*Critique Club*
The part that I'm seeing that is the most in focus is the front edge of the round part of the burner. That on it's own does not really say ANYTHING to me. It doesn't say home, and it doesn't say italian cooking. I see some blurry yellow mass in the back which looks like it could be food, but it is definately not appealing.
If this is suposed to be about the food, than maybe actually getting the food in the picture, and not hidden behind a burner arm might be a good idea.
Maybe even taking a photo of the actual food when it is served up. This could make for a nice, and delicious photo. I think maybe on plates, on your table in your dining room could create a better sense of "home".
The lighting is a bit dark. Seems that I want to see some more light to try to see this better, but I don't know if that would help cause one of the reasons its hard to see is that it's out of focus.
Maybe if you tried a wider angle on your stove. Backed up and took a photo of the whole stove, or the countertop.
The burner just isn't interesting to me. Sorry.
Photograph the place you call home -- and be creative doing it!
I am sorry but your picture does not carry the theme of the challenge for me. If it were to show you working hard on preparing a meal, now that could mean "Home Sweet Home" to me. 2
5. Fits the theme well enough, and there are no blatant 'you suck!' flaws to it, but neither does it really grab me for any reason at all. For reasons of composition, cropping, or subject choice, it's just a photo, and doesn't do especially much for me, aesthetically.
The focus is kind of scattershot. The two burner-prongs point your eye at the round bit, but then when you're there you can't really *see* it very well, which is kind of frustrating. None of the crumbs are focussed, though the tiny dropsplat of water lower-right is.
The focus is a bit rough in this photo, Im not sure what im supposed to be looking at, the grill, the arm, the droplet or the peice of pasta... I feel of all of the interesting things going on in the picture, you may have chosen the wrong one to be the center of attention. Thoe colours are warm and inviting, and do well to give a homely feeling. The highlights are a bit bright and some difusion may have improved it. It's made me hungry :)