Hello, and greetings from the Critique Club. The critique you are about to recieve is tailored for DPC challenges alone, and is not intended to be seen as an artistic critique per se.
Initial Thoughts
Not a whole lot of interest here. The perspective is a little "flat"
Composition / Content
While you've got a pretty good composition going, the content isn't very flattering. The fence, while a good start, just doesn't go off at the most dynamic angle. One is really left looking at "just a fence" without any real perspective to it. There is *some*.. just not enough, IMO, to really stand this photo out.
While it's also because of the camera you have, I feel that there just isn't enough depth of field in this photo. Generally, you can get more depth of field by zooming in as far as you can.. going as close to your subject as you can and focusing to the most minimal distance (opposite of infinity), and choose the largest aperature you can. While point&shoot type digital cameras have less play with depth of field, I'm thinking that a getting a better angle on the fence (having it recede into the distance faster), and focusing on the nearest post, would have helped you achieve that shallower depth of field and blurred out the background more. This would have resulted in a much stronger and more dynamic shot for this challenge.
Camera Work / Technical
A nice exposure results in some good basic lighting here. Your focus is sharp where you wanted it, but as I said above, perhaps it remains too sharp into the background
Digital Processing
You didn't include any information, but I can tell you that the photo lacks just a *little* bit of contrast. It does come across as a little too dull and gray.
Fits the Challenge
While it does fit the challenge, I feel that the perspective as shown is a little flat, and would have been helped immensely with just a little shift in point of view.. getting closer to the fence, and shooting it at a more dynamic angle.. with the vanishing lines more towards the center of the image, instead of going off out the side of the frame as it is.
My Opinion of the Photo
It's not a bad photo of a fence, but in the end, that's all it is.. a photo of a fence. There's nothing really interesting, different, or "wow" about this to really put it above the pack in a DPC Challenge. Good luck in future challenges. |