, very well done. I hope you score high!!!
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09/17/2005 12:19:45 PM
Very effective!
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09/16/2005 03:49:45 PM
I'm very impressed with this shot! i have to be honest and tell you that the eyes make it!
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09/16/2005 02:20:07 AM
such a great shot! love the personality that comes through. My only suggestion is go easier on the eye whitening. My rule of thumb is to whiten until I think it looks good, then fade it to 30% or 40% of that - in case you even care what I do!Really nice work though
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09/15/2005 12:39:59 PM
amazing frame, i really like it
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09/15/2005 11:22:28 AM
Great capture! Great expression. Couple of hot spots, but small potatos when viewed overall. 9
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09/15/2005 07:49:20 AM
nice playful shot. wish you could have used photoshop to clear out the whites of her eye more. 7/10
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09/15/2005 07:07:25 AM
Love the use of the hood to frame the face. Lighting is lovely. This has a lot going for it....
....but she looks a bit sinister with no pupil showing in her right eye.
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09/14/2005 10:00:06 PM
Good shot, the blood shot eye makes the image a little darker. Very interesting focus.
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09/14/2005 06:26:52 AM
Well it's a good idea and a potentially appealing pose, but I think something seems to have gone wrong between camera and DPC. I know that you've gone for this look deliberately, but she appears a little muppet-like to me. I'm prepared to suffer your wrath about my comment ... I take that risk only because I think you've taken a very good portrait of a very good model, and then slipped. Still worth a 6 from me, but should have been higher. Sorry!
09/14/2005 05:23:58 AM
This is an interesting perspective. I didn't think I would likeit when i saw the thumbnail but i do. The blood vessels in her eyes are very distracting though. Great that you filled the frame with your model and lighting is right on.
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09/13/2005 11:38:35 PM
A good portrait entry. The eye is...well...eye-catching :-)
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09/13/2005 09:24:44 PM
Among the great images in this challenges. Wonderful lighting, beautiful model. Great detail and textures, including in the shadows. My only drawback on this image in the veins that can be seen in her very lovely eyes. A little cloning would have taken this a notch higher. Good Luck! <8>
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09/13/2005 08:37:22 PM
Different spin. Wonder what she's thinking. Nice clarity. Well done. 8
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09/13/2005 01:22:33 PM
Beautiful DOF
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09/13/2005 12:09:16 PM
HAHAHA!! Love this picture! Are they eyes whitened? hmm... Good job!!
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09/13/2005 04:17:14 AM
wow i like this one
nice and sharp
good composition
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09/12/2005 10:00:19 PM
Nice pic, but way too much sharpening.
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09/12/2005 08:53:57 PM
Love the position and intensity of her look. Lighting a bit harsh on the right side.
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09/12/2005 06:49:47 PM
Uber sharp, super sharpness and shallow dof works great together, bringing the focus straight to her eyes. Her eyes seem a bit processed though, are they? Good job, rememberable shot.
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09/12/2005 04:32:42 PM
nice job....love the expression
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09/12/2005 12:56:13 PM
This is advanced editing. Why didn't you take out the bloodshot eyes? I think you should either have the other eye all the way covered up or visible, not partially covered as it is here.
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09/12/2005 09:48:28 AM
Very nice. I like everything about this picture. Well done!
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09/12/2005 04:42:18 AM
Great shot & angle, the composition is so playful.
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09/12/2005 03:42:37 AM
Sensational, the look in her eyes says it all. Great composition in general, and love the crop. 10
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09/12/2005 01:42:08 AM
I like this one alot!! Great crop and just a great expression! I love the depth! 9
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09/12/2005 01:39:31 AM
Oh I'm so glad you're creative :D I really like this one! A nice breath of fresh air from the standard "glamor" shot (not that there aren't some really nice ones in there too). Love the eye thing you got going on.
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09/12/2005 01:24:23 AM
cute. love the detail of her face.
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09/12/2005 01:16:31 AM
Cool use of DOF .. Nice sharpness on the left eye. Because of the wa the eyes are ooking up, the hood and the hair, the right eye looks kind of creepy to me
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09/12/2005 01:01:03 AM
very seductive, caught my eye, good work
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09/12/2005 12:22:22 AM
Great focus on the eyes and a very nice expression 8
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