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mother and a lamb
mother and a lamb

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color Portrait (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D2H
Location: Grindavik
Date: Sep 11, 2005
ISO: 200
Galleries: Portraiture, Animals
Date Uploaded: Sep 11, 2005


Place: 236 out of 284
Avg (all users): 4.6355
Avg (commenters): 4.8125
Avg (participants): 4.4044
Avg (non-participants): 4.8282
Views since voting: 701
Views during voting: 432
Votes: 299
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/16/2005 09:50:13 PM
Ooooo I love this. I just wish I could see their faces better.
09/15/2005 08:12:27 AM
way too dark
09/14/2005 07:31:18 PM
the faces are a little lost in the shadows.
09/13/2005 10:50:42 PM
Good capture.
09/13/2005 09:48:08 PM
Dang, I never knew mothers had horns !!! Too dark, can't see enough detail of facial features... too much lip gloss on mamma... :-) ....5
09/13/2005 04:05:54 PM
Really nice photo, hope this will be appreciated as a portrait..
09/13/2005 09:58:28 AM
They blend in too much with the background, and I can't see enough details in thier faces.
09/13/2005 04:25:23 AM
the bright parts of this image are beautiful, and i like the grass filling out the bottom right. I wish there were more visible detail in the shadows. if you use photoshop, try this-
hit ctrl - alt - ~ (tilde) to select highlights
invert the selection
ctrl - j to duplicate selection to new layer
set layer blending to screen
... and adjust from there. if you do any re-edits post-challenge, I'd love to see them!
09/13/2005 03:33:31 AM
DId you meter off teh white lamb? Too much shadows in the wrong place. And not really a portrait for me.
09/12/2005 09:33:16 PM
The dark shadow in front of them spoils this shot, it draws you eye into the black hole. If you were close enough a bit of fill flash would maybe have brought a bit more detail out in that area and made their black faces stand out a bit better?
09/12/2005 08:34:52 PM
I'm not crazy about the thick black border. My favorite part of your photo is the sheep on the left. Great lighting in that area.
09/12/2005 02:41:33 PM
Slightly too dark, imo. I like the move away from people.
09/12/2005 01:13:23 PM
Very good photo, but didn't feel it was in the spirit of the challenge. Felt like it would be unfare to others to give the score it probably deserved IMO.
09/12/2005 11:47:23 AM
The lamb looks like she is enjoying posing for your photograph. Nice Sharp Image.
09/12/2005 10:33:58 AM
That is a beautiful animal portrait! I hope you aren't getting hits because it is animals. . .I love it!
09/12/2005 07:55:26 AM
Skemmtileg túlkun á viðfangsefninu =)
09/12/2005 04:49:47 AM
Seems a bit too dark for me.

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